so during my senior year of high school a recruiter came to my school talked to us and I left my contact info. So he eventually calls me months later and we talk and he tells me I won't be able to join due to my seafood allergy and because of the eczema I have on my hands. My dreams are totally crushed but I eventually I move on and start attending a community college downtown, something I didn't want to do at all. Months pass and I get a call from my recruiter and he tells me there's a possibility I can still join despite my conditions. I' was happy as hell we met up, talked, and then he gave me a practice asvab test(scored a 58). He told me to study and we'll meet up again to take another practice test before the real one. Now I want to know if anything he said is true. I don't want to put in all this hard work and then find out everything the recruiter told me was straight bullshit and I can't get in.