The Fackland are Argentinian??
2007-10-09 21:48:25 UTC
In the environment geographical YES!!!
41 answers:
2007-10-10 06:14:52 UTC
They are British
2007-10-11 09:38:55 UTC
Even though the overwhelming opinion here is that the Falklands and it's dependencies are British, I still feel I need to add my voice to the crowd.

Argentina is in part basing it's claim off the backs of the Spanish, in truth the Falklands have been British and occupied by Brits since before Argentina even existed, so right there your claim is baseless.

To the person who said that before the sheep the Falklands were covered in trees, that I would like to see, having been there and seen nothing above a bush on the islands I find it hard to believe trees were ever there, maybe a lot of bushes an penguins but no real trees.

As to the simple person who said we would never have won if the US hadn't helped, sorry Mack but the only thing we got from the good ol US of A during this conflict was outdated satellite info and some Sidewinder missiles (that came at a hefty price), which we used to shoot down US supplied A4's and French supplied Super Etendards.

Having been to these islands I can tell you the inhabitants DO NOT want to be Argentine, only to be left alone and determine their own destiny.

To the honorary US/RN Matelot yep we still have beer and spirits (For Senior Rates and Officers), onboard pussers grey war canoes and I have more than a few good stories, so pull up a bollard the dit spinning is about to begin.
Jacqueline M
2007-10-13 14:27:53 UTC
Because some idiot of an Argentinian Scrap merchant decided to fly the Argentinian Flag on South Georgia ( a former whaling station teh military junta of Argentina decided to invade the Falkland Islands and it ended with a senseless war with a lot dead and injured on both sides.

Needless to say the British won even though the French were supplying the Argentinians with exocet missiles during the conflict.

The Falkland island are neither British or Argentinian they belong to the people of the Falkland Island.

They are a United Kingdom Overseas Territory by choice and we will defend the rights of these people as long as wish to remain under our Flag and protection.

Goegraphical position doesn`t come into it nor do the wishes of the British or Argentinian Governments, But the wishes of the people who live there through threy`re own goverment.
Luke Warnes
2007-10-09 22:07:08 UTC
Let's see if I remember the history correctly...can't remember the dates..

1. Discovered by the British, claimed by the British and used as a staging post for sailing ships going round South America into the Pacific.

2. Left without any residents on the Islands when a Spaniard (?) landed on the Island and farmed parts.

3. Spaniard left the Islands, saying that it was a French colony (nobody living on the islands).

4. French didn't want the Islands so said it should be Argentine (which is the basis for the Argentinian claim).

All the above happened 19th century and earlier.

BTW The Falklands were originally heavily wooded, but somebody introduced sheep...

So for me the question isn't what has happened, but what do the people living on the Islands want, If they said they wanted to be part of Argentina I'd have no objections at all. I can't understand why anybody would want to live there in the first place!
2007-10-10 00:22:13 UTC

The Islands were settled by the British, the language spoken by the Islanders is English, the taxes paid by the Islanders is paid to Great Britain. The British Military are stationed there.

As for the British having problems with the Scottish & Irish, well we didn't disappear* our people or problems the way you did under a military Junta, Democracy is alive and well in Great Britain.

France & Spain are members of the European Union as is Great Britain any "problems" will be resolved democratically without resorting to an armed invasion.

Worse comes to the worst we might give the Islands to our Allies Chile as they are the nearest foreign land mass, rather than hand then over to Argentina.

* = More than 11,000 people disappeared during the military's seven-year systematic crackdown on dissidents, known as Argentina's "dirty war." Human rights groups put the death toll at 30,000.
2007-10-09 22:14:16 UTC
Argentina continues to believe that these islands (Falklands or Malvinas) belong to them. The British, of course say absolutely not. Both countries fought a terrible, stupid war over them that was started by an Argentine military dictator trying desparately to stay in power. He ordered patriotic, and mostly inept troops, air and naval forces to invade. The result was a major defeat of the Argentines.

The good that came from this was that the Argentines seem to have finally turned away from military governments forever. They still have problems electing honest and intelligent people to any office, but at least they are not dying in the mud or being hunted down like animals in their own country. (see: Dirty War)

Many Argentines will still say the Malvinas belong to them, but the government seems willing to use diplomacy to settle the question sometime in the future. They are in no rush.

Argentina now allows ships and plans to fly to the islands from and to Argentina. Before the war they would not allow this.

I know this is more than you wanted, but I had the time to write.

Final Word: At least by possession - The islands belong to the UK and are called The Falkland Islands by them, not The Malvinas.
2007-10-11 12:30:04 UTC
The Falkland is not Argentinian because the British clamied this and hundreds of years ago when Britain ruled 1/4 of the worlds surface. It just showed how much the people on the Falklands want to become Argentinian...NOT! When they invaded our territory , the people on the island were shouting out to the UK ' we want to remain British,come and same us' and that is what Britain did. They beat the Argentinians against all the odds and thousands of miles away from home with only limited supplies and limited numbers of military vehicles and men. It just shows how much Britain will protect it's overseas territory and it also shows the Britain can fight anywhere,against anyone and against all the odds.
2007-10-10 09:39:50 UTC
To the gimp RAYn whatever,the yank,your soldiers may have all the gear,but they have no F*****G idea how to use em,our boys had to show you house to house,our SAS the worlds best armed service bar none went to Iraq the first time to pick up your useless special forces that failed to rescue your own people downed in a copter,so go take your face for a s**t,took you nearly 4 bloody years to get your lazy arses to help in WW2,then another dummy american on cnn claimed they were in the war 4 years before us,the only way you knuckleheads know where a country is,is when you buggers invade it....we kicked the argies *** and if we had the same amount of men as you,you would still be a colony...bow down and kiss the Queens butt my ignorant colonial boy....Falklands as british as british gets....
2007-10-10 11:25:49 UTC
They may be part of the continental shelf of Argentina but if you wish to look at things that way Argentina and a whole load of other countries belong to the USA, Great Britain is French soil, etc etc is it not strange that Argentina was not really interested in the Falklands (thats how it is really spelt, puta) until el general Galtieri and his nazi-sympathizing government needed a war to divert attention from major political issues at home
angela m
2007-10-10 01:01:04 UTC
The Falkland Islands may be closer to Argentina than the UK, and there have been many good answers on here, buts lets give the Falkland Islanders what the good people of Gibraltar had, a vote!!!!! a say so on which country they want to be with!!!!! its called DEMOCRACY and btw the people of Gibraltar voted 99% to stay with the UK, oh but I forgot Argentina hasnt got that good a history when it comes to democracy
2007-10-09 23:51:21 UTC
They were discovered by the English settled by the Spaniards who were driven out by the Americans and then settled by the British where do the Argentinians come into the equation?.Oh yes they go there to commit suicide by British bullets.
2007-10-11 13:43:53 UTC
To Candy G you are in error the USA provided intelligence via awax aircraft and lots of other ways yuo will never know about.And as long as the Islanders wish to remain British we in the UK will protect them from all aggressors,Good Luck to all our Forces.PAX.
2007-10-10 23:07:40 UTC
Several of my FRIENDS, actually, FOUGHT, - and, TWO of them DIED, - to keep those islands British. I can visit the GRAVE of ONE, - the OTHER was NEVER FOUND, - HE's STILL THERE, - SOMEWHERE! Thus, those islands will ALWAYS remain BRITISH! Geographically, - I can NOT DENY, - it is a SIMPLE FACT, that they ARE closer to Argentina, than they are, to the United Kingdom, - but, THAT is of NO CONSEQUENCE!

The actuality of it, IS, that, the HEARTS and MINDS of the VAST majority of the population, are BRITISH!

Remember, April to June, 1982!
2007-10-09 22:05:24 UTC
Try it again, gaucho, and see what happens. The Falklands have been free under and British protection since Bolivar was in puberty.

When Argentina can mind its own economy, maybe then the people in the Falklands would want to join you. Until you a genuinely democratic country with a stable economy they will shoot you as you land.
2007-10-10 04:55:40 UTC
You had your one chance and blew it, never will the UK hand over the Falklands. Your invasion now has meant any chance of Argentina ownership has gone!!

I'm now supporting South Africa in the Rugby World Cup
2007-10-09 23:56:56 UTC
once we have drilled and taken all the oil out you can have them but until then be happy that u can only beat us in football and if u ever decide to have another go then u shall feel the full force of the best armed forces in the world just like 25yrs ago.

now be quiet and sit down.
2007-10-09 22:16:28 UTC
A Bunch of dead Tommy's say the Falklands are UK property! and a bunch of Argentine conscripts failed to backup the Argentine Dictatorship's Macho talk and Bravado

Old general can start wars its winning them that they find difficult

Final score UK wins Argentine loses

Results UK keeps Falklands

Lessons learned Argentina needs to look for oil someplace else... the red berets are never far away....
2007-10-10 02:36:39 UTC
The Argentines lost, the Brits won, end of story...with one small exception...there was an earlier post claiming that the Brit victory was due to the finest military there is...sorry , my English friends and Allies, the United States Marines didn't fight there ! Cheers.
John H
2007-10-10 01:38:24 UTC
I was just wondering when the Spanish invaders were going to give Argentina back to the natives who were there first?
2007-10-09 23:42:54 UTC
The Falklands are British!!!.

Want to come and try retaking them?.

Q/ Why did General Leopoldo Galtieri order a Navy with glass bottomed boats?.

A/ So he could review his Air Force!.

RayN...i doubt you could punch you`r way out of a soggy paper bag.
Kenny S
2007-10-10 16:15:05 UTC
in spite of my over patriotic commrades serving in other branches of the armed services, i consider the British military to be our equals and a superb allie,you did a wonderful job in the falklands keeping your territory sovergien and free, heres one to you *raises glass* just make sure if you go at them again, to invite us along, oour navy needs some target practice
2007-10-09 23:05:24 UTC
i think that a couple of thousand paras and marines would dissagree with you. Just be lucky we didnt treat it like diego garcia and evict all the inhabitants and give the island to the us as a airbase
Prof. Dave
2007-10-09 21:57:10 UTC
Nope the Flaklands are a British area. This was well determined during the Falkland war. Unless the British chose to give them to another nation or give them there own nation, it belongs to them.
2007-10-10 14:05:05 UTC
I hear Hugo Chavez is planning a take over. Don't believe me?

-The man said it himself.

Britain versus Argentina/Venezuela. Should be interesting.
2007-10-09 21:52:09 UTC
No, they're British. A war was fought after British subjects were attacked by Argentina and Argentina lost. Plain and simple. If we used your logic, Alaska is Canadian!
2007-10-09 22:14:10 UTC
if they can't spell it they don;t own it then again the facklands probably are.wherever that is.the malvenas are british and always will be my thoughts and prayers are with the familys who lost loved ones in that sad time
2007-10-09 21:52:40 UTC
No the Falklands (or Malvines) are British territory. Geography does not always matter, as Gibralter is not part of Spain.
Tom M
2007-10-09 22:15:14 UTC
Crawl back in your little hole sonny, we Brits whipped your butts before and will do again if we have to.

The Falklands flies a Union Jack which means she is part of our country.

Grow up and learn to accept it.
2007-10-09 21:52:15 UTC

By the same logic, Great Britain is an island, who do we belong to.

In fact lets take all islands, and give them to the nearest mainland country.

2007-10-10 12:50:01 UTC
They belong to the UK., War fought and won enough said.
2007-10-11 08:50:50 UTC
No they are not ....

They are British and i am sure we had this issue some years back and it was resolved
2007-10-10 01:52:45 UTC
What's up? Tomatoes too expensive?
2007-10-10 13:34:02 UTC
whats that on the horizon? a task force? Run!
2007-10-09 22:50:37 UTC
no the sheep said they want to be under English rule :-)

(sorry i had to say that)

Theres nothing much there anyway is there?
robert x
2007-10-11 10:13:31 UTC
Never Never never!
2007-10-09 22:18:47 UTC
No they are British and always will be.
candy g
2007-10-09 21:51:17 UTC
the Falklands are NOT................

Invade again and the same result will happen, butts kicked dead on both sides...........

2007-10-10 11:26:08 UTC
Yeah, and your one dumb SOAFB.
Elizabeth L
2007-10-10 02:53:07 UTC
2007-10-09 22:01:24 UTC

english colonialists fighting spanish colonialists for some barren rock in the middle of nowhere

enough have died for this pointless place
2007-10-09 21:52:44 UTC
The Brits should let the Argentines have the Falkland islands.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.