Where's the hard evidence that we found weapons of mass destruction?
2010-02-10 04:39:17 UTC
Alot of things bug me about this war and the events surrounding 9/11

Like the fact that the Bush family had been doing buisness with the Binladen family before 9/11
- Bush started out as a buisness man, working for oil companys
- Saddam was trying to rebuild the ancient library of ancient Mesopotamia ( meaning ancient documents of the Sumerian God Enki would have been brought back to life...Enki is the one the bible calls "the adversary" ...could our christian nation stand for such blasphomey....yes the freemasons started out Luciferian, but were quicky infiltrated and now they're a judeo-christian empire, much like The new WORLD order)
- Several people who watch the planes crash into the twin towers said that the planes were NOT american airline, they said they looked like cargo planes, and the 2 planes that supposedly crashed into the twin towers were spotted at an airport AFTER 9/11 and never seen again.These planes that supposedly crashed into the twin towers weren't even schedualed to fly on Sept.11th
- Bush had been warned about the attacks before 9/11
- The EPA claimed that the air around the towers was ok for people to a result 50,000 rescue workers and innocent civilians are slowly dying...only about 3,000 died in the terrorist attack, the EPA director wasn't even charged for causing more deaths than the attack on america
- When Political men of power are questioned about 9/11 being an inside job, they clam-up, or just say "sit down and shut-up (why would asking questions about something be looked at as wrong, it's the only way to find the true answers....unless you have something to hide)...never once have they stated an intelligent fact as to why and how 9/11 wasn't an inside job
- As I recall the UN said they found no weapons of mass destruction
- The only thing we found were chem labs....don't we have those in school? should we be bombing schools
- I want to see these weapons of mass destruction....why wouldn't we be able to, we got to see Saddam being hung

Someone give me some stone-cold hard evidence that we found weapons of mass destruction. (This means it has to be something more than "because Bush says so")
Eighteen answers:
2010-02-10 05:20:49 UTC
Because Saddam never used chemical weapons on the Kurds. Bush made that up, he probably hand a hand in that whole holocaust lie too... sigh.
Gray Wanderer
2010-02-10 05:34:33 UTC
The question is why the thousands of gallons of nerve agents found, highly concentrated organophosphates, including chemical warhead artillery rounds filled with these nerve agents, were just blown off as "pesticides". The "Smoking Gun" was found, but it was written off by the Bush administration. Why?

Is the insect problem really so great in Iraq that they had to have enough "pesticide" which, when diluted to pesticide strength, would be enough to spray the whole country three times a day for at least ten years?

And really, since when do you use a 75mm or a 105 mm cannon to apply insecticide? Are Iraqi roaches and weevils really THAT big?

And of course we can't forget what Hitler used the insecticide Zyklon B for.

The Gore family still does business with the bin Laden family, so Al Gore must be in on the plot as well.

Bush was also warned about the gasoline and propane tankers which were going to be used as bombs on bridges and in traffic tunnels, the poisons which were going to be pumped into the water systems. Clinton was also warned about the attacks, but scheduled for a different date. Bush was warned about the atack on the White House scheduled for July 4, 2001 as well. Something like 300 warnings of that sort come in per day. You must believe that Sarah Brady was inon the 9/11/2001 attack as well, since her group, Handgun Control Inc., (Now called the Brady Campaign), disarmed the pilots about 6 weeks prior to the hijackings.
2010-02-10 05:50:06 UTC
I think the first thing that must be determined is what is a WMD? Planes can be classified as WMDs if used as a weapon. Therefore no one can argue that there are planes in Iraq. I think that's just a case of bad semantics. To answer your question your question is all over the place. It sounds to me like you just want people to say they agree with you on your views against the war in Iraq. What does your first bullet have to do with WMD's, the war in Iraq, or anything else? The second bullet, I saw no evidence of the rebuilding of Mesopotamia. Saddam was taking gold from the iraqi citizens and using it to add to his own personal wealth. An Iraqi told me a story about when he lived in Baghdad. Saddam had men go house-to-house around the city and collect all the people's gold. Saddam took this man's gold necklace that was a family heirloom. A short time later (I think he said a couple months), Saddam held a parade in the streets and was pulled around in a horse-drawn carriage, made of pure gold. Third bullet is just ridiculous. 4th bullet, definitely. I was living on Fort Bragg during the attacks. They started closing the post (putting up gates and adding security) over a year prior to the attacks. The post was closed just prior to the attacks. People knew the attacks were coming. But what are you trying to infer, that Bush caused the attacks? He knew that something was coming, just like a lot of other people who had some awareness, just not the details of when, where, and how. We all know that we're gonna die, does that mean we caused our own death? 5th Bullet, I agree that the air around the towers was unsafe. What does that have to do with MDS? 6th bullet, people do not what to stamp their name on something they don't have all the facts on. I can agree with their stance. As far as it being an inside job is ridiculous for the reasons I mentioned above and will mention below. 7th bullet, the UN found no weapons. Why would they find weapons? Iraq was given time to hide all the weapons the UN was looking for. 8th bullet, "we" do you mean the US military? As a member of the US military, I can tell you that I found more than chem labs. You don't have to worry about what you find or don't find because you're not doing the looking. I can say this because it you were, you would know that there is more going on than what you've been told.
2010-02-10 05:58:24 UTC
Read about the attacks on the Kurds in the 80's and then tell me if Iraq had WMD. He HAD them and moved them. I suppose since we haven't found Bin Laden, he doesn't exist either, right?

Did you know we unearthed 1 dozen Mig25's in the desert? They were buried because Iraq was not supposed to have them, but there they were. That wasn't covered by the news, either.

And your allegation the Bush family was doing business with the Bin Laden family? Where is your proof? AS far as I know, that family has "disowned" Osama, but regardless your comment is inflammatory at best
2016-08-30 02:17:24 UTC
There is really probably no evidence at all. The government just has to justify it's violent invasions of other countries somehow.
2016-12-11 13:33:05 UTC
i'd be truthful. there replaced into no WMD, and that i have never considered as many stupid human beings in my complete life. when I examine this question i replaced into taken aback. One lady there stated "all terrorist international locations in simple terms favor to kill individuals." i do not even comprehend a thanks to respond to human beings like that. the U. S. is in Iraq because it has the potential and the would to covet what's not any their own. It has truly no agency occupying different international locations in this earth, or stealing organic factors. If Iraq had nuclear guns, it nonetheless does not be as a lot because the U. S. to ascertain it a u . s . that desires oppressed. Sadam Hussein has been hung for conflict crimes. Will I ever watch George Bush being hung for his appaling crimes, not in basic terms on humanity, yet on the globe. Please leave our international on my own. Take your infantrymen out of international locations they ought to not be in. end the CIA financing secret wars, so u . s . can step in, and arm different international locations less than its administration. end racing into jap Europe, you're starting to be Russia edgy, and putting Nuclear guns in Czech is a dramatic act for our planet. end giving the Israeli's a loose hand to homicide chance free Palestinians, in simple terms because they could accomodate you financially and militarily contained in the middle east. Pull out of Korea, and take your eyes of Iran. you're coming up a melting pot, and the international fears you, yet we do not all ought to submit with you. some individuals would truly die. you obtain away with dropping 2 atom bombs, and that i fantastically doubt the international will stand by utilising and ever allow you to do the variety of component again.
2010-02-10 04:53:58 UTC
Polish troops found canisters of mustard and sarin gasses, which violated the cease fire agreement of 1991 that kept Saddam Hussein in power. By this violation, his removal, to me, is justified.

Also, before you just "blame Bush" because it's popular, remember that Saddam Hussein WANTED the world to believe he had them in greater quantities than what has been found. This threw off all intelligence gathering from 1998 onward, because remember, in 1991, the UN VERIFIED his WMD capabilities. What the major bone of contention was is what was unaccounted for, and since it was verified he had them once, reasonable logic says he continued to hold them.
2010-02-10 06:05:50 UTC
I saw the two mustard-gas filled artillery shells my unit recovered.

At the time all of our WMD finds were kept secret because we did not want Al Queda to start trying to find them before we were confident that we had gathered them all up.

If I recall correctly, all captured WMD were flown to Johnson Island and destroyed.
2010-02-10 04:53:50 UTC
Sarin and Mustard Gas

Regardless, the status of WMDs in no way confirms any of the remainder of your conspiracy theories. You want evidence of something, but then seem to accept outlandish theory without evidence?
2010-02-10 04:59:06 UTC
There was no evidence.It was George Bush's excuse to start a war in his desperate and ill planned attempt to take over the world ! Honestly Brain ( from pinky and the brain ) can do better !
2010-02-10 04:43:23 UTC
The largest Arms dealers are the USA UK Russia China Norht Korea etc

they have the knowledge that Sadaam Hussein had possession of many WMD

Gas was used by Sadaam against his own people and also the Kurd and Iriaians

so there is sufficient proof that Sadaam had WMD's at his disposal~
Clatty Mary
2010-02-10 04:48:17 UTC
no one will offer you any evidence because there is none.

as for 911,...this was an inside job.

so was 7/7.

more will come.

Possibly at the Olympics in Canada.

HAARP is also some thing to research.

Teach the Children the truth, it is them who will have to endure the slavery of the New World Order if we don't succeed.

You will be called names and told to take off your tin foil hat.

This is the only response the ignorant have to such lines of inquiry.

Stick to your guns.


2010-02-10 05:04:12 UTC
There were no weapons of mass distraction , it was a trick to take the oil fields, Bush was the man who made war a big business.
2010-02-10 04:55:36 UTC
FIRST your WMD question....There were literally dozens of WMD, equipment WMD sites and WMD weapons discovered after the invasion of Iraq. Here are a few examples.

* A prison laboratory complex used to test biological weapons on prisoners.

* Live strains of biological agents (WMDs)concealed in a scientist’s home.

* A secret network of laboratories and safe houses containing equipment used for WMD research.

*Iraq was conducting new research on several live viruses. (Brucella; Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic fever) and several poisons (Ricin; Aflatoxin)

*Equipment and research documents were hidden in scientist’s homes which could be used to restart Iraq’s nuclear weapons program.

*Iraq had several Unmanned Airial Vehicles (UAV’s) capable of delivering a nuclear device deep into Israel. This was a violation of the UN Peace Accords on WMD’s.

*A secret ability to manufacture a fuel propellant only used for illegal long range SCUD missiles used to deliver WMDs.

*Advanced design work and plans to develop long-range missiles that could reach anywhere in Israel. These weapons were prohibited by the UN.

*Secret attempts to obtain several prohibited long range missile systems from North Korea.

* Three tons of “Yellow Cake” purchased from Nigeria. Two tons were recently move to Canada.

* Over 3,000 new chemical protection suits used to protect Iraqi troops from Sarin, VX and other toxic nerve agents.

* Discovery of more than twenty secret sites where Iraq was conducting nuclear research.

*Thirty four secret sites where Iraq conducted their illegal chemical warfare program.

* A warehouse with over 500 chemical munitions most of them still lethal. Evidently these reportedly “destroyed” munitions were overlooked when the bulk of Iraq’s WMD’s were moved to Syria.

* Over twenty CBR research sites disguised as private homes and even water wells. According to Civil Engineer Adnan Ihsan Saeed al-Haideri many “substitute sites” were constructed in case any of these operational research sites were discovered and destroyed.

* Iraqi had rebuilt numerous segments of its “industrial chemical infrastructure” under the guise of a “civilian need for pesticides, chlorine and other dual-purpose chemicals.” The actual purpose of these facilities is highly suspect. Many WMD’s start out as pesticides (Mustard-Lewisite; Phosgene and Hydrogen Cyanide etc).

*Some IED’s used against allied forces did contain Sarin gas, a WMD.

*Huge caches of “commercial and agricultural’ chemicals were discovered. The fact that these huge caches could easily be converted to WMD’s was conveniently overlooked.

*Near Karbala a large supply of 55 gallon drums containing “agricultural chemicals” was found in a camouflaged bunker (?). The agricultural site (?) was collocated with a military ammunition dump. Several of the drums contained Sarin, a WMD. Several allied forces and a CNN reporter were injured by exposure to this nerve agent.

* The 4th Infantry in Bai’ji discovered several 55 gallon drums of cyclosarin, a blister agent. Collocated with these chemicals were protective masks, mobile laboratories capable of mixing chemicals and several ground to air and ground to ground long range missiles.

* The 101st AAD found numerous drums of Sarin and Mustard agent dumped in the Euphrates River. These WMD’s contaminated the local water supply to toxic levels.

* Danish forces discovered 120mm shells with a mysterious liquid that initially tested as a blister agent (a WMD).

* Reports from three different sources that tons of Iraqi WMD’s were moved to three villages in Syria’s Bakka Valley. We know how it is stored and that some of those lethal Iraqi WMD’s are currently being shipped to North Africa (Sudan).

NOW for your other ponderables... The Bin Laden family and the Saudi Royal Family have no connection to Osama... In fact Osama has tried to assassinate the royal family....Osama is not even a citizen of Saudi Arabia since 1992...."cargo plane' reported by one observer and quickly disproven....there are photographs of the planes and debris that refute that bogus report.... they were regularly scheduled commercial flights....your sources are in error....Bush had no fore knowledge of the attack....the closest they came was a "suspicious activity report" to the FBI....never got to the President's attention.....EPA...where are you getting this bogus information....they were not on site until HOURS and HOURS after the event... inside job? physically impossible....and totally illogical (email me)....

EDIT For those that say this is about OIL....prove it....America does not control Iraqi oil ....the UN does....America gets no money or oil from Iraq.... it all goes to the Iraq American companies get Iraqi oil only China..... In fact not long ago Congress was complaining that we should get some sort of special oil deal.... but it was never brought to the floor
2010-02-10 04:41:39 UTC
There was no weapons of mass destruction, the only reason Bush invaded Iraq was in order to deplete them of their oil.
2010-02-10 04:47:49 UTC
There was no solid evidence
Bux - Type 2 Diabetic (NIDDM)
2010-02-10 04:42:10 UTC
There never was any. It was manufactured so they can build an oil pipeline to Turkey.
2010-02-10 04:44:17 UTC
they are um they're in the uhh.... they were never found, it was fabrication to invade.....


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