1. Thanking anyone you run across for them putting their life on the line to allow you freedom.
2. Putting the truth out there about why we are in Iraq. For those who do not know, here it goes: We defeated Saddam in the first Gulf War. He agreed to a cease fire. Part of that cease fire was to allow weapon inspectors in there to see if he had any chemical, biological, etc. weapons. He refused to do so because evil dictators do not keep their word. (Note this applies to North Korea, Iran, and Syria). Since Saddam violated the treaty, the war was back on. We had complete justification to go and get him. All the rest of the reasons do not apply.
3. Not protesting at Veteran's Hospitals, funerals, etc. This should be criminal for the lack of respect.
4. Supporting our troops means keeping your mouth shut about the wars they are fighting. Saying you are for the troops and against their mission is not ok. If you do not agree with what they are doing, keep it to yourself. All that our enemy needs is to see large numbers of Americans protesting the war. This actually helps the enemy and is borderline treason.
5. Turning off stations that do treasonous broadcasts. This includes never buying the NY Times because they publish leaked classified information about secret government programs. This means CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and the like who go into our enemies areas and broadcast enemy propaganda. How about the stories out of Lebanon that the photos were forged? How about the "journalists" that broadcast Hamas, Hesbo, etc propaganda. There is a limit to this garbage. I refuse to support any of these stations.
To paraphrase former Senator Fred Thompson (currently on Law & Order): It is the American solider who gives his time and life for the right for the people who disagree with them to have that right.