TheLastBoyScout X
2013-08-09 21:41:11 UTC
#1- Is Obama sympathizing to Islamic foes, possibly connected to his Egyptian support for Moslem Brotherhood and the Syrian rebel support(gunsd from Libya through Turkey, and getting to AQ rebls dominating now? And does he really seriously think he should "arrest the Ben Ghazi Terrorists" under his Atty Gen'l "sealed Indictment" maintaining the stupid idea to try them in US courts, rather than by drone, or at least Guantanamo, which he will not send anyone else to? YES or NO?
Base this on the following:
-1) Obama gave order to get Osama Bin Laden, but few know that that was the 4-5th time they had a ready to hit team, and he hedged in sympathizer scheming to give the "no go order, frustrating the Seals and CIA.. Obama only gave the go, when he was cornered by CIA/NSA and White House staff/Cabinet members with cameras on the complex, and a leak was going to the press that Osama's compund was found beyond doubt. He couldn't worm his way out with that presentation.
Bin Laden was admittedly hard to find, but they had him long before under surveillance and with a spy confirming for weeks.
-2) Obama's accolades for Seal Team Six, was mediocre and embarrassing as he claimed "He did it" and dared to say Hooah every chance to service men, which is a term only to be used by combatant Army and Air forces..not a desk civilian jockey with a title.(he's a coma-batant, not combatant!).
----THEN..mysteriously, Seal Team Six got wiped out after being given a substandard piece of Soviet junk Helo, and sent on an Afghan mission where their coming was telegraphed every which way to the enemy long before arriving and ambushed in the air, when planned support never coordinated, and the mission should have been aborted, more Seal team Six. Bin Laden avenged, from In-House contracting.
ADDITIONAL QUESTION: Do you think his poorly hidden Moslem sympathies led to the Seal T 6 set up? #2 YES or NO?