Should the Veteran have got arrested for protecting the American flag?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Should the Veteran have got arrested for protecting the American flag?
309 answers:
M Shafiqul
2015-04-20 20:38:01 UTC
Men and women fought for this country, the flag is a symbol. Protest all you want, but don't disrespect the symbol, nor a soldier,We have the freedom to do so much here, but it came at a very expensive price and many lives have been lost. Honor the military, hate the war, conflict, but NEVER disrespect.A veteran should have the right to protect the American flag. It is normal ethical behavior. Unfortunately, the American justice system rarely puts ethics above personal bias and/or money.
2015-04-21 00:40:23 UTC
If you believe in absolute unrestricted free speech you can burn the flag, draw pictures of Mohammed buggering poodles, deny the holocaust and surf for porn on library computers.......but don't be surprised if people don't like you much.

In this case, the veteran was attempting to stop them making their statement, so it is right the police should intervene.

To those who talk about respecting soldiers who fought for their If free speech means anything it must mean freedom to disagree with mass killing and the idea that your country of birth is automatically right in any conflict.

War is death and invariably rape on a large scale. The best you can say about it is that on a particular occasion it was justified because the other side were worse, the consequences of not going to war would have been worse than going to war and the decisions of the generals were good under the circumstances.

Now think of every war in history, from all sides perspectives and imagine what each side was saying afterwards and you will see how debatable these statements are, and how immoral it is to stop people expressing opinions on the subject.
2015-04-21 17:30:12 UTC
There are times when the police arrest a person for their own protection. Lets not forget the flag is just a symbol. Actual freedom take priority. I love the flag. I love america. I am a veteran. People do stupid things. If we make every stupid thing illegal we would all be automitons.
2015-04-20 19:10:31 UTC
She shouldn't have been arrested...but she shouldn't have done it. It sucks to see someone disrespecting the flag, but even though she was well intended she shouldn't have done it the way she did.

I don't like it, but it is their right to disrespect the flag. I am a veteran, and I served to protect and defend the constitution...and while that type of freedom of speech is bad, I have to let them have it. I don't agree with what the protesters were doing at all...but they had the right to do it.

I think the police should have let her go...
Armchair Goddess #1
2015-04-20 18:55:33 UTC
The flag was not hers to take. To borrow some lines from the movie, "The American President," (paraphrasing) spoken by lead character Michael Douglas: "Democracy is not easy...You can express your right to free speech but then also have to accept the rights of others to burn an American flag in protest of a war..."[or words to this effect].

I too am a military veteran from the Vietnam era. This woman had a right to launch her own counter demonstration or protest with her own flag, but she was guilty of theft and perhaps even of inciting a riot when she intruded in the manner she chose.

In the same way that "the map is not the territory" the flag is not the nation. It is a symbol...nothing more.
2015-04-21 09:16:31 UTC
From what I understand, the veteran wasn't arrested for protecting the flag; she was arrested for resisting arrest. And like it or not, stepping on the American flag is considered to be a First Amendment protected form of free speech, and keep in mind, free speech doesn't necessarily mean popular speech.
2015-04-22 05:33:21 UTC
“Snatched” it was. For starters this was a case of theft, pure and simple. A female protester can be heard in the video telling Mrs. Manhart, “It’s not yours.” And it wasn’t. That’s why Manhart was eventually arrested by police. Yet Manhart attempts to justify her theft with a socialistic argument. She retorted to the protester, “This belongs to, actually, the entire United States.”

Well, no, actually, it doesn’t. It is private property. Even though the flag is a symbol for the United States, individual American flags are not community property. The argument is ludicrous. In fact, in one of the landmark flag-burning cases, when the Supreme Court decided that flag-burning was protected as free speech, one of the defendants nevertheless was sent to jail because he had stolen the flag from a government building. It was private property.

What about “pornography”? It turns out that Mrs. Manhart is only a “former” veteran because she resigned after being demoted from her rank as a staff sergeant. Demoted, why? For disgracing the military uniform by posing both nude and in uniform in a 2007 Playboy spread.

But surely that was just some youthful mistake, right? Well, Mrs. Manhart was already married and had two children when she made that decision. She remained unapologetic afterward.

Aside from making trips back to base a bit awkward for Manhart, the authorities weren’t too happy with her. When they took official action against her, she couldn’t accept her punishment, so she quit.


She then tried to advance her “modeling” career with another skin stunt, this time running into pure hypocrisy. In 2008, she posed all-but-nude for PETA, including a shot in which—pay close attention now—she covered her privates with an American flag and the American flag was dragging on the ground.

Manhart said she knew the flag would touch the ground during her photo shoot and took preliminary measures to ensure that it was disposed of properly.

Ironically, in the video of the recent incident, you can hear Michelle lecture a protester that the flag needs to be “properly disposed of.” The interlocutor responds, “We’re going to take care of that.” But Manhart refused to give it back anyway.

Apparently, she can desecrate a flag for her pet cause, but people with whom she disagrees cannot.
2015-04-21 08:19:05 UTC
No she shouldn't have 'got' arrested for protecting the flag, but she did resist the police officer and that is illegal. Those "punks" have the right to do what they want so long as they don't hurt someone or infringe their own ideals upon someone else (like she did) Also, hypocrite-san, you seem to be very ambitious: "My passion for the flag is that of a moth to light. The flag is so beautiful and it should be worshiped because it is god. Flag is love, flag is life" You must be in theater. Just kidding! :3
2015-04-20 19:49:24 UTC
A veteran should have the right to protect the American flag. It is normal ethical behavior. Unfortunately, the American justice system rarely puts ethics above personal bias and/or money.
2015-04-21 18:32:03 UTC
As a veteran myself, I took an oath to defend the constitution, which also includes amendments, in this case, the first amendment. What this female veteran did was violate the peaceful protesters' right to free speech, because her feelings were hurt. Feelings don't trump rights. She had no right to intervene and violated her oath by doing so. She also stole private property, then resisted the order of the cops to return the property and to be placed under arrest.

It is not okay to stop a peaceful protester, just because you don't believe in their statement or actions. She could have talked to them about what it is their protesting and inform them of why she feels their protest is wrong. She could have held her own counter-protest too. Either would have been okay. Under no circumstances is it legal to take one's possessions; that's called theft.

I do not stand with this veteran, however I do, for the rights of free speech, support the protesters with their physical actions to trample the flag, because it is their right to do what they want with their property. What I don't know of is what they were protesting. I haven't found that out yet, nor dug around for that info.
George Loves Tacos
2015-04-22 05:33:48 UTC
No the veteran should not have gotten arrested.

The ones who disrespected the flag should have gotten arrested.

Those anti-American punks don't realize how good they got it here.

If those same people did something like that in Cuba, China, or North Korea they would have been arrested for treason.

She's a veteran it's her instinct to protect the flag. It shouldn't even be allowed to publicly disrespect the flag.

The flag is the symbol of freedom. Men and women died for that flag. Not for you to publicly ridiculite.
2015-04-22 07:14:28 UTC
I may be wrong but it seems to me that several years ago there was a law that came in about disrespecting the American flag, and people now wear the flag, have bakinis wearing the flag, their pets wear the flag, etc. and I think it has gone the way of the first amendment rights, people can do what they want to do. But you say this American Veteran "resisted" the police so that resisting can get them jailtime no matter what they're fighting for.

What do you mean "public ridicule of the anti-American punks"?

It seems to me in the past you could do a citizens arrest, but I certainly wouldn't attempt that with regard to a bunch of punks except to sit back, call the police, and hide yourself while you take pictures.
2015-04-23 05:59:30 UTC
I'm glad they were trampling on the flag. That means many people will now not logically read the remainder of this post. That won't be out of what they see as patriotism. It will be because my sentiments differ from theirs. And, that is utterly the point. The USA is a democratic country. Trampling on the flag is bound to upset some people. The point of democracy is that people can do these things. It isn't wrong because someone thinks that it is. To me the whole issue has got twisted. The issue should be that whilst they are trampling on a symbol of democracy it's because it's a democracy that can happen.

As I don't know the exact reason for the woman's arrest I can't comment on it. The linked news article leaves that vaguely unaddressed. They police may or may not have good cause to arrest her. Only the officers who made that decision can answer for it. We weren't the officers on the scene. It's easy for the author of a news article to present the story in one particular vein whilst not giving the entire picture. A lot of responses suggest that many people are looking at this with tunnel vision and not seeing the bigger picture.
2015-04-23 01:47:01 UTC
I may be wrong but it seems to me that several years ago there was a law that came in about disrespecting the American flag, and people now wear the flag, have bakinis wearing the flag, their pets wear the flag, etc. and I think it has gone the way of the first amendment rights, people can do what they want to do. But you say this American Veteran "resisted" the police so that resisting can get them jailtime no matter what they're fighting for.
2015-04-28 06:47:08 UTC
They "Threw it away" therefor it was up for grabs, so the theft remarks are silly.

No, she should not have been arrested, she was not on private property, she has freedom of speech just like the protestors and the police had zero right to TOUCH her when she did not get physical with the protes tors.. She simply rescued the flag from the disgusting disrespectful jerks. They can get the hell off US soil if they are going to trample the flag and those who lost their lives defending what it stands for. They have the right to protest what the hell ever, but everyone else has a right to oppose it peacefully, and she did not get violent. She didn't want the flag of the country she risked her life for to be trampled, her fallen allies along with it. She's a veteran, I don't think any would be able to stand by and watch their flag be trampled. we shold all respact
2015-04-22 02:24:19 UTC
Just an add, keep in mind that once something is on the ground like that, it's not theft for her to take it in the first place. They "Threw it away" therefor it was up for grabs, so the theft remarks are silly.

No, she should not have been arrested, she was not on private property, she has freedom of speech just like the protestors and the police had zero right to TOUCH her when she did not get physical with the protestors.. She simply rescued the flag from the disgusting disrespectful jerks. They can get the hell off US soil if they are going to trample the flag and those who lost their lives defending what it stands for. They have the right to protest what the hell ever, but everyone else has a right to oppose it peacefully, and she did not get violent. She didn't want the flag of the country she risked her life for to be trampled, her fallen allies along with it. She's a veteran, I don't think any would be able to stand by and watch their flag be trampled.

As for the protesters? They can protest all they want, but it should be illegal for them to trample the flag on US soil, they may as well be called terrorists. If they trample the flag in public, they had better be prepared for the billions to oppose it.
2015-05-01 19:39:03 UTC
The cops had little choice but to enforce the rights of the protestors. If they had permission from the campus together peacefully and engage in non-violent protest, then they did nothing wrong and Ms. Manhart had no right to grab their property because of the way these idiots chose to desecrate the flag.

Moreover, Ms. Manhart was wrestled to the ground for failing to comply with the orders of the police. That alone was grounds for arrest but the cops let her go, with the stipulation that she stay off campus.

This is a tough country to live in. Many of us who have served in uniform have the understanding that we have to protect the rights and freedoms of people who hate us, and hate what this country stands for and moreover, have the 1st Amendment right to say whatever they like. This has been interpreted to include burning or otherwise disrespecting the flag.

I hate what these people did to our flag. It makes me sick that college students whhaven't done anything yet except go to school have the gall to say that white people enslaved them and put them in this white supremacist place, etc... They haven't got a clue. They have no idea what blacks went through from colonial times until 1964.

Shame on them. And props to the cops because I am betting there was a veteran or two in the gropup that responded. For them to do what they did must have left a bad taste in their mouths...
2015-04-21 17:16:45 UTC
It is a sad day in this country when someone is actually arrested for protecting the symbol of this great nation. There should be a much greater support for the emblem of our country. Recently, a belly dancer was imprisoned in Israel for merely wearing the colors of that nation's flag on her dress. We have laws regarding the treatment of the flag of this nation but for the most part they are thrown under the bus in the name of freedom of expression or freedom to demonstrate. If those people who are demonstrating are of the opinion this is such a poor nation in which to live that they have to desecrate its symbol, maybe they should try living somewhere else for a while and see what some of the other nations on earth are like.
2015-04-26 09:07:34 UTC
First, do your homework, she was not arrested. She was removed from the property and was told that she could not return to the University. Second, the African American students that were desecrating the American flag, stole "their" flag from a Panama City beach resort so technically, it was not their "private property". And third, those pathetic excuse for American that were spitting on disabled American Vets and desecrating the stolen flag have been suspended by the University President, Kent Fuch witch will most likely result in expulsion. And maybe if there is any justice, those students will be punished for assaulting the Disabled American Vets and for stealing the flag. Yeah, all the facts pretty much makes their demonstration on racism a mute point. Freedom of speech does not give anyone the right to hurt others and steal property. The students actions were repulsive. Those disabled Vets put their life on the line for you, me and those pathetic students. We should all respect them for what they have given up to protect our freedom.
2015-04-21 08:55:15 UTC
A flag is a piece of cloth, and if that piece of cloth belongs to someone else, it s their to do with what they want. Freedom isn t just a slogan for rightwingers to claim they believe in. It means a person has the right to say what they want to, even if it s unpopular or you disagree with it. I d rather someone held more value for the freedom the protestors were exercising than for a piece of cloth that the protestors owned. Especially since that veteran had exercised her first amendment rights before in a way that others found distasteful.

She was arrested (but not charged) for resisting the police, not for "protecting the American flag".
2015-04-21 17:52:53 UTC
Definetly not. The young people today have no idea what it is like to be in a war situation. They do not realize that they can do & say what they want "NOW" because of the pain and sufferiring of our military in past wars with the ultimate sacrifice so we & they can do and say what they want for the freedom of speech that they throw in our faces's constantly. I wish they could go to the store & try to find something to eat & it's not on the shelf, or stay out late at night boozing without a problem. Or many ,many of the crazy things that young people do now a days without being arrested. How about going to school everyday & just learning about how to protect yourserlf if we were invaded? How soon we forget. OUR AMERICAN flag is a symbol of our sacriifice for ALL our freedoms. WHY are people from all over the world including folks that hate us are knocking down our doors to move to our country. WE HAVE FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Yet they come here to try to change us. BAH HUMBUG! I am totally ashamed of our young people who do not appreciate what freedoms they have. Due to the fact that many, many other young people in the military gave their lives so they can do exactly what they want leanning on the freedom of speech laws. Give me a break. I am a Korean war vet & have seen childrern digging in trash cans for something to eat. I wonder how many of our youth today in the US could servive in a situation like that. I hate to say it but our kids today are spoiled rotten (with exceptions of course). OUR FLAG is a representation of what AMERICA stands for. Sure it's a piece of cloth like someone has said earlier but it is OUR FLAG & every single country in the world honors their flag via the olympics if everyone noticie's as they send their athelics into an arena before compaittion. Every flag is represented with the pride of each country. Why, why not ours??? HOW dare these upstarts insuit our military an the pride & honor of the US citizens buy letting the flag touch the ground let alone burn it. As a Marine Veteran I am totally ashamed that I feel I wasted my time as a young person in the war to protect these idiots. This is my heart felt opinion.
2015-04-21 23:22:55 UTC
This is beyond doubt a sign that many people do not respect this country and what it stands for.

For the God's sake, this is in Georgia. If this was in Vermont, then nobody would stand up for it. Probably not even a veteran.

But in Georgia?

Regardless of where it happened, people do not come together anymore to respect the flag and the country that they live in.

And it isn't Obama, it isn't Bush, it is the people that are simply losing what we were. We used to be a country that respected each other. People can get along. I wasn't alive in those days, but everybody I speak with says that the morals of the people in this country are declining.
Bananas foster
2015-04-22 14:55:35 UTC
She absolutely should have gotten arrested. We don t have tiered levels of citizenry based on whether you did or did not serve in the military, and freedom means freedom to disrespect the symbol of the country. You may not LIKE it, but that s irrelevant. Even people who bandy about the flag and shout about how they love America and freedom seem to have problems understanding that freedom also extends to people doing things you do not like or respect.

While I would never disrespect the flag... it s just a flag. The thing that the flag represents should be far more important. And I think it is a very powerful message that people get more upset about a disserviced class of American s stepping on the flag than they do actually working to guarantee freedom for that group.
2015-04-20 19:41:38 UTC
Men and women fought for this country, the flag is a symbol. Protest all you want, but don't disrespect the symbol, nor a soldier,We have the freedom to do so much here, but it came at a very expensive price and many lives have been lost. Honor the military, hate the war, conflict, but NEVER disrespect. Years ago traitors were shot. Some see this as being a traitor. Remember this lady served for you. She gave you the right to be a jerk. NO, leaver her alone.If you are not happy, go live with ISIS for awhile. Believe me America will look pretty doggone nice afterword.
2015-04-21 08:44:19 UTC
She should be commended for protecting the American flag and standing up for her country. The anti-American punks need to be arrested. If she did something other than pick up the flag to protect it from desecration that is a separate issue. Anyone who wants to take a stand for our flag can take their own flag out and fly it in the face of those who want to desecrate it. Flying our flag with pride is a protected right. Anyone with any knowledge of the Constitution and pride in our country would be glad to fly the American flag.
Monte P
2015-04-23 11:50:02 UTC
Yes, she should have been arrested:

1) She stole property. This garbage about "it was on the ground so it wasn t theirs anymore" is silly.

2) The supreme court has ruled that the law against desecrating the flag is unconstitutional, and that flag desecration is protected free speech.

At the end of the day, this woman who claims she was protecting what the flag stands for was actually repressing the very thing that the flag represents---freedom.
2016-03-09 01:03:14 UTC
It depends on how open minded you want to be. Burning the flag is a political statement. You can criticize the burner for their actions or you can ask them why they are so upset with their government that felt they had no choice but to take such an action. Odds are it's an issue that affects others as well, maybe even you. Hanging a noose is not a political statement. It's provocative, even threatening. Threats are not protected speech. It's against the law, for example, to threaten the president.
2015-04-26 19:59:46 UTC
The U.S. flag is a symbol of our country. It represents our Constitution and our God given rights. Our Country's ethics and morals are based on the Constitution. So if you don't love our Constitution, you don't love our country and are nothing but an anti American traitor.

Now comes the hard part...

While the Veteran might have MEANT well she was breaking the law. While walking on the American flag may be offensive to some people, it is our Right as U.S. citizens to protest. One would think that a veteran, who has put her life at risk to defend the Constitution and our Rights would be GLAD that people re actually exercising those rights she defended. I don't agree with the protesters methods, but as a true American I support their lawful right to do so.
2015-04-21 17:43:23 UTC
No that's silly... but she should have been arrested for theft and disobeying a lawful order to return someone elses property. And resisting arrest once they gave her the 10th chance to just walk away

That's the fun part about standing up for your beliefs.... dealing with the consequences of your actions. Other wise it's just cowardice .

I also think the day that we villianize people who want to point out that america isn't the best country in the world and that we are not the same country our ancestors when we will really start to lose what is great about this country.
2015-04-26 16:20:58 UTC
She should not have been arrested, she should be considered a hero. America and a few other nations are the only ones so obsessed with freedom of speech and public display. Considering that in some countries violating the flag could include imprisonment, beatings, public shaming, and even death America's stance on things like this are very silly and misguided in my view. It was unlawful to stop them, but morally just in my eyes.
2015-04-20 21:53:53 UTC
The First amendment says they can Burn the Flag and as we in the Military say I May hate your use of the First amendment to Burn the Flag But we will defend your Right to do so

Yes there is No Law that says we cannot Burn the Flag if the Fool assaults someone then he should be in Jail

let our great Police men handle a Public disturbance or did the Stupid Veteran shoot a Flag Burner

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 Posted: 1256 GMT The Senate defeated by one vote a constitutional amendment banning desecration of the American flag.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Senate by a single vote Tuesday rejected a proposed constitutional amendment to ban desecrating the American flag.

The measure would have rolled back a 1989 Supreme Court decision allowing it. The vote was 66-34.

A two-thirds majority is needed to pass a proposed constitutional amendment. It then would need ratification by 38 of the 50 states.

The measure was the latest in a series of controversial election-year votes engineered by the chamber's GOP leaders in an effort to entice the party's conservative base to the polls in November.

Fourteen Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, voted in favor of the measure. Three Republicans, including majority whip Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, voted against it. (Watch how the Senate decided on the issue -- 2:11)

Senators began debating the amendment Monday, along with an alternative proposal from Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-New York, and Bob Bennett, R-Utah. They wanted to ban flag desecration by law rather than by constitutional amendment. That proposal, too, was shot down Tuesday, 64-36. (Full story)

A constitutional ban on flag burning is seen as being more widely popular than the proposed amendment to ban same-sex marriages. A gay-marriage ban was defeated earlier this month and was seen as another attempt by the GOP to mobilize its conservative base before November.

In a CNN poll earlier this month, 56 percent of people surveyed said they supported the measure rejected Tuesday by the Senate, while 40 percent of respondents opposed it. The poll surveyed 1,031 adults and has a sampling error of 3 percentage points. (Poll)

The House passed the measure and sent it to the Senate, where the Senate Judiciary Committee, headed by Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania, approved the proposal, 11-7, earlier this month.

All 10 Republicans on the committee and one Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, supported it.

From the Senate floor Monday, Specter compared flag desecration to libel and child pornography, forms of expression he said have no "social value."

"Flag burning is a form of expression that is spiteful or vengeful," the five-term senator said. "It is designed to hurt. It is not designed to persuade."

But Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont sided with the 1989 Supreme Court decision, which voted 5-4 in Texas v. Johnson that flag burning was a political statement and that state laws banning it were unconstitutional.

The First Amendment was designed precisely to protect this sort of expression, Leahy said.

"The First Amendment never needs defending when it comes to popular speech," Leahy said. "It's when it comes to unpopular speech that it needs defending."

the veteran needs to read the law in his state and and the First amendment as do all the Thumbs down I am Not An American but the First guarantees free speech
2015-04-21 15:26:53 UTC
No I don't agree with this. But yes the officers were and weren't doing their jobs, they did the right thing with her I suppose, according to the law, but the lady was right, they did nothing about the other girl still holding the flag.

Now with the legal part out, lets get to my opinion.

These are a bunch of uneducated and ignorant f****** punks. Pulling that old BS "You enslaved our people... and now you're stealing from us too.." shut the hell up. When are African-Americans like these people going to realize that what he just said to her, THAT is racism. No, she did not enslave your people or own slaves, nor did I or any other white alive today. He is making her seem like a racist, by making him and other African Americans look like victims and accuse whites of "enslaving their people". These uneducated and racist punks need to accept the fact that they can't keep pulling the race card, especially the bull sh** of slaves. There were A LOT of African American slave owners, so were they racist too?

This whole race card needs to end. She was defending our country, even for such a small item such as that flag, that is a large symbol of our country. She was defending the men and women that died for our country, and that to this day, protect us, and those punks and their families as well. If they don't like America, they don't have to live here.
Stand-up philosopher. It's good to be the King
2015-04-20 19:27:26 UTC
She screwed the pooch when she disobeyed those sad MF's masquerading as LE. It's all in Title 18 USC. Title 4 has the rules of conduct. Title 18 is where crime is defined. Desecration is a serious Federal misdemeanor

"No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America." Section 8

"The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing."

God loves the challenged, He must he made so damn many!!!!!
2015-04-21 22:03:00 UTC
No, If she was arrested so should of the people who desecrated the flag for destroying the property of all United States citizens.. When we serve our country to our death TO DEFEND your right to oppose, and especially within our country, our system of government without fear of being beheaded or prosecuted is to defend your right to do just that. Golly people already don't know the meaning of our independence and now we are not going to teach the constitution in our schools . Then all the next generation will only know tyranny as the rest of the countries in the world . Gee they won't ever miss freedom because they will never know the rights and what it meant to BE a free wheeling American and not brain washed from birth . If the people just knew what our flag means to its citizens and patriots I believe they would of given thanks to that veteran who put their life into jeopardy so the protestors could have their right to do just that., disagree without being subject to prosecution. BUT THEY STUPIDLY ARRESTED THE VETERAN. Timm Timmermann
2015-04-22 21:00:23 UTC
Well they do have freedom of speech, so legally they're not wrong. BUT i think they shouldn't go around stepping on flags.

Nobody should step on any flag. It'll just cause problems like this.

She did disobey police orders and were given instructions to give the flag, so she did do something wrong too. BUTTS i think she did what is right and shouldn't be arrested fo standing up for her country
2015-04-21 06:35:57 UTC
A veteran should have the right to protect the American flag. It is normal ethical behavior. Unfortunately, the American justice system rarely puts ethics above personal bias and/or money.
2015-04-22 19:05:46 UTC
Of all the dumb things that people take pride in or fight over, a flag is the dumbest of the dumb.

And, even if it weren't the case that she was the only one breaking the law, in any confrontation like that, the police have only one option: To separate the involved parties. The smart thing to do, is to move one woman, rather than a load of men. It's easier and wastes less police time (Which the tax-payer pays for) on something as stupid as an argument over a colorful bit of cloth.

When you buy a flag, it's yours. Not your country's. You can burn it (as all worn flags are burned) You can put it in your toilet to catch your leavings if you so choose.

It people want to spend their own money of flags to desecrate, they are idiots. But only because a flag is just a fancy rag and has no real meaning whatsoever. Flag-worship is as dumb and pointless as flag desecration. Arguing over a dyed rag is stupid.

All the same: It was their flag to do with as they please. She has every right to voice her opinion, but none to take another persons property.
2015-04-22 14:56:47 UTC
It is the obvious (but unpopular) right of protestors to disrespect the flag. As an act of speech, it is not to be tread upon by the government. That being said, I abhor the destruction of the flag because you are actually disrespecting those who have upheld the values and rights that it represents, not those who have tarnished this country's reputation. The veteran, if she was not posing a physical threat to anyone was within her rights to disrupt the act (we would not be arresting her for shouting over the protestors, so why should we punish her more effective physical speech). However, if she genuinely assaulted the protestors, she deserves to be arrested and tried. True patriotism, true love for the freedom of speech is listening to someone whose words make your blood boil but understanding that this country allows them the right to do so. We must be as liberal as possible with the freedom of speech unless it deliberately and directly incites violence, that goes for the populous as well as the government. I hate people who do that sort of thing, but through gritted teeth I will admit that it is their right to do so.
2015-04-27 18:53:25 UTC
Actually, if it's their flag in our true democracy they have every right to burn it. It's a different story if it's yours or mine. All due respect her for her service to our nation. But she is also entitled to the opinion she defends. So she is also right to express it without going to jail. This is the necessary conflict of a democracy. I'm a veteran and bad speech is also protected by our Constitution. Without it we will become a dictatorship. This is just another distraction from the real issues destroying OUR nation. Maybe everyone's efforts would be better used to make a prosperous nation for ALL our children and grand children...

Jedi Jan
2015-04-22 21:17:10 UTC
Arrested for resisting arrest yes, but if heard in Court she could possibly get off with a warning because she was being patriotic in protecting the flag and asked not to do so again; no conviction recorded. I think the Police acted in good faith as to protect her and try to diffuse the situation. What it comes down to is that the Police are there to try to maintain order, no matter what the circumstances are. Sometimes people are not behaving sensibly and place themselves in harm's way and sometimes that means handcuffing a person to remove them for their own safety. You cannot blame the Police who are there to try and maintain the peace.
2015-04-22 06:03:51 UTC
You know, even though I'm a flag burning anti-American myself, I don't think either group should be arrested at all. Yeah, burning a flag is satisfying, but it's not satisfying that the woman was arrested for picking up abandoned trash. Unless she did something entirely unrelated that was illegal, she really should not have been arrested.
2015-04-26 21:39:29 UTC
I have every right to purchase an american flag and burn it. That does not mean i am a traitor nor a terrorist. it means i opose the idea of nationalism and the idea that america "is the best." If you fought for this country, cool beans! you deserve the healthcare! Honestly thank you for your service, but remember that it was your choice, not mine. So if you have a problem with my burning the flag, suck it up. if you think burning the flag should be illegal, then your ideas of "freedom" aren't very "american." Just let people do what they want. Live freely love freely. stop being offended by people's personal actions--even if they offend you. dont act like burning the flag is hate speech that instills violence.
2015-04-20 22:51:53 UTC
People conducted because of this state, this banner is usually a token. Protest all that's necessary, however will not disrespect this token, or any gift filler, We now have this freedom to take action a lot here, however it arrived at a expensive price and lots of existence are actually lost. Recognize this military, dislike this struggle, turmoil, however IN NO WAY disrespect. Years back traitors were photo. Many discover this being a traitor. Recall this sweetheart offered in your case. She provided people the right to become a jerk. ZERO, leaver her by yourself. Should you be unhappy, head out are living having ISIS with regard to a little bit. Believe everyone America can look rather doggone great afterword.
2015-04-22 15:55:30 UTC
Private Property trumps.... She should have relinquished the flag to the owner as requested, failing that, to the police when requested. Proper disposal could have been taken care of. Defiling the flag is one thing, Public Order, Resisting Arrest, Theft, -Yep, that's the one Theft. Common English Law.

-More worryingly, this woman Michelle Manhart has some previous where this is concerned... She has publicly defiled the Stars and Stripes herself in order to promote her own pet protest in the past.... Do some googling!
2015-04-22 21:53:35 UTC
Nope, she shouldve been arrested. while I wouldn't have made my statement by stepping on something, she shouldn't have "stolen" (using that loosely) the flag from them. Freedom of speech should include stomping on a flag.

It may hurt everyones pride as Americans tp say this, but this country is starting to go to sh*t. Some punks stomping on the flag should be the least of our worries. Most of the wars we've been in, especially lately, have been made put of greed for power and money. Our men and women in the military have unfortunately been used as pawns in some chess game. No one can really think we're fighting for freedom lately? Its sad really. Anyway, sorry for rambling.
2015-04-22 05:30:29 UTC
This is a tough one. I am all for the freedoms that the flag represents including free speech and the right to demonstrate but.....and this is where it gets tricky.....I believe everything in life has a line that should not be crossed. It is my personal opinion that these freedoms should stop at destroying the American flag. I think we, as a nation, are smart enough to understand WHY this is and that this one regulation does not leave us open to losing the rest of our freedoms. Bottom line - it's wrong.
Special EPhex
2015-04-21 16:36:01 UTC
The men and women who serve this country fight for people's right to be idiots. It angers and outrages me when ignorant people put on anti-American displays, but I know to restrain myself and respect the rights this Great Country has afforded us. I think the lady who interrupted the protest, or whatever it was, responded incorrectly with an over-emotional outburst. She made the situation about 'her' and how she "feels" about it, while also drawing the attention to the cause that those misguided people wanted. Just because she served in the military doesn't give her the right to disrupt others right to speech and expression. Although I agree with her in principle, the law should apply to her as it would anyone else.

The disrespect for the flag was her excuse to justify her response. Those people intend to instigate a dramatic reaction from their opposition and the lady played right into their hand, making her look like the "bad guy" as the cops got involved. I understand that she herself served and must have strong personal feelings about the circumstances, but I expect her, being former military personnel, to show more discipline and restraint. As a black person, obviously I don't agree with the KKK, but I am not against their right to peacefully demonstrate their ignorance in public. Ignoring those sort of people is the best remedy for marginalizing them. You give them credibility by confronting them in that way.
2015-04-21 06:27:38 UTC
I work in a 44 year old family flag store and we maintain a copy of the federal flag code. There are many etiquette's in place regarding the U.S. flag and unfortunately the burning of such is no longer in effect. I can understand why this woman did what she did, yet I can also see why the offensive persons did what they did. Do I think she should've been arrested for "saving" the flag, no, do I think she should've been arrested for resisting and refusing to return someone's personal property, yes. What I find ironic in her behavior was her

own disrespect to the flag by allowing to continue, balled up and under her, clearly on the ground. So other than using her feet, she too was holding/using this flag wrongly simply to assert her opinion on those of others.

Yes, she along with many others risk their lives for our freedom, and one of those is freedom of speech, one she clearly made conditional as many others do. She could've made her opinion known by voicing it, she chose to remove the belonging(s) of another simply because their care of it, albeit very poor and disrespectful, did not agree with her own. What she did was akin to going to an NRA rally protesting gun laws and removing the gun of another simply due to not believing in personal ownership. Is my comparison over the top? Maybe, but the concept is still the same.
2015-04-21 18:26:07 UTC
If America was truly a free nation, you should be able to stomp and burn the flag as long if it isn't someone's stolen property. I find many neocons that fought in the war dislike freedom because it offends them. Don't get me wrong, there are reasonable people that joined the military. People forget that freedom and slavery are perspectives. If you understood how corporations and the banking system operated, you would understand that our current monetary system is just slavery. If you believe you should pledge your allegiance to human counterparts or even a symbol, you are a slave. Statism is the measles of mankind, rather if it is the liberal interpretation or the conservative interpretation.

Symbols are for the symbol-minded anyway.
2015-04-21 06:28:22 UTC
There are 2 different laws here. State law. She damaged other peoples private property. Federal law and no Federal person there. The Flag being disgraced. So the Feds would need press charges there. The cops did obey the law on that they are under. As American cops are only allowed to operate under law. That is American law!!!! I know most do what ever they want. But 99.9% of American cops are the law breakers doing so!
2015-04-21 11:48:28 UTC
As a Brit I'm surprised Americans allowed these punks to get away with this, even more surprised that a patriotic women is arrested for intervening. You guys seem to have similar problems to the UK, patriotism is punished, ignorant thugs and punks are rewarded and protected by the so called law. And who are the tax payers paying the police and legal system?
2015-04-22 00:07:04 UTC
Then if to protect others its right to arrest that person.

As for the flag imagine. It also is a flag of shame to many as well. Not saying burning it is a right thing to do. I often find myself unable to look at it while attempting to sing the national anthem knowing the things that were done to so many under that flag under what we called Patriotism.
2015-04-23 03:23:04 UTC
No! Disrespect the flag of another country and see what grief that brings you! Im an American living in the Philippines so I fly the Philippine flag above the U.S. flag. You should show respect to the country you live in or are visiting and that includes their national flag, even if you diagree with that country's policies or practices!
Yousif Said
2015-04-21 18:19:57 UTC
I think people need to stop making a big deal of stupid things. A flag is just a cloth. For all people that want to say what the flag represents to you imagine what it may represent to others? For instance what do the Native Americans think of our flag. It's a flag placed after the worst genocide in human history, along with stealing all this land, and having slaves build this country from the bottom. Our history isn't exactly something to be proud of tbh. Imagine all the war we have been with in the rest of the world. We constantly get into wars with countries all around the world. To them it may represent something evil. Now with that said I want to make this point. A flag doesn't mean anything. It means what you want it to mean.

To be a realist a flag is a piece of cloth. If you are really that protective over a piece of cloth then you need to reevaluate your life. Pride is the problem with this world. People have too much pride and that leads to a false belief in superiority. Humans all around the world bleed red. So why do people want to differentiate and disassociate themselves from other humans by thinking their flag represents superiority? Get over this bullshit guys. There are kids around the world dying of thirst and hunger there is bigger problems in the world.
2015-04-21 15:02:04 UTC
Perhaps so but for resisting the police not for protecting the flag, but I think it's also possible it was to protect her from any retaliation from the thugs. However, people saying there is no law about assaulting the flag, if somebody stamped on a photograph of your family you might feel differently - to you it's a sentimental item, to her it's the same.
2015-04-21 21:34:13 UTC
The arrest is the correct result of her taking private property and being uncooperative in a police response to an unlawful act. It really has nothing to do with any sacred nature of the physical flag.

Having said that, I am surprised by people citing the treatment of a physical flag as an valid exception to freedom of expression. One's true commitment to freedom is the commitment to allow people to express opinions one finds wrong, distasteful, even abhorrent. Freedom is the highest ideal to which we Americans strive and nothing is more important to us as Americans than the freedom of expression. It is not the symbols that are important. It is what they represent. People here are confusing the representation with the ideal. Abrahamic religions forbid idolatry because focus on the idol detracts from attention to what it represents. That is what is being done here with the flag.

We have come to agree that a flag is a representation but it it is not the ideal. It is a symbol. I don't think veterans, even those who profess otherwise, fight and die for the symbol. They fight for the freedom and in America, freedom is primarily identified with freedom of expression. I love "the flag" as a symbol but what I really love are the freedoms that are afforded us by what it represents. The cloth, the dye, the grommets, those things are just stuff... highly symbolic, emotive and sometimes personal stuff, but still, just stuff. The freedom (among other things) that they represent are what's important and those freedoms stand alone, with strength of their own, not in need of words, symbols, or icons. Freedom and its accompanying benefits are the things for which I thank veterans. Disrespect of a symbol, be it a flag, an emblem, a coin or a copy of the laws of the land is unpalatable at best, but such behavior is an expression of the freedom symbolized by the very item itself and as such is possibly the most potent expression of those freedoms. To use the flag to point out those places where we don't measure up to the ideals it represents may be the most pure expression of those very ideals.
2015-04-21 03:22:21 UTC
I haven't read the article as the page is bloated/massive in size/riddled with popups but whilethe protesters have the right to protest and while she got arrested, do we know what was the outcome of this?

I mean, if she was taken away by the police to be released 2 hours later without them pressing any charges, then the site posting the article is making a fuss for nothing and you are wasting my time for reposting it.
Weasel McWeasel
2015-04-23 10:09:07 UTC
What's interesting about this that by all surface appearances, she appears to have done the RIGHT thing.

But as the OTHER Link, in your own link points out.........there was A LOT more to the story than met the average eye...............

and when you read the *entire* story, and all the facts-.----------

Yes......the police were 100% within their rights to arrest her.

She broke the law, resisted arrest......and in her past, had desecrated the flag and her military uniform, and was BUSTED, by the military for bringing disgrace to the Uniform.

So NOT Miss goody two shoes here.
2015-04-21 08:00:26 UTC
Yes. It is their property. The flag is a symbol of freedom so if you arrest the jerks stomping on the flag, you dishonor the freedom the flag represents. It should also be noted that she desecrated the flag in a nude photo shoot by using it as clothing and letting it touch the ground and was discharged for that.
2015-04-21 05:31:39 UTC
Sounds like right-wing bullcrap to me. Did this really happen? And people need to get over this obsession with the flag. In the end, it s just a decorated piece of cloth. Burning it, kissing it, whatever, changes nothing. I'd be more impressed if someone stepped in and saved some black guy being beat up by the police.
2015-04-20 21:01:58 UTC
Although I would have gone the same route as she did in taking it away, I wouldn't do so without expecting to be arrested for my actions. Although they were disrespecting the flag and the USSC has chosen to protect protesters that disrespect/burn/trample the flag as a freedom of speech. She most certainly deserved to be arrested for her actions.
2015-04-23 03:19:55 UTC
If you're going to pass a law protecting the flag then you have to pass a law protecting the depiction of the prophet Muhammad because they're basically the same laws. Now do you Americans realize how silly you sound? xD
2015-04-21 17:19:36 UTC
What good is a "free society" if you shut down the actions of others because you disagree with them?

You are no soldier, you are no true American if you drop everything you "fought" to defend the moment you see an act you disagree with. She committed a crime, she tried to stifle peoples FREE RIGHT to protest and display their FREE SPEECH through their action with the flag.

I think Fox News is un-American and does grave harm to our country and it's citizens but that doesn't mean I think they should be shutdown, a real American would try to change those kids minds with words not blind patriotism no different than what you see in China or North Korea.
2015-04-21 05:19:57 UTC
Veterans fight to protect peoples freedoms right? They are protecting the freedoms of the people who disrespected the flag. She shouldn't have been arrested and neither should have the "punks"
2015-04-22 08:32:26 UTC
Top Mechanic is exactly right. The flag is just a symbol, and is meaningless UNLESS we have the freedom it represents. People keep saying that "men and women have died for the flag." No they didn't. People died for the freedoms that the flag represent. It disgusts me when I see somebody disrespecting the flag. But it disgusts me even more when people try to take away our freedom of speech, and freedom of expression, by banning these actions. If we do that then the flag just becomes a meaningless piece of material.
2015-04-21 01:08:20 UTC
There is a difference between desecrating the flag for the purpose of doing for their own gain and actively protecting and supporting it. The veteran who did that did a lot of disservice to herself and to the people that fought for this flag and our country.
2015-04-21 06:16:04 UTC
No she should not have been arrested. They are lucky she didn t go full blown ape **** on them. Our flag is a symbol which unites us and keeps our soldiers fighting for a common purpose. And for someone to defame the flag by first of all putting it on the ground and then trampling on top of it is disgraceful. I did not serve but have several family members who did and if I caught someone doing this I may just commence to catching an assault charge.
2015-04-21 19:00:12 UTC
Well, this is the USSA/Amerika today, not what most fought for. :-(

I commend her for trying to protect flag. But, when the police showed up, she should have surrendered and not resisted arrest.

I've been here. To the police, we're scum just like anyone else who isn't a police officer. The fact that we act, rather than wait to react, doesn't matter. In fact, we're hated for it. Stop a rape and you get arrested to. In fact, anything you do is either vigilantism or impersonation of an officer. Oh, and like adultery and smoking dope, it's not illegal today as most of the recent presidents have done this. Remember, Clinton avoided the draft and his boss will be in again in 2016, so Heaven Help us to what will be legal then.

During Vietnam, our men were spat on when they come home. This was an insult to them and others, but it was legal too. When we came home from other conflicts, it happened too. Then, they legalized abusing the flag. Now, I agree it's just a symbol, but a lot of things are. Most of these are protected as hate crimes but NOT abusing the flag!

I hope she makes bail and doesn't get charged too harshly. Perhaps her scumbag lawyer will argue mental and get her off light. After all, she fought for this nation and should be respected for that, even if the government thinks it's a joke for men and women to die for their lies.
2015-04-22 05:50:02 UTC
Um, No..... All she did was pick up the flag or pull it away. But she shouldn't have been arrested for it. The punks should have. If there against the USA, Then they can go else where! There not being forced to be there!
Ar J
2015-04-24 15:11:39 UTC
If you consider your nation valuable, and consider the flag a symbol thereof, then part of patriotism demands defending that symbol from people who are maliciously, intentionally attacking the symbol for what it represents. Just because some nations had bad policies in the past does not mean we should abandon pride in our own country or its symbol. During 20th century wars, our ancestors fought and died over flags, not because they "owned them" but because of what they represented. Honestly, damaging a flag is like burning a cross. It's a hate crime crossed with treason.
2015-04-21 16:48:45 UTC
Yes. The American flag was present at some of the worlds worst war crimes and crimes against humanity !

1) It was an AMERICAN FLAGGED bomber that dropped nuclear weapons on CIVILIANS at a time when Japan was all but beaten to a pulp and looking for a way to gracefully surrender. (Not to mention all the fire bombings of civilians too).

It was the U.S. Army who lead thousands of Native American civilians on many different death marches out of their ancestral homelands and into barren wastelands that could not support many people. The sick and elderly who lagged behind were shot and left to rot without proper burials. Google "Trail of Tears" to read all about it.
2015-04-21 10:44:32 UTC
She should be commended for protecting the American flag and standing up for her country. The anti-American punks need to be arrested. If she did something other than pick up the flag to protect it from desecration that is a separate issue. Anyone who wants to take a stand for our flag can take their own flag out and fly it in the face of those who want to desecrate it. Flying our flag with pride is a protected right. Anyone with any knowledge of the Constitution and pride in our country would be glad to fly the American flag.
2015-04-21 16:02:38 UTC
I don't like it, but it is their right to disrespect the flag. I am a veteran, and I served to protect and defend the constitution...and while that type of freedom of speech is bad, I have to let them have it. I don't agree with what the protesters were doing at all...but they had the right to do it.
2015-04-22 02:47:45 UTC
Was she arrested for protecting the flag... or resisting the police. Resisting what the police are telling you you should be doing is a fully justifiable reason to arrest someone. If she was being belligerent toward the police then her arrest was correct.
2015-04-26 05:35:35 UTC
I would play marine with a state flag before the American flag. America does not care because I am not military. wasn't there a squadron ceremony somewhere in the US army where each group represented their respected state and had to fly their state flag?
2015-04-21 11:48:03 UTC
The police should have just seperated them, let her keep the flag, and then fined the protestors for littering as it was on the ground.

Any veteran has a right to whatever flag they see being disrespected because they earned it.
2015-04-23 10:42:39 UTC
I think it's foolish to care so much for something as a bunch of colors on a piece of cloth. No matter what culture or country you come from. So, I think it's foolish for her to get upset about it, I also thinks it's foolish for a much of people to stomp on it and then believe they are making a huge statement. I'm sure you could argue against that, but that's my opinion. They had the right to the freedom of speech, she stole, she resisted against the police, and those are offenses to get arrested for.

Always appreciate what soldiers do for your country, not what they do with a symbol on tangible material. I think our country is too materialistic. Especially to get all up in arms over something so simple.
2015-04-20 23:18:19 UTC
Title 18 is where crime is defined. Desecration is a serious Federal misdemeanor

"No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America." Section 8

"The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing."
2015-04-21 13:44:03 UTC
why get into a fight over a piece of cloth? I don't like seeing a flag desecrated, but it's an asinine exercise in futility. People get awfully upset when you don't salute the flag or recite mindless recitations. You got to war over a piece of cloth??? No you fight for certain principles, for justice. A flag is just a symbol. Fight worthwhile conflicts. Fight the encroachment on people's actual rights, like being told they have to bake a gay cake. Get real already. You want to show your courage and valor, stand up to politically correct nonsense.
2015-04-25 16:29:11 UTC
If she had done it peacefully no she should not have been arrested. However she was not listening to the police officers and was resisting arrest and because of that she should have been arrested. If I remember correctly disrespecting the flag is also a crime too..
Chuck S
2015-04-26 15:36:24 UTC
first off she was not arrested,thankgoodness,she was handcuffed and taken down to the station where she was released,as far as I know,I thought that these pos.should have been arrested for desicrating the flag,they where black students,protesting oppression against America,if they feel so oppressed why not go back to where they came from and see if they could enjoy the freedom we afford them.also the student who started all of this was an A student who was found to have a loaded gun in his back pack
2015-04-21 21:46:33 UTC

To help end the disturbance, Governor George W. Romney ordered the Michigan National Guard into Detroit, and President Lyndon B. Johnson sent in Army troops. The result was 43 dead, 1,189 injured, over 7,200 arrests,



2015-04-22 06:25:37 UTC
Yes, they violated the law. The reason does not matter. The goal of a law is to provide a standard for judging, and to deter certain actions that fall within it's provisions. She stole property, got caught, was arrested. Nothing more, nothing less.
2015-04-22 05:13:19 UTC
Of course. I don't give a damn who you are this is America and you have no right to step over some else's freedom of speech. If we can't burn the flag then we are not free. If she was a veteran of are modern wars then she did not fight for our freedom but for Halliburton's bottom line. I am sick of veterans calming they fought for me freedom. The ww2 ones did but not you Iraqi vets. Not you Afghanistan vets. You are no better then legal terrorists.
2015-04-21 17:05:24 UTC
It's kind of odd that people see the American-Flag as the true, racist-flag just because it has morally-darker aspects in it's historical-past. So yes he should be at least punished for what he did!
2015-04-22 09:59:31 UTC
She should have gotten arrested for trying to steal the flag belonging to the protestors. She said it belonged to everyone, but there is no legal precedent for that whatsoever. I guess this veteran is confusing the US with the old USSR.
2015-04-22 11:17:10 UTC
As a veteran who did 22 years she was totally wrong

She violated the very rights she claims to have protected

Her arrest was 100% justified,she is quilty of and needs to be charged with theft
2015-04-21 09:09:54 UTC
While I dont agree with the actions of the "Anti-American punks" there is a right for freedom of speech in this country. I dont think she should have been arrested, but I do think that banning her from the campus was a wise move. All in all, I agree with what she did. I would have done the same.
2015-04-22 07:49:10 UTC
First you have to ask yourself was it her property, no.

Secondly, what is a flag? In reality it's only a rag on a stick. I know that is hard to deal with but a lot of men went to war protect that rag, myself included.

Those students were only out there exercising their !st Amendment rights. They may have been acting like fools doing so but that's their problem, not hers.
Steve N
2015-04-21 13:39:23 UTC
She wasn't arrested for protecting the flag, she was arrested for resisting the Police. Anybody stomping the flag deserve's to get stomped themselves, but her arrest was legal.
2015-04-20 20:58:23 UTC
I'm all for honoring and respecting the flag, but her demeanor struck me as being a bit of a punk herself. She should have turned the flag over to the police officers when they asked for it, but she wanted to cause a big scene. Her patriotism could have been expressed with less belligerence.
2015-04-21 05:34:51 UTC
I leave you with this blurb from Futurama, Season 5, Episode 59. "A Taste of Freedom"

"Yes, fellow patriots, I ate your flag. And I did it with pride. For to express oneself with doing a thing is the very essence of Freedom Day! Bless this planet and all its wonderful people!" - Dr. John A. Zoidberg

"I'm a veteran of three dozen wars. Name a body part and a planet and I've taken a bullet in it, on it. All to keep our flag flying free...I don't condone what Dr. Zoidberg did, but I'll fight tooth and nail for his freedom to do it. Or I would if I hadn't lost my teeth and nails on Mars and Saturn respectively." - Dr. Old Man Waterfall
2015-04-21 10:45:07 UTC
2015-04-22 05:22:27 UTC
She got distracted by the symbol of the flag, what that symbol means to her, rather than the personal liberty and freedom it represents. The students may have been completely ignorant and misguided, focusing on the negative aspects of the state of affairs in the US and expressing their disappointment by desecrating the flag.

But, all things considered, they were expressing their views as protected by freedom of speech.

She could have openly recorded the incidents and given her own commentary, likewise expressing her disappointment in their behavior through her own freedom of speech. Instead, she tried to restrict the freedom of speech of others.

She lost her way and betrayed the freedoms she claims to have protected through her military service.
2015-04-20 21:26:19 UTC
What she did was illegal. Committing illegal actions necessitates punishment of some kind. Not only was what she did illegal, it was hypocritical in that she was putting the flag above the Constitution. She doesn't care about actual American freedom as she does idealized American freedom and feeling self important.
2015-04-22 10:20:12 UTC
Maybe not ARRESTED, but disputing some for their freedom of speech IS illegal. She could have just been taken aside by the cops, but if she HAD been and kept going back to save the flag, then she should have been arrested. The punks may have been punks, but they still had freedom of speech.
2015-04-22 07:56:09 UTC
No this is America she has the right to stand by her flag if she wants, personally i wouldn't but why would get get arrested from stopping punks from defacing the flag?
2015-04-22 18:38:18 UTC
Actually, yes, she should have gotten arrested.

The Law states that desacrating the flag is punishable (by whatever is deemed necessary), however, what the article does not say is that the flag was private property - it belonged to someone. The fact that the veteran 'stole' the flag (and refused to return it) was the reason for her arrest.

Both Freedom of Speech Laws (of the people desacrating the flag in this case) and Private Property Laws (ownership of the flag) are defended above the US Code wrt flag-abuse (apparently).

My opinion on the matter is that both the protestors and the veteran should have been arrested
2015-04-23 12:48:33 UTC
U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag

No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.

(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

(b) The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.

(c) The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.

(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.

(e) The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way.

(f) The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling.

(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.

(h) The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.

(i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.

(j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.

(k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.

In short, Nope.
Alvin B
2015-04-22 06:40:03 UTC
The police should have just taken the flag away from all of them! If the police had told her that they were taking the flag away from the Stalinist Obama mob, she would have let them have it. But, she does like attention. She looks good with the flag.
2015-04-22 21:36:28 UTC
I always knew in the back of my mind ,but it was if someone was giving me medicine to act like that it was not me. I do respect and love her .It was never me .My mind is clear and im tryibg but it seem i've lost her forever and it hurts so bad.I was terrified. I didn't know what was going on in my mind and i was asking begging for her help,but it didnt seem like she cared. The meds made me crazy and now im afraid of losing the only person i ever loved forever... Help me please i dont want our family torn. Apart. At times i felt like i was being made to say and act a certain way. I never meant to hurt anyone i love my flag and country. How can this be fixed, I dont want to stay this way with her.I cant stand it .
2015-04-21 10:15:56 UTC
No any American who disgraces our flag should be deported to the Country of their choice and have their citizenship removed This veteran is a hero and a good citizen
2015-04-21 04:11:52 UTC
Maybe she should wipe her butt with the american flag. That's about all it's good for. America has raped the middle east and dictated and bullied other countries for far too long. Go China I say. At least their government actually get's things done. At least their police are not constantly shooting people and steal money from its citizens.
2015-04-20 20:00:00 UTC
Hey look! White policemen protecting black rights in a southern former confederate state! Will you Liberals finally shut up racism now? Because it doesn't exist in this country or at least not in force because the KKK has 6,000 members in a country with a 300 million population.
2015-04-21 12:47:07 UTC
They should not have arrested her. That flag was school property, not the property of the students; so if nothing the student should have been arrested for vandalism.

But I don't think anyone should have been assaulted, though.
2015-04-22 11:32:25 UTC
I'm English, and if anyone did that to the St George (The Flag) i would have done a lot more than she did believe, she should really be classed as a hero.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2015-04-26 11:46:17 UTC
As far as I can tell she was arrested for stealing their flag, which they were walking over because they saw it as a symbol of the enslavement of their people. From that point of view, it's hardly a symbol of freedom.
2015-04-21 00:07:28 UTC
Yes. Theft is theft. PERIOD. I don't care if you "served" for our freedom, you still have to respect others and thr rights of others. It kind of pisses me off how these people are always like "Oh, I fought for YOUR freedom" but once we practice our freedom they go nuts. The flag, at the end of the day, is just a piece of cloth. We have every right to show our discontent with our country, even if means desecrating our flag. Just because you serve doesn't mean you're special.
2015-04-22 16:50:11 UTC
Consider that the main reason for their disrespect was the did not consider how The Vteran might have assisted by creating U.S. Bill of Rights Preamble as computer program to remove bombs as malware.The perception of the punks as termed is that U.S. Army is a gun,tank,Airforce,and bomb based thing with mindless automatons serving in it. That each soldier is an individual is not seen.Also the ability of the soldier to fight for the soul of the nation is hampered by the perception of the armed forces as evil Government thugs.For example The National Guard is seen as an auxillary to police for quelling riots and not to guard nation by removing corporations or replacing currency at malls with voting booths and encouraging citizens to vote instead of spending money..

Once achieved respect returns.The trouble is corporations have minds of military and citizens see Armed Forces as enemy and may not be able to get get National Guard or Army to help.National Guard Name is more promising.So best way National Guard can get citizens to vote for Mall items is say a handfull with sidearms walk into store take over counters and bring in U.S. elections officials.Tanks and rifles too provocative but misunderstandings on part of police and citizens are an issue.I assume you mean U.S.
2015-04-22 16:05:53 UTC
The cops probably just arrested her for show then released her later. It's happened to me in a couple situations; you're not doing anything wrong but you're still upsetting people, so the cops "bust" you to satisfy the other half, then take you away and let you go. Depending on the situation, the cops may even apologize to you.
2015-04-21 20:47:11 UTC
What the protest was doing was free speech. The veteran should have gotten arrested. I saw the way she acted.
2015-04-21 20:05:24 UTC
What those people did was just rude, but they have the right to disrespect the flag or disrespect whatever they want to no matter how rude it is. I'm not saying that I think that it is right to disrespect America and veterans, I just think think that they have the right to disrespect them even if they are being jerks.
2015-04-20 18:47:10 UTC
I sympathize, and I might have done the same thing. But she was wrong. Damaging the flag is protected under the very first amendment to the US constitution. She had no right to interfere, and no right to take someone else's property.
mela morti
2015-04-22 02:59:22 UTC
no cause stopping the flag being desacratid is free speach so the desacrator should have substatute flags just when news focus on popular devacive issues to get us arguing and not focus on productive issues like the power of our vote and the power of foriegn interest example other countries and corparations with donations to support media in what is aired as "news" and the polical advertisements in election times
2015-04-22 09:09:36 UTC
It's just a flag, guys. I like flags as much anyone, but it's just a ******* flag. Find a hobby for Christ's sake.

I bet you wouldn't care if it was the flag of Slovenia.
2015-04-21 06:14:24 UTC
Yes, they have the right to protest by burning the flag. That has been settled by the courts years ago. Plus she assaulted the protestors. In a nutshell, she is an idiot who broke the law.
2015-04-21 17:12:07 UTC
My opinion, no, but, the freedoms in this country allow these people to desecrate the flag. I am an Air Force veteran, and our superiors told us that we should not intervene with these people, but get them to understand they have the freedom to do that from our sacrifices.
Midget Abuser
2015-04-23 20:43:34 UTC
As an active duty service member we are constantly told to act professionally on and off duty which means handling situations such as this in a professional manner. As much as it would insult any service member or american, us as americans do have the bill of rights. Like it or not, it's her right.
2015-04-21 00:51:47 UTC
She did not buy that flag and it did not belong to her. She has no more right to take that flag away from them then they would have to remove a confederate flag off the back of her pick up truck.
2015-04-21 15:28:04 UTC
I'm French, and it is illegal to burn our flag, as it should be. We have freedom of speech, more free for young people than America, but I think anyone who insults our flag which people DIED for should be executed. I don't give a damn about the American flag. I don't respect it and I don't care if it offends people.
2015-04-21 14:41:03 UTC
where was the flag she got arrested for protecting you will see what what happens? Any country will treat you differently.Was she in Vietnam
2015-04-21 05:11:25 UTC
to answer your question . she was not arrested for protecting the American flag . she was arrested for resisting . if it had been her flag the cops would have let her be . BUT IT WAS NOT .
2015-04-25 04:25:11 UTC
Agree that men and women fought for this country, the flag is a symbol. But we also need to learn respect.
2015-04-22 23:20:54 UTC
No Veteran should ever get arrested
Jake No Chat
2015-04-22 03:25:56 UTC
I like what she did, but if she did resist the police, then that aspect was not right and is grounds for being arrested. I do think that not being charged was the proper final say on the deal.
2015-04-24 05:44:07 UTC
"Shoot, if you must, this old gray head,

But spare your country's flag," she said

If people in this country would take a good long hard look at what their vote could really mean,and stop the cancerous thought that "what could one vote mean" ,that eats away at our land, then we could get this country back on track the way our country's fathers wanted it, and begin punishing those who disgrace &/or desecrate our symbol of freedom.

In 1862, during the Union army's occupation of New Orleans in the American Civil War, the military governor, Benjamin Franklin Butler, sentenced William B. Mumford to death for removing an American flag.

But it is those who we have put in power, who themselves have voted to ruin this country , and one part of it was to make it & to keep it legal..

What type of American are you to get into such a powerful position, sent there by your people , only to make make it legal to disgrace the symbol you have at the front of your hall & behind the speaker of the house?

But as much as my heart wants to agree with those who say it was wrong , it is my logical thinking mind that reminds me that our U.S. Supreme court ( the law of the land) , has affirmed you , I , and anyone else who wants to protest even the U.S government , the right to use a flag as a symbol in that protest , and to do what he or she thinks to do with it, when , why & how they want to express their protest.

And if urinating on it, throwing acid on it or even burning it , is part of that protest , then they have the right to do it.

Each and every day in this country , someone commits a crime yet they have the right to a fair trial. Even if 100 people saw them commit it, it was on video & they were caught red handed , THEY HAVE THE RIGHT, because of our constitution & bill of rights protects them.

As Rooster said, she was a VET and she took an oath to not only protect America from enemies foreign & domestic, but to uphold the constitution.

As I would commend a father or mother for killing their childs rapists, it would come down to the fact that the rapist had rights.

Unfortunate, but that is the way our country is.

She was wrong. God bless her for doing it, but she was wrong.
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2015-04-21 09:08:13 UTC
No, that's what military personnel are trained to do, protect the flag.
Tad Dubious
2015-04-21 06:26:00 UTC
MI, as a USMC Master Sergeant reminded listeners to a radio program I heard yesterday, the protestors had "the right" to do what they did, and Mrs. Manhart infringed on their rights. However, as one who appreciates the flag and those who have sworn to defend her, I will proudly contribute to her defense fund and defy any judge or jury to convict her or her true intent. God Bless America!
2015-04-21 12:44:01 UTC
Yea some dumb white b*tch who had to resort to the military, because she couldn't get into a f*cking college, harasses black intellectuals are clearly superior to that c*nt in every possible way, and gets arrested for it. Now that's what I call justice.
2015-04-20 21:11:57 UTC
You can't "stand your ground" while commiting a crime. Flags are private property and the supreme court already ruled it free speech.

Her being a vet means jack to the law
2015-04-22 11:54:52 UTC
There is not a single facet of Mrs. Manhart’s story of which Christians and conservatives ought to be proud. The woman is socialist, lawless, hardly a role model for morals, and a hypocrite.
2015-04-21 23:28:53 UTC
She did take something that wasnt hers. She resisted officers at first. She also disgraced the flag by posing naked with it and having it touching the ground with feet on it. Others have freedom of speech . They were wrong, but she was also wrong. She should of given them their flag back.
2015-04-20 19:04:35 UTC
She has a history, Google her name.

She took somebody's property (flag) and refused to surrender it to the owner(s) or police. First Amendment rights and all that.
2015-04-21 00:34:22 UTC

desecrating a flag is now protected speech. that is the law

she violated the law by taking someone else's property. when you start believing that your cause is greater than the law, and protecting your honor is greater than the law, you are well on your way to jihadi sharia law.
Mike Tyler
2015-04-22 14:31:39 UTC
ofcourse not,veterans fight and die for that flag,and all it represents,my son risked his life in the airs over afganastan,for America,the flag and what it stands for! I'm proud of my son and all other sons and daughters that have risked thier lives for American freedom,wether here or abroad! (excuse my spelling!) America,love it ,or leave it!!!!!
2015-04-23 21:54:06 UTC
never ever she was taught to respect it..and serve she did her job she earned that right and I would have gone to jail with her....BS...don't like our flag, our country, go join other countries that don't care about our symbol of freedom and don't respect it...I was born here in New York but my heritage is Puerto Rican...and you were never see me disrespect that flag...every day of my schooling I pledged my allegiance to this country not any give me a break...she was right everyone else get another country have problems with what this government does doit the right way ....file complaints go through the system...but don't ever disrespect that symbol in my presence either....
David B
2015-04-25 21:42:39 UTC
No, to quote a poem, the Blue for true, the white for right and the red for blood shed for me and you, to some of us that means something, its not just cloth, its not just a thing, its a symbol of our nation and should be respected for what it is. If you hate this country so much then leave, its as simple as that.
2015-04-24 20:24:14 UTC
we know that Lets not forget the flag is just a symbol. it is a symbol of freedom take priority. every people love the flag. I also love america. If we make every stupid thing illegal we would all be automatons.
2015-04-22 02:12:19 UTC
Now it is a court case and issue.

Let the courts (or jury) decide.

I am sure the veteran has retained good legal council.
2015-04-20 22:13:15 UTC
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of America...etc" If you've never recited this with your hand over your heart, then excuse you from defending it. If you have made this commitment then your feeling on the matter should be different.
2015-04-25 06:48:26 UTC
Freedom of speech protects people only from the government from silencing them. She, was acting as a privte citizen and as such violated no rights for free speech.
2015-04-22 16:45:21 UTC
No the police should apologize and arrest the proper people. Cops are walking or eggshells trying to be politically correct. What we need is consistent fair law enforcement.
2015-04-24 11:26:23 UTC
why have US citizens got a thing about the US flag?

Its a piece of cloth- thats all it is

you think a piece of cloth overrides all the freedoms you have under the constitution

OR is it - I can exercise those freedoms but you can only exercise them as I see fit
Benjamin Nagy
2015-04-21 13:46:10 UTC
2015-04-21 08:04:09 UTC
Hell no, the American flag is a symbol (our symbol) of the freedoms that many men have fought and died for
2015-04-22 02:28:05 UTC
Just more crap with cops, that's all. Bad cops trying to show off. Not all of them are bad obviously some are honestly and care about the country but most don't.
2015-04-23 06:28:49 UTC
Nope - she should have been arrested when she posed nude with the flag, as an air force airman . ... nothing by a fame quest here folks.... move along
2015-04-22 07:25:09 UTC
Dave you are an ***. Anyone that doesn't worship the flag is **** to you, and I feel sorry for you that you are so closes minded about this pathetic country.
2015-04-21 04:48:18 UTC
Yes he violated someones "Constitution Rights" which as a vet he's sworn to protect and made an oath to that effect when joining our military!
2015-04-21 08:30:50 UTC
She should've called up a few more veterans and set up a counter-protest.
2015-04-21 21:15:03 UTC
What do you think of this? should these punks have been assaulted? or is it legal what they did? It may be legal to disrespect the American flag, but public ridicule of the Anti-American punks is also legal
2015-04-21 16:24:54 UTC
In my country if you disrespect the flag you get a free ticket to jail.
2015-04-23 14:09:55 UTC
trample the flag,is GREAT disrespect for it.if you are going to do things to the American flag,either burn it or bury it's self out of respect.
2015-04-22 17:04:03 UTC
This country has all its national pride down the drain thanks to obama´s legacy of illegals and liberals. No she should not have been arrested. those cops are really dumb and should have arrested the punks for disturbing the Peace.
2015-04-24 11:46:18 UTC
As a vet. That's bullshit. This is why I did not renew contract. We have a Muslim running the country. Civilians who dont listen to police. This is pathetic can we please get a Republican in office who is proud of or nation and will protect it instead of destroy it.
Steve B
2015-04-21 14:27:05 UTC
Any one can trample or burn a flag

Or drag it on the ground.

Michelle Manhar was photograghed in Playboy, nude dragging the flag

Look it up.
2015-04-21 15:52:54 UTC
People criticize her for standing up for her beliefs but say nothing about the scores of people who did nothing while a woman was being raped on a public beach in broad daylight?
2015-04-21 08:39:33 UTC
It's just a flag. Who cares if someone stepped on it. Just make a new one lol.
2015-04-21 04:49:29 UTC
Yes. It wasn t hers to take. Period.

Organize a counter demonstration, shout at the protesters, buy your own flag and wave it in their faces. But don t take someone s property. and don t disobey a police officer.
2015-04-21 14:36:54 UTC
>The American flag represents our Freedom why would you want to walk on that???



Being able to walk on it represents freedom. And until you realise that you are just as bad as the communists you so-called patriots pretend to despise.
2015-04-21 01:37:38 UTC
Resisting the police is cause for arrest
2015-04-23 07:39:37 UTC
If I could, I'd arrest anyone for anything and laugh
2015-04-30 05:48:16 UTC
To those who talk about respecting soldiers who fought for their If free speech means anything it must mean freedom to disagree with mass killing and the idea that your country of birth is automatically right in any conflict.
2015-04-21 14:21:02 UTC
I love my country, but they had every right to do that to the flag.
2015-04-24 09:38:50 UTC
No excuses for disrespecting the flag.
2015-04-29 08:42:20 UTC
She will in a Politically Correctness world. Commons sense and dignity no longer matter in the world of politics. Shameful!!
2015-04-22 02:04:31 UTC
She held her beliefs with strength. That is commendable even though I'm with the punks on this one.

Disobeying the police? Since that is a crime, yes. She should.
2015-04-21 16:24:34 UTC
These people have risked their lives for all of us. Don't disrespect the symbol. That is what everyone is fighting for. That is what people loose their lives for. She shouldn't have resisted the police though. That is illegal.
2015-04-21 11:17:42 UTC
Ridicule them by all means, if you feel the need, but- calling them "anti-American" just goes too far. These are still American citizens, doing what makes them Americans (protesting).
2015-04-21 04:20:20 UTC
You do realize this woman was naked behind the flag, and had it on the ground, so shes a hypocrite.
2015-04-24 12:11:20 UTC
2015-04-27 08:20:42 UTC
No. That's not what she did, or what she was arrested for.
2015-04-22 23:52:54 UTC
2015-04-21 15:28:10 UTC
For protecting the flag? noooooo, for resisting police? yessssssss
2015-04-20 19:36:14 UTC
I see where she is coming from, but those punks were exercising their First Amendment right, just like those pukes that are part of the Westboro Baptist Church exercise their First Amendment right when they do their thing.
2015-04-22 08:23:44 UTC
a solid N O! ! not arrested for being true to our flag! !
2015-04-25 20:16:06 UTC
Personally, I'd support her, but I also recognize that the law in its current form probably does not.
2015-04-22 14:36:23 UTC
I think because of what she did there is a new awareness of the respect we have lost for God and Country.

Maybe some good will come of it.

I can only pray!
2015-04-20 19:07:54 UTC
she took a flag that did not belong to her, yes she should have been arrested
2015-04-21 21:37:00 UTC
All I see is her stealing a flag and attempting to flee officers.
2015-04-22 22:15:40 UTC
yes she should have been arrested the flag was private property.
2015-04-27 21:56:26 UTC
Yes **** the american flag hail Osama
2015-04-21 09:44:34 UTC
I don't understand these people. If they are so anti-America why do they stay? Same for those Muslims who hate Britain and chant for British soldiers to burn in hell, why do they stay if they hate the UK so much?
2015-04-21 19:37:18 UTC
Shouldn't resist.
2015-04-21 18:27:15 UTC
Do what you want to "OUR AMERICAN FLAG" But don't F%&K with it.

If you are really serious about disagreement of policy, "Go for it." I was wounded in combat

and witnessed some really f%$ked up stuff so you can do what you want.

God bless you and your family................
2015-04-28 15:42:09 UTC
I don't believe she was arrested but if she was, i believe it was not grounds for arrest.
2015-04-21 14:40:15 UTC
yes. And not only that. Veterans may be terrorists so should be put into FEMA camps
2015-04-21 06:42:03 UTC
Armchair Goddess #1, in our democracy, has my vote to answer reader question.

Freedom is the exercise of liberty but the latter isn't a designated one way street.

Please take the, "Its my way or the highway" conservative opinion, and shove it.
2015-04-23 11:16:30 UTC
+1 Hypocrite.

Freedom has a price….
2015-04-21 12:31:50 UTC
The woman was in the right. That is her country. She fought for her country. No military personal will let anyone disrespect their country.
2015-04-24 13:42:14 UTC
Hell no. Plain and simple. It should be a crime to deface the flag. Not a crime to protect it!!!
2015-04-20 19:07:14 UTC

University professor who steals and destroys 16 year old girl's anti-abortion sign while calling her a "terrorist" = American hero

Veteran who protects flag = Criminal

Apparently protection of expression only breaks one way, politically.
2015-04-22 07:36:09 UTC
I don't think that she should have gotten arrested, but I also don't think she should have posed for Playboy magazine.
2015-04-20 19:51:45 UTC
When you look at all the facts (it's clear that you didn't), the answer is yes, absolutely.
2015-04-22 07:41:30 UTC
the local police don't interfere with the military and vice-versa. she should have waited to see if the local authorities were doing their job before going further.
2015-04-30 10:28:45 UTC
Yeah you're taking other people's stuff and infringing on their free speech.
2015-04-29 17:06:40 UTC
Sam Edward
2015-04-22 10:10:35 UTC
the police were jsut doing their job. while veterens are heros and deserve our respect that does not mean that then are incapable of breaking the law or causing a disturbence
2015-04-28 09:06:29 UTC
nope, if your not going to show respect to the flag that flies over this land, then get off this land!!
T Don
2015-04-20 20:41:44 UTC
When she fought for the US, she fought for free speech, so she fought for their right to stomp on the flag.
2015-04-22 17:14:57 UTC
Obama hate USA
2015-04-22 10:30:44 UTC
Its a piece of cloth people, its not worth anyone getting hurt over.
2015-04-21 13:16:23 UTC
Veteran is not a proper noun and should not be capitalized.
David Glowacki
2015-04-22 09:33:45 UTC
Yes. They didnt press charges because what she did was good,,, But she ""broke the law"" So the cops did there job. She was let go no charges. So she knows she did what was right.
2015-04-22 00:43:16 UTC
She was a hero for doing this. They never should have arrested her.
2015-04-28 07:44:26 UTC
its a flag get over it.
2015-04-21 08:09:47 UTC
If he protects it the wrong way then yes.
2015-04-21 03:12:35 UTC
Come on, how can you be patriotic by defending a symbol of holocaust of natives and enslavement of blacks?
2015-04-21 10:50:19 UTC
I don't think she should have been arrested.
2015-04-21 08:32:59 UTC
She broke the law. Plain and simple. Not right, but its the law.
2015-04-21 05:33:02 UTC
Sad world we live in - Too many people do not know what they have or how good they have it in this country (USA).
2015-04-22 02:43:44 UTC
No they're doing what their supposed to.
2015-04-21 00:30:54 UTC
That wasn't fair what happened back there.
2015-04-21 09:12:09 UTC
He should not have gotten arrested at all.
2015-04-23 03:03:45 UTC
she shouldnt have got arrested
2015-04-20 18:45:25 UTC
Absolutely not, but under this Liberal government, anything goes.
2015-04-22 08:47:55 UTC
who wants to help me in a huge bank robbery
Alright alright alright
2015-04-22 22:17:18 UTC
probably not i can't say because well thats not a common sense question
2015-04-21 16:07:19 UTC
i think from my point of view uhh NO you cant assault someone. unless they are stepping on her than she cant simply commit a felony battery LOL
2015-04-22 07:53:27 UTC
Of course not
Linda R
2015-04-22 14:57:15 UTC
NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone protecting the American flag MUST never be arrested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone stomping on or desecrating, the American flag, MUST be arrested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-04-21 01:37:52 UTC
She did the right thing, but the wrong way.
2015-04-22 19:30:03 UTC
its a free country
2015-04-20 22:35:45 UTC
2015-04-21 11:26:53 UTC
2015-04-21 08:46:20 UTC
This topic is widely debatable.
2015-04-26 16:31:42 UTC
Cause i penetrated ur mom
2015-04-21 16:57:19 UTC
This is not an easy story imo.
2015-04-20 21:08:18 UTC
She didn't do anyhting that I would not have done.
E. Henry
2015-04-21 13:58:43 UTC
“…You foolish and senseless people, who have eyes, but do not see, who have ears, but do not hear.” – Jeremiah 5:21
2015-04-22 09:14:33 UTC
2015-04-21 17:05:07 UTC
for resisting the police, yes.
2015-04-21 16:29:58 UTC
Freedom without morality, is not freedom at all.
American Patriot
2015-04-21 18:43:45 UTC
It was campus security, not the police.
2015-04-23 15:36:11 UTC
 👥☥♡☮ : ► life is like a fly-by ⌘

 sky write as you go ⌘

2015-04-22 13:46:38 UTC
Heck no
2015-04-23 09:07:00 UTC
i am a veteran and i lost my two legs and my two arms and my head at war i now dont live. i am dead. please help me
2015-04-21 03:55:43 UTC
No she shouldn't have.
2015-04-20 23:10:17 UTC
It is really rather simple.
2015-04-25 22:27:22 UTC
if they brock the law yes
2015-04-23 03:50:26 UTC

the university should be defunded for federal monies.
2015-04-21 15:02:47 UTC
let the police handle it
2015-04-27 13:55:47 UTC
we should arrest everyone
2015-04-23 16:52:23 UTC
No comment.
2015-04-21 21:05:53 UTC
**** no now award me for best answer in a hour
2015-04-21 16:40:15 UTC
punk rocker
2015-04-21 04:36:20 UTC
No, but she was release with NO charges!!
2015-04-28 13:33:18 UTC
Depends what he was doing.
2015-04-21 13:40:21 UTC
2015-04-22 09:11:19 UTC
2015-04-21 08:29:59 UTC
Sucks we even have to ask this.
2015-04-20 20:56:33 UTC
google her name
2015-04-21 23:38:28 UTC
Nah she had all right to do that
Ray M
2015-04-21 14:49:30 UTC
Hell no or any other citizen for that matter
2015-04-27 16:58:40 UTC
No he should not have. Thats absurd
2015-04-21 16:07:05 UTC
only if she assaulted someone for it, and started a fight
2015-04-22 08:53:57 UTC
2015-04-22 03:59:14 UTC
obviously not man,its injustice
2015-04-22 14:24:46 UTC
of course not
2015-04-22 08:39:15 UTC
Sasas Sasasa
2015-04-21 16:31:38 UTC
No sir!
v l
2015-04-21 08:19:48 UTC
I believe not.
2015-04-22 12:46:55 UTC
2015-04-20 19:38:51 UTC
2015-04-23 08:43:59 UTC
i don't know
2015-04-23 10:47:16 UTC
2015-04-29 08:05:28 UTC
gujdbejbejfbqe hhfuwlowow fhihfruw f
2015-04-22 06:49:54 UTC
2015-04-21 12:48:55 UTC
2015-04-20 19:46:46 UTC
2015-04-22 07:41:27 UTC
2015-04-21 05:30:41 UTC
2015-04-20 19:55:35 UTC
samantha h
2015-04-22 18:09:12 UTC
Hell no that BS
2015-04-22 16:12:40 UTC
2015-04-20 22:08:10 UTC
uh no
2015-04-21 08:19:20 UTC
2015-04-21 10:23:46 UTC
Up to u
2015-04-21 03:57:07 UTC
just know i mean it.
2015-04-20 23:27:55 UTC
Jay G
2015-04-23 21:03:54 UTC;_ylt=AgAzK8EaspAdPozhShaKmU2bvZx4?p=rick+monday&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-700&fp=1
2015-04-20 21:59:21 UTC
2015-04-22 06:04:04 UTC
2015-05-04 01:59:37 UTC
2015-04-25 12:19:28 UTC
2015-04-23 07:58:31 UTC
2015-04-21 17:39:49 UTC
2015-04-21 11:27:28 UTC
2015-04-21 08:38:18 UTC
2015-04-20 19:28:18 UTC
2015-04-27 10:56:58 UTC
2015-04-21 23:12:15 UTC
2015-04-21 13:16:52 UTC
2015-04-21 04:03:44 UTC
2015-04-20 21:19:58 UTC
2015-04-20 19:35:21 UTC
Charly Dat
2015-04-24 03:41:04 UTC
2015-04-23 08:49:35 UTC
Katie M
2015-04-21 12:08:07 UTC
2015-04-21 07:44:10 UTC
2015-04-22 16:16:34 UTC
2015-04-22 01:18:46 UTC
absolutely not!!!
2015-04-21 19:42:38 UTC
Hell no!
2015-04-22 06:41:02 UTC
n0 because ......
2015-04-21 17:50:34 UTC
2015-04-21 11:49:16 UTC
Art G
2015-04-21 21:36:08 UTC
NO !
2015-04-21 09:35:45 UTC
HELL NO WTF FOR??????????????
2015-04-21 04:55:30 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.