FIRST your WMD question....There were literally dozens of WMD, equipment WMD sites and WMD weapons discovered after the invasion of Iraq. Here are a few examples.
* A prison laboratory complex used to test biological weapons on prisoners.
* Live strains of biological agents (WMDs)concealed in a scientist’s home.
* A secret network of laboratories and safe houses containing equipment used for WMD research.
*Iraq was conducting new research on several live viruses. (Brucella; Congo Crimean Hemorrhagic fever) and several poisons (Ricin; Aflatoxin)
*Equipment and research documents were hidden in scientist’s homes which could be used to restart Iraq’s nuclear weapons program.
*Iraq had several Unmanned Airial Vehicles (UAV’s) capable of delivering a nuclear device deep into Israel. This was a violation of the UN Peace Accords on WMD’s.
*A secret ability to manufacture a fuel propellant only used for illegal long range SCUD missiles used to deliver WMDs.
*Advanced design work and plans to develop long-range missiles that could reach anywhere in Israel. These weapons were prohibited by the UN.
*Secret attempts to obtain several prohibited long range missile systems from North Korea.
* Three tons of “Yellow Cake” purchased from Nigeria. Two tons were recently move to Canada.
* Over 3,000 new chemical protection suits used to protect Iraqi troops from Sarin, VX and other toxic nerve agents.
* Discovery of more than twenty secret sites where Iraq was conducting nuclear research.
*Thirty four secret sites where Iraq conducted their illegal chemical warfare program.
* A warehouse with over 500 chemical munitions most of them still lethal. Evidently these reportedly “destroyed” munitions were overlooked when the bulk of Iraq’s WMD’s were moved to Syria.
* Over twenty CBR research sites disguised as private homes and even water wells. According to Civil Engineer Adnan Ihsan Saeed al-Haideri many “substitute sites” were constructed in case any of these operational research sites were discovered and destroyed.
* Iraqi had rebuilt numerous segments of its “industrial chemical infrastructure” under the guise of a “civilian need for pesticides, chlorine and other dual-purpose chemicals.” The actual purpose of these facilities is highly suspect. Many WMD’s start out as pesticides (Mustard-Lewisite; Phosgene and Hydrogen Cyanide etc).
*Some IED’s used against allied forces did contain Sarin gas, a WMD.
*Huge caches of “commercial and agricultural’ chemicals were discovered. The fact that these huge caches could easily be converted to WMD’s was conveniently overlooked.
*Near Karbala a large supply of 55 gallon drums containing “agricultural chemicals” was found in a camouflaged bunker (?). The agricultural site (?) was collocated with a military ammunition dump. Several of the drums contained Sarin, a WMD. Several allied forces and a CNN reporter were injured by exposure to this nerve agent.
* The 4th Infantry in Bai’ji discovered several 55 gallon drums of cyclosarin, a blister agent. Collocated with these chemicals were protective masks, mobile laboratories capable of mixing chemicals and several ground to air and ground to ground long range missiles.
* The 101st AAD found numerous drums of Sarin and Mustard agent dumped in the Euphrates River. These WMD’s contaminated the local water supply to toxic levels.
* Danish forces discovered 120mm shells with a mysterious liquid that initially tested as a blister agent (a WMD).
* Reports from three different sources that tons of Iraqi WMD’s were moved to three villages in Syria’s Bakka Valley. We know how it is stored and that some of those lethal Iraqi WMD’s are currently being shipped to North Africa (Sudan).
NOW for your other ponderables... The Bin Laden family and the Saudi Royal Family have no connection to Osama... In fact Osama has tried to assassinate the royal family....Osama is not even a citizen of Saudi Arabia since 1992...."cargo plane' reported by one observer and quickly disproven....there are photographs of the planes and debris that refute that bogus report.... they were regularly scheduled commercial flights....your sources are in error....Bush had no fore knowledge of the attack....the closest they came was a "suspicious activity report" to the FBI....never got to the President's attention.....EPA...where are you getting this bogus information....they were not on site until HOURS and HOURS after the event... inside job? physically impossible....and totally illogical (email me)....
EDIT For those that say this is about OIL....prove it....America does not control Iraqi oil ....the UN does....America gets no money or oil from Iraq.... it all goes to the Iraq American companies get Iraqi oil only China..... In fact not long ago Congress was complaining that we should get some sort of special oil deal.... but it was never brought to the floor