So I guess my first question is what exactly does a top secret clearance consist of? I was just fully qualified for the Navy (YAY:)) and was interested in the intelligence specialist job I got the score for it so when I go see a job counselor on Monday I'm gonna ask about it. If it is granted to me I need a top secret clearance.. here's the deal.. I got a ticket for paraphernalia in 2011 (March) Pipe wasn't mine but I had to take responsibility for it. got a ticket, called the court to set up a court date they made me take a class.. I took the class and all charges were dropped. I had 3 tickets for No license no insurance and failure to report an accident and I had to write hand written statements for those because that's what was on my record and everything was okay but my recruiter told me to say anything about the paraphernalia ticket since it wasn't on my record but what Im wondering is if they do the top secret clearance will that show up? do they do the top secret clearance at MEPS before they give you the job? when do you know if you pass the clearance? I'm just worried and want to know before I actually go through and speak with someone. Thank you.