I am both self-employed and an employee, as well as an NSman who's into my last cycle. So, I am sure my inputs here will not be a waste of time.
Throughout my working life so far, I have been fortunate to work for employers who do not discriminate against Singaporean male employees with NS liabilities.
I think it depends on how efficiently an employer manages its manpower or human resource. that is very important to keep work going, and not let it be affected by an employee's NS obligations. It also depends on how reasonably in advance an employee notifies his employer of his NS obligations, so that the latter can plan and manages its manpower better.
In addition, I feel that the duration of a 2-week Hi-key ICT can be further reduced to say, 7 or 8 days. Or, at least more efficiently manage the time of NSmen. Why do I say that? As an NSman who's into my last cycle, I dare say that half the time of every ICT I've been through is spent on " Wait-to-Rush, and Rush-to-Wait", for no valid reason. Moreover, the excercise objectives need to be kept short and clear for easy understanding, and executed more efficiently.
That way, both employer and employee will be happier, as employer can regain their manpower strength earlier, and employee can be relieved of his NS duties earlier to get back to work. This will greatly improve the morale of NSmen, and they will look forward to their next ICTs, knowing that their time will be more efficiently used. Less taxpayers' money will also be consumed for ICTs that way.
RT is another area of concern for employers and working NSmen. In today's demanding working life, the number and frequency of RT sessions need to be reduced, and its weekday sessions need to start only after office hours to minimise disruptions to working NSmen. RT should not be viewed as a measure to penalise NSmen who fail their IPPT, and cause disruption to their working life. RT should be seen as a measure to help NSmen lead a more healthy lifestyle for the sake of their family and country. Because no NSman in his right mind would purposely want to fail IPPT. Sometimes, we don't know what the other fellow is going through that results in his failure to pass IPPT.
If these positive changes can be effected soon, we will definitely see less discrimination by employers against employees who are NSmen. And we will see less disgruntlement among working NSmen. When these happen, we will see a happier, stronger and more united nation than before.
Thank you.