Contact the Afrotc Detachment at SDSU; there will probably be cadets/cadre there willing to help out.
If you are hoping to become a firefighter in California, I am not sure this is the way to go about it. Most departments require at least a Firefighter 1 Academy and/or two year degree and some now require or prefer a four year degree, not necessarily in firefighting or even preferred in firefighting. It is extremely competitive due to the high starting salaries which approach 100k in large departments. There is a wealth of information on this page:
Not sure about a six year contract. Consider if you are going to be satisfied in the enlisted ranks for six years making a fraction of the salary of an officer.....
[Single enlisted ranking less than E-4 and with less than four years service are not eligible for tax free BAH. All officers are eligible for BAH. O-1 to O-2 in 18 months. O-2 to O-3 in another 24 months.]
...... or what you could be making as a civilian firefighter. Depending on grades and extracurricular activities, you might also want to consider applying for an Afrotc scholarship or an appointment to the Air Force Academy. Can also participate in Afrotc while a community college student through cross town school arrangements. For instance, twenty of the cross town schools are community colleges:
With around a 3.0 to 3.2 California Community College Gpa, transfers can be guaranteed to all Uc's except Berkeley and Ucla:
For freshman applicants, UC calculates the Gpa used for admission purposes based on A-G classes taken in 10th and 11th grades. UCM and UCR have been essentially non competitive in admissions for all but a few majors. Almost all who meet the minimum UC requirements have been admitted.
UCM is an HSI for purposes of the Coast Guard's CSPI:
Students at about half the CSU campuses are eligible for Afrotc HSI Scholarships which are non competitive.
Express scholarships and critical foreign language scholarships are non competitive at all Afrotc schools with approved majors.
An Afrotc/Afjrotc Commander can offer nominations to the Air Force Academy. The Air Force Academy offers great advice for those seeking an appointment to any service academy, rotc scholarship or admission to any highly selective university. Open all links to the left of the dialog box.
Usafa Selection process:
Good Luck!