So you want to have a totalitarian Government? I don't.
You want to let King George tell you where to go and what to do? I don't
Name me one war that this nation as fought that 100% of the population of these United States has supported?
NONE! Every war this nation has fought in has had at least 15% of the population against it.
We live in a Represetative Democracy we elect Congress to reflect our will. If you don't like the congress today be assured that there will be a new election in at least two (2) years in which all of the House and at least part of the Senate will be up for reelection and every four yearss we get a chance at perfoming a coup d'tat which will totally change the government of this nation.
So if you my freind believe that this country is going in the wrong direction and you do'nt vote shut- up because you have gotten what you paid for... Nothing.
It may suprise you to know I don't support this war but I do support the troops that this administration has sent in harms way. I also know as you may not that to disengage from the conflict in Iraq and have our forces leave that sad country would take at least 12 to 24 Months, That means to crate up pack up and load all the equipment that we have in Iraq at this time and then to convoy it back to Kuwait.Said Convoy would be 50 Miles long and it would take 3 days for all those vehicles to get into Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. During that time all the troop that are there now would be guarding the convoy and thusly be sitting ducks for Al Quieda. This is based on Army maunals and Petagon estimates of a withdrawal. Maybe we should be talking about how we are going to leave Iraq.
Plus I don't know about you but I'm getting tired of seeing car bombs explode in Iraq and then hear how the surge is working. The Surge is working but it is too late we should have done this surge 2 Years ago and knocked Al Quieda of Iraq on their asses. But we didn't Perterus knows we should have done it, the troops know we should have done it, only the Armchair Generals in the DOD and the White House don't see it.
So if you find this country so objectionable at this time either get a gun and defend her shut up and soldier on or just leave it because you don't seem to be doing any good here with your complaints.
You talk of glory and proseprity and that a country's strength is refelected in it's Army I say you are wrong a country 's strength is refeected in it's people the common everyday man and woman who get up each day and raise their kids to the best of their ablities go to work and do a job and when their nation asks give their time and their lives to defend it. The constitution of this great country is based on a stange idea we trust the average man and to be able to govern themselves.
When we ratified the Counstitution in 1787 the odds were against us this plan had never been tried before. In 1861 the Times of London said about our beginning Civil War " It seem the now it is likely that people who saw this nation born in1787 will see it destroyed in 1861." Not only did we survived but we built the largest man made object and opened it just 4 Years after the end of the Civil War, The Transcontenental Railroad. The English, The Kaiser , the Czar of Russia, Hitler, Tojo, and Sadaam Hussien and Osama bin Ladin have all under estimated this country now it seems we must add your name to the list.
God Bless the United States of America.