I am planning to join the U.S. Marines, and I would be asking a recruiter this, but I want to lose a little more weight before I go and see a recruiter. I am currently working on losing about 70 pounds and building muscle in order to join, I know I am capable of this. My body was lean and strong just two years ago before I let myself go. I have only lost about ten pounds so far, but I want to wait until I lose at least fifteen more before I go and see a recruiter. I don't want to look like a fat sloppy mess when asking to join the world's finest fighting force. I am determined and I will meet my goal!
With that out of the way, I would really like an MOS that is as close to Infantry as I can get. Do any exist? I understand that the infantry is closed to me because I am a woman, but I want to fight for my country, is there anything even remotely close? Thank you for the answers.