What does "Support the Troops" really mean? (serious answers only)?
2006-08-28 18:13:43 UTC
It seems there a lot of ideas flying around about what "supporting the troops means" exactly. For some it seems to mean blindly and obediently subscribing to everything the president and the government dictates. For others it means slapping a yellow magnet on your car, or putting a poster in your window. Some put on entertainment shows for the troops overseas. I fail to see how any of these things really helps our troops.

To me support our troops means keeping them as safe as possible, and than means being very concious about where they're being sent, and why, and not blindly accepting our politicians rationales.

Support for them would mean better medical care, more responsibility placed on the goverment as to how they are supported after they leave the military.

I have great respect for all that our service people do, and what a great sacrifice they make every day, and I want them treated well.
What does support the troops mean to you? (serious answers only)
Sixteen answers:
2006-08-28 18:20:46 UTC
I think it means that regardless of how you feel towards the war or the reasons we are in it we should respect and cherish our troops. They may have different views from you, you might never meet them (if you did you might be best friend with some and enemies of others), or they might be people you would never associate with. This shouldn't matter though. Ignoring all the politics of war we have to realize that there are individuals out there risking their lives to serve their country the way that they have chosen and they think is best. I don't know if I would put my life at risk for people I don't know but I respect those that do and that is supporting troops.
2006-08-28 18:28:11 UTC
Keeping them in our thoughts and prayers, doing whatever you can to comfort a family that has a child or spouse in service.

Unfortunately, what those magnets and things means to me is that someone is making a fortune off of their sales (probably an iraqi), telling those people that bought them they will be used to "support the troups" They have everything they agreed to when they signed up, except our prays and assistance for the families.

Magnets are not really doing anything, as far as I can tell.

Everyone knows what could happen when they sign-up, and how they get supported after they leave. The problem is they think it won't be me.

And..... If one is ever kidnapped we should take out a whole city if we have to to show them we will not tolerate anyone taking our freedom. Just like Isreal did. That would be the ultimate support. Show them we give a damn*d about them and support our president when he does something like going house to house and killing anyone that refuses to answer questions about an imprisoned american. This is war! Kill, and get it over with. Do it all at once, or a little at a time. The number of casualties will be about the same. Show them we mean business. Give our troops something to be proud of.
2006-08-28 19:22:15 UTC
That phrase means a great deal to me being the wife of an infantry soldier. While stationed at Fort Lewis, I exited the base using a main bridge that crosses the interstate. As far as I could see on either side of the road were people holding signs, waving flags, and thanking us verbally for our sacrifices to our country. It was so emotional for me that I wept. There was no political agenda there. It wasn't is the war right or wrong. It was about people. Support the Troops is about carring about people who have voluntarilly placed himself or herself in harms way.
mikel m
2006-08-28 20:30:57 UTC
to me support our troops means that you support our troops against all the backstabbing mealymouthed bull flying around today because the troops are not home to say these things for themselves. support our troops means that you will help the family's of those troops any time you can because they are not home the help themselves.

support our troops means making sure they have every possible advantage in combat that we as Americans can provide and this includes the advantage of knowing that there loved ones are taken care of

to many people think that support out troops is a slogan, something they can buy at wal mart and stick on there car.

support our troops to me means love and support regardless of what you think of the currant leadership of this country
FL Girl
2006-08-28 18:43:32 UTC
Supporting the troops MEANS supporting the troops in ALL ways. It doesn't mean a person has to believe in a senseless war. It isn't the troops fault that they are over there.
2006-08-28 18:29:41 UTC
Support your troops means believing in what they are doing. They are over there giving their lives for what they believe in, while some people sit here and bad talk everything they are doing. They all left family members, knowing they may not make it back. The least we could do is to support them, meaning to not talk bad about the war, fly our flags, help with their families while they are gone, and stick up for what they believe in. We could all stand to show a little more pride in our country and our troops.
2006-08-28 18:24:23 UTC
Well, there does seem to be a confusion on what "supporting the troops" really means, so i'll clear that up (haha):

1. Liberals use the term "Support the Troops" to say they care for the soldiers who VOLUNTEERED to fight TERRORISM and to bash Bush once again, saying they dont support the Bush admin. or the war on "Iraq" (but it isnt a war against iraq its AGAINST TERRORISM AKA MUSLIM EXTREMISTS)

2. Supporting Troops means one supports the people defending our country. the troops are there to DEFEND OUR COUNTRY because we were horribly attacked on 9/11 supporting the troops really means u realize the fact that muslim extremists are the problem and that they need to be wiped out and to do so means the US has to be involved because WE are the only country that's going to fix the world's problems because we r the best (so is the UK) and the UN hasnt done, isnt doing, and wont do SH#T to achieve a goal of world peace
2006-08-28 18:40:19 UTC
1. Thanking anyone you run across for them putting their life on the line to allow you freedom.

2. Putting the truth out there about why we are in Iraq. For those who do not know, here it goes: We defeated Saddam in the first Gulf War. He agreed to a cease fire. Part of that cease fire was to allow weapon inspectors in there to see if he had any chemical, biological, etc. weapons. He refused to do so because evil dictators do not keep their word. (Note this applies to North Korea, Iran, and Syria). Since Saddam violated the treaty, the war was back on. We had complete justification to go and get him. All the rest of the reasons do not apply.

3. Not protesting at Veteran's Hospitals, funerals, etc. This should be criminal for the lack of respect.

4. Supporting our troops means keeping your mouth shut about the wars they are fighting. Saying you are for the troops and against their mission is not ok. If you do not agree with what they are doing, keep it to yourself. All that our enemy needs is to see large numbers of Americans protesting the war. This actually helps the enemy and is borderline treason.

5. Turning off stations that do treasonous broadcasts. This includes never buying the NY Times because they publish leaked classified information about secret government programs. This means CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and the like who go into our enemies areas and broadcast enemy propaganda. How about the stories out of Lebanon that the photos were forged? How about the "journalists" that broadcast Hamas, Hesbo, etc propaganda. There is a limit to this garbage. I refuse to support any of these stations.

To paraphrase former Senator Fred Thompson (currently on Law & Order): It is the American solider who gives his time and life for the right for the people who disagree with them to have that right.
2006-08-28 18:19:13 UTC
To me "Support The Troops" means to pray for them. Prayer is key. Of course - we should also support them emotionally and physically. Take care of their families when the troops are away in active duty.

But my number one answer is - Prayer.
Sherry M
2006-08-28 18:26:45 UTC
Supporting are troops means just that. If you want to support them you wont do things to undermine them, Ie. hanging effigies of dead solders burning the flag. things that could harm there moral,.

Supporting them would be to show respect to them by seeing to it that they are getting all that need which is moer than just bullets. sind a letter or a book, some things that you take for granted. Show them that you do care not just talk.

Edit: Obviously someone likes to burn flags or just doesnt like others to have opinions.
2006-08-28 18:36:54 UTC
you can do things like write them and send them care packages get a sticker for you car, collect blankets or things like that. anything to let them know that we do support them and they are fighting to make us safe here. They have to have all of our support and to know that they can count on us to stand by them in their time of need and their families as well. just knowing that will help them so much
2006-08-28 18:18:33 UTC
To me it means, support the people over there just doing thier job, even if you think thier boss is an ***. It means pushing for better benefits for them, and offering all you can to thier comfort and wellbeing... even if yoiu dont agree with the war, understanding that they are serving our country by going where thier commander in chief tells them to go.
2006-08-28 18:19:07 UTC
their just doing the job they were trained by our military to do,, the invasion of Iraq is not the fault of our troops,, it's the fault of the Bush team,,, the president uses our military like pawns to do his bidding,, no one in this neoconservative administration have served in the military,, George doesn't count,, he was AWOL, during some of his Air National Guard service,,,
2006-08-28 18:21:26 UTC
Send them food, supplies, soccer balls, footballs, sporting equiptment, build xbox centers (Bill Gates). Basically sending them anything that makes their life easier
2006-08-28 18:28:34 UTC
I couldn't agree more....the homeless shelters are filling up with vets ! why wasn't the no fly zone instated by Clinton enough !!...yea I know....oil !
2006-08-28 18:21:41 UTC
It means to me exactly what you said.

God Bless them everyday!!

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