2010-01-18 11:18:33 UTC
She's been to the hospital twice since we left and almost lost the baby both times.
I found out today that her blood type has RH Negative, which is causing the problems. The baby doesn't have the same blood type and her body has been trying to reject the baby. She has gotten an injection today and will continue to get them to keep the rejection from happening.
But now she is bedridden and has pain 24/7. She cannot, and is not allowed to do anything and she is home by herself, with hardly anyone to help her or for her to get everything ready for the baby, since I'm deployed.
I've spoken to my first line supervisor, and my first sergeant, and I'm ready to go to my commander to try to get home to help her, or at least get help. If he doesn't help me, I'm ready to go above him, but in all honesty, what can I do?
Please help. I'm honestly worried because as a husband, I can't take care of my wife like I should, and there is no more than 2 people that can help my wife, and that is not very often.