My husband (he's in the Army) is deployed to Afghanistan; this is his first deployment Is it normal for my feelings to go up and down? I will feel happy and competent one minute and stressed/anxious/sad the's odd because I'm not a "feelings" type of person. He's only been gone for three weeks!! We have a whole year to go. I don't think my family gets it; somehow I don't really think you can understand this unless you are a Military spouse who has gone or is going through a deployment. I feel so sad and worried about my husband all the time. He is my best friend and we are very close...which makes it even harder. I feel like a huge space in my life is gone right now. How can I make this easier on both of us? I never thought it would be this difficult. I know it's hard for him too.
Please don't leave rude/nasty comments. This is a serious Q and I'm looking for real answers. Thanks.