National Service and employment: Do companies here practice discriminatory hiring against NSmen?
2013-10-08 04:06:10 UTC
A recently-released survey by the Institute of Policy Studies in Singapore found that almost half of employed Singaporean servicemen feel that their bosses prefer to hire people who do not have NS commitments — these would include taking IPPT annually, go for in-camp training and to declare overseas travel until the entire military cycle is completed.

1) If you're an NSman, what's your take on the situation? Do you feel like employers tend to opt for applicants who do not have NS commitments?
2) If you're an employer, do you think this trend is true? If so, what are your reasons for doing so? Do you feel it's important to give our NSmen equal opportunity?
3) What kinds of changes do you think could be made to the existing system?

Let us know your thoughts.

Read our story on this here:
44 answers:
2013-10-08 19:52:57 UTC
I am both self-employed and an employee, as well as an NSman who's into my last cycle. So, I am sure my inputs here will not be a waste of time.

Throughout my working life so far, I have been fortunate to work for employers who do not discriminate against Singaporean male employees with NS liabilities.

I think it depends on how efficiently an employer manages its manpower or human resource. that is very important to keep work going, and not let it be affected by an employee's NS obligations. It also depends on how reasonably in advance an employee notifies his employer of his NS obligations, so that the latter can plan and manages its manpower better.

In addition, I feel that the duration of a 2-week Hi-key ICT can be further reduced to say, 7 or 8 days. Or, at least more efficiently manage the time of NSmen. Why do I say that? As an NSman who's into my last cycle, I dare say that half the time of every ICT I've been through is spent on " Wait-to-Rush, and Rush-to-Wait", for no valid reason. Moreover, the excercise objectives need to be kept short and clear for easy understanding, and executed more efficiently.

That way, both employer and employee will be happier, as employer can regain their manpower strength earlier, and employee can be relieved of his NS duties earlier to get back to work. This will greatly improve the morale of NSmen, and they will look forward to their next ICTs, knowing that their time will be more efficiently used. Less taxpayers' money will also be consumed for ICTs that way.

RT is another area of concern for employers and working NSmen. In today's demanding working life, the number and frequency of RT sessions need to be reduced, and its weekday sessions need to start only after office hours to minimise disruptions to working NSmen. RT should not be viewed as a measure to penalise NSmen who fail their IPPT, and cause disruption to their working life. RT should be seen as a measure to help NSmen lead a more healthy lifestyle for the sake of their family and country. Because no NSman in his right mind would purposely want to fail IPPT. Sometimes, we don't know what the other fellow is going through that results in his failure to pass IPPT.

If these positive changes can be effected soon, we will definitely see less discrimination by employers against employees who are NSmen. And we will see less disgruntlement among working NSmen. When these happen, we will see a happier, stronger and more united nation than before.

Thank you.
Derrick T
2013-10-08 22:57:32 UTC
1) If you're an NSman, what's your take on the situation? Do you feel like employers tend to opt for applicants who do not have NS commitments?

Obviously. If you were an employer, you would rather employ someone with no liabilities. What's the advantage for employers to get a Singaporean man vs woman/PR? NONE! Only disadvantages. Even an idiot can tell, so stop deluding us.

2) If you're an employer, do you think this trend is true? If so, what are your reasons for doing so? Do you feel it's important to give our NSmen equal opportunity?

I'm not an employer, but I presume that they are smarter than idiots?

3) What kinds of changes do you think could be made to the existing system?

Scrap the stupid IPT/RT crap. Seriously, it's a waste of time and will get us fired. What's the point of having so much in-camp training? All we need is to refresh our skills and not to be labourers.
2013-10-08 19:11:12 UTC
Apart from Public Sector that has to lead by example, there will always be some sort of discriminatory practices against NSmen. This is the same for pregnant ladies, who can find themselves being "fired" one way or another for taking long maternity leave or being pregnant one time too many.

Bottom line is that if you can be away from your job for 2 weeks to 1 month, it simply means you're either redundant and can be dismissed. If you can't be away and yet have to because of NS obligation, the company will have no choice but to have someone else cover your duties. Problem is, once your duties are covered and the company still operates fine, management may find you a "liability" more than an asset, especially if this occurs on an annual basis for the next 10 years.

Oh, did I include the annual IPPT and RT sessions for those who fail?
2013-10-08 21:54:21 UTC

Most SMEs in Singapore would frown upon us males that are still liable to serve NS.

You see those without NS liability gets better treatment. We as Singapore males are really at a disadvantage due to that liability. We have to commit work time to go for Reservist and IPPT (if you fail RT) and that eats into the man hours.

Many (not all but there are a majority) females employees in Singapore are surprisingly quite against hiring males with NS liability. (Personal experience)

There are job requirements for a person to travel overseas for business dealings. And every time he has to declare overseas travel which is quite a hassle if the person flies every other week.

2)I'm an employer and I also try not not hire people with NS liability unless his department has someone to cover his duties, but if the person has a specialize job scope then I will try to get someone without NS liability.And if the person is in a single man department, it will pose problems.

3) I only wish they will forgo the entire reservist system and IPPT tests. If not make the reservist period to a 2 years period, maximum 5 days commitment a year.

Make every Singapore citizen males and females to be included into the NS.

If not shorten the NS system to 1 year, so the males will not lose out in the job market or at least ensure a NS liable person a job security.
2013-10-09 01:09:17 UTC
Most of the employers quite reluctant to take those who have NS liability. Just imagine they are out for money and who cares , whether Singapore have war or not? If they don't employ Singaporean they still have a lot of options to pick. Since Singapore already open the flood gate, they can employ all the FT. If I'm the boss I also take in FT then Singaporean, this what we call "publicise Gov policy" up the GDP. Hooray!!!!
2013-10-08 23:59:11 UTC
YES. Especially private companies.

During an interview I went previously, after a short self introduction, the interviewer asked about my reservist cycle. He openly mentioned he prefers hiring one either completed reservist or completing soon with 1 low key left in their cycle. That was before the new Ministry Of Manpower anti-discrimination ruling came by.

I was denied the job (deemed unsuitable) as I was honest, telling him I did have some cycles left at that time. On my way out, I asked the interviewer casually why don't the company openly hire a foreigner from abroad who have no NS commitments?

Apparently, the company had reached its quota to employ additional foreigners, that's why the job is then open to Singaporeans.
2013-10-08 19:48:51 UTC
of course it Is happening. NS is such an imposition on Singaporean males. it disadvantages Singaporean males and is totally unfair. Singaporean males need jobs to bring up next generation of Singaporeans and look after aged parents yet people with no NS obligations are preferred by employers. How sickening and demoralizing is that for the men of this country! that's why we are so frustrated that we want change. Jobs, recognition, rewards and other benefits are being given to other benefits while we have to slog away to defend the nation. It is absolutely unacceptable. We will exercise whatever rights we possess until this situation is reversed and addressed. We will never stop fighting till this wrong is righted. How can those in power allow Singaporeans to be taken advantage in this way? Not all of us benefitted from the system. We paid for our own education, no subsidy HDB yet we serve but for what? Protect FT and MNCs to profit at out expense?
2013-10-09 00:22:25 UTC
Question 3 - What kinds of changes do you think could be made to the existing system? - Give cash bonuses to companies who has a high percentage of NSmen employment. NSmen are always at a disadvantage: 2yrs NS - Uni studies delay, Reservist - their job is at stake to FTs, etc so NSmen should be well taken care by our Singapore Government. NSmen are protectors to our Nation.
2013-10-08 20:30:21 UTC
I am a mother of an NSman-to-be. I strongly feel that NS has become a liability to our boys. Not only are they held back for 2 years (compared with the non-local counterpart who can progress with their education and career), the yearly reservist duty is a put-off for companies as it is a disruption to work.

Changes that I would like to see being made to NS:

1) Reduce the 2 years down to 1-1.5years. If I am not mistaken, Singapore has one of the longest period of NS training in the world. Since countries are moving to high-tech in warfare, the 2 years NS is obsolete. Since the govt always advocate that the is no sacred cow, this period should be reviewed.

2) Sons of new citizens and PRs be made to serve NS as well. Singaporeans are just not producing enough boys to adequately defend the country. The writing is on the wall. The govt should review this sacred cow as well.
2016-03-08 09:03:26 UTC
Instead of this flawed idea of punishing everyone for everything, how about coming up with some proactive ideas. Wouldn't it be much more effective to focus efforts on encouraging the unemployed to refine their skills or work on their resume and interviewing skills or think about shifting to a different field? Then provide some form of assistance to those who need it. Whether people realize it or not, often there is a reason that someone hasn't found a job if they've been unemployed for a long period of time. Often it's because they are in the wrong area for their field or have done nothing to maintain/improve their skills while unemployed. A company's responsibility isn't to hire the unemployed, it's to hire the person most capable of fulfilling the responsibilities of the open position.
2013-10-09 00:07:06 UTC
Singaporean males are truly disadvantage. When we are in our 20s and 30s, employers frowned upon us having to go for reservists once a year or maybe more. Then when we are in our 40s and 50s, they prefer younger workers to work for them. Better still foreigners to take over our jobs..

Think the government should consider cuting back on the 13 years cycle and NS to one year instead of 2..
2013-10-08 22:38:34 UTC
This is to reply to Daniel and many of the interesting people here whom in my opinion has written well. No one is really right or wrong here as everyone experiences is different. the point here I am trying to make here is that "if we take away all those jokes, those wrongs done by the unruly people and look at the key purposes in the first place. It is actually not a bad thing.

You see guys, in life we do meet all kinds of idiot, some we can ignore and some are such pain in the rear and yet we cannot remove them. and along the way, some people like what Daniel as said "Holiday Camp" is true due to the cynical way of us Singaporean makes tragedy into a joke. It is perhaps the same as in an accident on the road, singaporeans are more interested then to take down licence plate number for 4D. It is us that is being the top 5 most pressure cook society in the world and thus we learn thru even our training in NS to turn most simple hardwork or everything into a joke to ease the pressure. it is a strange work psychology that is only unique in Singapore. like hey "Hey chicken backside, talk so much, quickly do the work lah wait Bozo coming than we all ash pain."

Yes, one may say that NS is a waste of time, or even no respect where employer grumbles. but then think about it. he grumbles becoz he is thinking "aiyo jia lat. now u go army who finish my work? knn now I have to do myself" it really doesn't meant that he himself hates or dislike NS. he is simply being a boss or a typical grumpy Singaporean boss.

Trust me, I seen how some white horse is also doing everything that we do and still don't kena OCS. ya maybe they get a little more MC so be it. but at least they still have to do everything like even kena dig trench too. and that is where you have the most fun screwing his mind out becoz of his father too and with also no hatred or pain.

but all in all, I think that it does take away the dependency part of us boys and make them to learn how to become friends and buddies to help each other and become more independent and if worst should happen we can be able to survive.

I have seen china boys to indian boys to ah mor even cry just becoz of some work scolding and I meant real crying. or throwing tendrum, throw chairs etc all simply they are not train how to go thru what is called teamwork and also some form of torture.

yes there are accidents and death, it is unfortunate, but look at it another way, there are more accidents and death from driving on the roads, does it meant that we should ban driving as bad?
2013-10-08 17:28:55 UTC
1) If you're an NSman, what's your take on the situation? Do you feel like employers tend to opt for applicants who do not have NS commitments?


2) If you're an employer, do you think this trend is true? If so, what are your reasons for doing so? Do you feel it's important to give our NSmen equal opportunity?

Ans: you won't be able to hear the brutal truth! only idiotic employers will tell the brutal truth and get themselves into trouble with the pro- foreigners PAP gov!

3) What kinds of changes do you think could be made to the existing system?

Ans: Tripartite Collusion between the pro- foreigners PAP gov, NTUC & the employers! what could you possibly do?
2013-10-09 06:20:18 UTC
1) I dont feel proud serving NS , completed NS or any stupid **** about this compulsory slavery of NS that grant males 2-2.5 years handicap against gals and FTS. they do not explicitly make is sound that they prefer ppl with no NS, but u have no evidence to prove whether they hire ppl with no NS or NS. however i believe there are still a fair deal of companies that will employ locals with NS or no NS.

2) now lets be practical, with the same skill sets, knowledge and qualifications. will you choose one with disruptive NS liabilities or without? just be frank taking the profits,loss,manpower,convenience,and etc into considerations pls

company are out to earn not out to impress ppl

i too will hire FTs . its not really the FT fault, everyone need a ricebowl. ITS THE SG POLICIES THAT ARE HANDICAPPING THE MALES OF SG PLS

3) fairer system, make all female undergo 2 years of NS or compulsory social service so that they will not have 2-2.5 years privilege than the males.

do a survey on most countries, i dare to tell u that most countries where the females are less educated and less equality, the birth rates are higher, i dont think i need to explain why is this so.

but of course i not saying to deprive them of their human rights here, but please do consider if its equality or one gender is more beneficial than the other in the current context !
2013-10-08 23:30:47 UTC
Answer as follows:

1) Yes, some employers do favor non-NS committed due to business reasons. Cannot fault them.

2) If I am a local boss who did NS or exempted, I would not mind hiring those with NS committment as I understand and appreciate this national duty.

If I am a foreign boss who's here to do business and earn as much as possible so I can retire home, I would definitely get someone who do not have NS committment. After all.... 2 to 3 weeks absent everyear on top of annual leave and medical leave are a pain and disruption to my company's operation.

Of course it is important to give NSman equal opportunity. Why then do you think there are so many discontent on this topic? Silly question.

3) There are no solution to this as long as NS duties are only compulsory to locals, and PRs alike with no check on foreign import employment. However said, the government should come up with a rule and penalty for non NS serving employees (foreigners who are here purely for economic gains). Tax Levee any non NS serving employee, payable by all employers. Women and Men (foreign) alike. Just like water flow, employing someone is like water flow, it takes the easiest way for the water to flow, but when you put check valves on some easier routes, the water will ultimately arrives at the same location from every point.

As for my final thoughts, I think today's NS committement is pure crap, especially with all the influx of foreign crap. You don't expect locals and PRs to go thru 2 and some half years of crap training saying its for national security deterence and what nots, while thousands out there being invited here for economic benefits enjoy the fruit of "peace" only to be sending their made-in-singapore dollars exported out to their own countries, building houses and saving a fortune... all at the expense of the other thousands of locals leopard crawling over some ****, thinking we are defending against some invisible make to believe enemy, only to come out to work 2 over years later with girlfriends and jobs taken away by crap.
2013-10-08 22:31:43 UTC
This issue of National Service and Discrimination of NS Men, should by right be scrutinized by the very government who set things up right from Day One, and these questions should by right be questioning the capability and or efficiency of the said government who have in and over the past decades allowed these matters concerning both employment and general livelihoods of NS Men to deteriorate to such a state. STOP asking the people of Singapore for once, and START asking this administration, so called PAP.
2013-10-12 06:25:41 UTC
A reasonable amount of reservist would definitely be preferred to many employers as this would affect the department's manpower. On the contradictory, MINDEF should have a trial in undergoing the issues face by employers by giving its regulars other duties which requires them to be away from their normal working agenda.

Simply imagine if these regulars were to be away for their "reservist", or to leave work earlier to attend the same kind of IPPT where they will have to attend IPTs and RTs if for example, they do not meet the Gold IPPT standards.

As for the three questions stated, I guess it is best if the same system applies to themselves so they do really understand the views of employers and NSmen.
Secret Character
2013-10-09 00:10:57 UTC
I am supposed to go for a overseas reservist later this month till early november. Two months ago, i attended an interview at a foreign bank which is looking to expand their operations here. In the interview, I told them about this reservist that is going on late october till early november, their reactions are all to be seen. It happens so that they required the person to start work during that period so the rest of the story I think everyone would have guessed it. I did not think too much at that time because i am still employed. But come to think of it, if I were to be someone who is unemployed, that will be a different scenario altogether. Of course that is a case of deferment but who can gurantee that the deferment will go through, I cannot be promising to a prospective employer that I can guarantee a deferment for my reservist right?
2013-10-08 21:08:14 UTC
1. I do agree that employers tend to opt for applicants who don't have NS commitments, however not all employers are as such. When applying for a job as well as during my internship, i noticed that big companies(the ones i did my internship at) mostly tend to avoid applicants with NS commitments and went as far as to hire applicants from overseas and bring them over. Please do note that no company will be upfront and directly cite NS as a reason as they do not want to get into a bout of negative publicity. Financial institutions are also known for hiring foreigners and foreign graduates from local institutions(grades were not a factor) and extremely few locals especially in the IT sector. The foreigners to locals ratio is also severely off in these companies. My current employer did not mind my NS commitments and lets me attend my scheduled ICT without any issues.

2. I am not an employer, but if i was one i may see why i would favor applicants without NS commitments.

3. NS is a tricky situation with strong supporters citing defense as a reason. However if national pride and loyalty is eroded in other areas, even in times of crisis, the will to fight and defend will not be there. If your NS men are discriminated and disadvantaged, and the only response to them are such as "too bad", "it is necessary", "you have to work harder", "if you are capable, you don't need to worry", these just affect morale and your citizens start feeling under appreciated in their own country, what good will NS serve? Also not to forget that NSmen have to juggle a lot more commitments than others. You cannot just blindside all other reasons in the name of defense and just ignore and chuck these issues aside. An army with a low morale and no self belief and no national pride is not much of a defense. You have to address issues to ensure that NSmen come first in light of their sacrifice and they are given first priority for jobs and further studies. Giving out $80 worth of vouchers will not make all the problems disappear and go away. Look at bolstering your regular force instead of solely relying on Conscription. Forcing men into NS does not overwrite the fact that being a soldier may not be in their interest and their career choice, this fact has to be taken into account because when other areas of their life gets affected because of NS, their morale drops faster than anyone else. In this day and age, with such demanding competition and high costs, reasons such as National pride to serve NS will not mean much if your own citizens are starting to feel discontent and a lose sense of belonging when unfairly treated.
2013-10-09 06:39:24 UTC
1) Agree, especially when the NSman is required to attend in-camp training during his first 3 months of employment with the company. Definitely, this is part of the screening criteria in most of my previous companies.

2) Yes, it's true. Shortage of manpower, etc. It's definitely important but in reality, it's disrupting the business operations and causing unnecessary stress to other staff.

3) If given a chance, we should adopt other countries best practices and review our NS system.
Tiger Peck
2013-10-08 22:02:02 UTC
1. Yes. I had served NS and witnessed this myself after 35 years of working in the engineering and marketing industries. Particularly bossess (who are non Sporeans) like Malaysian or other Foreigners prefered to hire staff without NS obligation.

2. All PR should and must serve NS same as the local physically able Sporeans. Because PR enjoyed the same employment opportunities and benefits.

3. Female should serve NS as well. Because they have the same obligation to defend their Nation same as the Male counter part.

So, by and large, it is the duty of the local, PR and Female ( Sporeans, PR ) to defend the nation.
2013-10-08 21:06:06 UTC
Up front, the employer will support NS because this is the Singapore thing to do. However, at the back of their (employer or HR) mind, they have another set of criteria for us (age, gender, NS commitment, etc...). If not why these questions are in the application form.
Money Face
2013-10-08 18:35:22 UTC
I am aware that such discrimination exist and I know of people who are facing this.

I am a sales person but I am lucky enough to be in services for my reservist that I am still able to answer calls from my customers during reservist causing minimum impact to my job.

By the way, so far I am yet to see a job application form that did not ask about your NS status. So what do you think is their reason of asking?
2013-10-08 17:53:08 UTC
Given no difference between hiring someone who is committed to NS, and someone who isn't, of course the one serving NS may seem to be at a disadvantage. If you are a genius talent, even if you go on holiday for a year, you will still be seek after. It is your overall performance that counts. It takes a bit more effort to stand out among the rest.
2013-10-08 17:18:53 UTC
Definitely at a disadvantage! My ex-boss told me she never had to deal with NSmen because her dept were all foreigners before she hired me and my absence due to ICT (sometimes up to 2 - 3 weeks) caused her issues in allocating work. There you go! Then there are RTs which need us to leave work earlier, occasional mob briefing that take place during weekdays for some obscure reasons. Certainly I was not fired but she started to see me unfavourably. As an employer, you want your employee to be available for work allocation not having to go High-key, Low-key ICT in a year. Can you blame the employers for not wanting to hire Singaporean men? What did we do wrong besides being born as slaves?
2013-10-08 23:51:47 UTC
Answering these questions:

1) Of course we have that feeling. Which employee want his colleagues to be burden by his job responsibility? Plus reservist can occur at an important time where job performance is at crucial monitoring.

2) Which employer will speak the truth? Of course they will say there are no biasses. But you and i know the actual truth.

3) Reduce the reservist time. Give more time and flexibility of booking.
Mr L
2013-10-08 23:37:09 UTC
Discrimination? Definitely a yes - lets solely talk about RTs and IPTs for now. How about 20xRT (at 6pm!) and 10xIPT (at 7pm!) sessions for those not as fit? Most office workers end work around 530-6pm and need to travel at least 30min-1hr to camp, hence it is indeed very hard to to convince our employers (espcially those who are not Singaporeans) on our regular need to leave office early!

Definitely, our employers would want us to work much longer hours, just like those non-singaporeans. Imagine all PRs/non-sporeans need to do their annual IPPT, my guess is many would not make it as well. Would any company remain happy when their male staff leaves office early for 20 days? Definitely no!
2013-10-08 18:45:23 UTC
Same like employers don't like hiring ladies who go for maternity leave yearly, the same can be said of NS men who need to go back camp to perform their ICT yearly. No employer in the right state of mind will want to hire someone who is pregnant same as those who has NS liabilities. Stories of companies terminating ladies who are pregnant. So nothing is strange that employers tend to favour guys without NS obligations.
2013-10-09 03:25:25 UTC
My ex-company, huge multinational corporation hired FTs. I get to know some of them. When 3 of their kinsmen went for interview,there are another 6 other local guys,who just finished their NS.They told me they felt sorry for our local guys,because none of them get hired,but all 3 of his kinsmen did.

Why our local guys aren't hired?

1) Locals with NS cost more than the FTs

(entry level tech with NS is $1250,FTs are $1050)

2) Locals who served NS for 1.5 to 2 years are "not fresh",so employers prefer

FTs because they are "fresh from the oven".

3) In my case,the Senior Engineer who did the interviewing for the 9 candidates,is the

FT's own countryman.
2013-10-08 18:26:05 UTC
well my wife is not Singaporean, she went in this company easily, it is a small company. Due to their company is small, when hiring people their boss tries not to hire those with NS commitment. there are a few they kept due to hit Singaporean quatar but those few are downgraded that no need to go for RT and some don't even have to go for ICT. their boss have people when for ICT and cause major problem to company. so after 1 year contract, they didnt renew him. notice pr is much preferred and they are cheaper.

i guess these had been going on maybe other place too.

i felt kinda sad.
2013-10-09 00:51:05 UTC
After over 40 years of NS and we are talking about such a question?

This is clear evidence that current set of policies is very wrong!

There is too much reliance on foreigners and there are many more FOREIGN TRASH than talent.
2013-10-08 23:24:16 UTC
NS liability is definitely a consideration in hiring, though not the most important point. If the prospect has been downgraded or has been discharged from NS liability (or IPPT), it will be less disruptive to his work.
2013-10-12 23:39:31 UTC
Reservist should be opt out from Ns system. Our birth rate is low, soon we are gonna face an ageing population, who gonna support them? Hospital bills gonna skyrocket. Life is short.
2013-10-09 01:21:07 UTC
My boss is also not supportive when I go for reservist, always ask me to request for deferment. When the deferment is rejected, she will ask me to apply again.

There is once, she even request for my CO number as she want to call my CO to grant me deferment.

Even I am away from company, my boss also keep call me asking about work stuff when I am doing my reservist, she still think that we are very free during our In-camp training as she heard from her others friends.

Sometimes when we are really busy doing outfield exercise and we still have to entertain call from company. For me every year I am very worry when I go for my reservist, keep thinking about my work as I know my boss will keep calling me. This is very mind torturing for me and affect my performance during reservist.

Every year during my appraisal she will always ask, "how many reservist cycle left you still left"?

One more problem is that I have to leave early for RT session, then my boss will always give me the nasty look like I am taking time off for other things.

I really hope the government can promote companies to fully support reservist and really help NSmen to attend our reservist or RT training smoothly and without worry about the work.
2013-10-08 18:45:42 UTC
In actual fact, I don't mind doing NS. But we must be compensated fairly as we are losing 2 years normal salary in the corporate world. In irony, we are forced to serve our nation with meagre allowances for 2 years, whereas our dear ministers, who are serving our nation too, are receiving big paychecks and bonuses.
2013-10-08 23:28:25 UTC
whats important now is will there be any changes make after getting all the answers from the people. If there is going to be changes or amendments to the rule then its good if not what is the point of getting feedback from the people right.
Rex L
2013-10-08 16:56:56 UTC
company is to set up to earn profit, who is going to fill in the gap when we are away to do our job and we are paid by the company to make sure the it make profit in our duty. OF course if i am a boss i will hired a person to have a full committment, then a person can be pull away for 2 to 3 week when a stupid letter comes
2013-10-08 20:03:13 UTC
I think Yahoo Singapore needs to focus on basic issues like their spelling and grammar before tackling subjects way beyond their intellect.
2013-10-09 07:47:26 UTC
In my company, we have to work shifts, and my boss prefers those who have either completed reservist or those exempted from it. Even though he hired me, he kept asking me when i finish my reservist. Make me feel so pressured. Reality is most bosses & female colleagues are unappreciative of us going to ICTs, as they feel it adds to their workload.
2013-10-09 00:15:04 UTC
Ippt, if not RT 20 session, Mobs+ICT... all holding us back ! I need to work oversea , all this is holding me back every now and then. Feeding my family is important!
“ʇıqqɐɹ pɐəp əɥʇ”
2013-10-08 21:36:29 UTC
Just an excuse to hire foreigners.
Freedom Sg
2013-10-09 02:43:56 UTC
ofcoz lugi are doing business...not charity...

after this is out...than many news propaganda saying no...employers like NSmen...blah blah blah...

SAF...go have a regular army lah...

enough of conscription...

i just serve my 2.5yrs...and 10yrs u know how much do i lose during these time? who is going to compensate me?

since govt always say having regular army is costly...than at whose expenses? at its citizens expenses?

i serve my country but we are legally invaded by so many foreigners now...than i serve for wat...?!

my wage is suppress becoz of cheap PMETS...i even seen my comardes out of job becoz of these foreign PMETS...

than who pity us?
2013-10-09 00:21:42 UTC
my ex-balls sux BIG time & have no integrity! - they can zzz in serenity all thx to ppl like the many of us who dutifully serve our nation.. wait till the day ops singapura is activated & they will regret for not supporting us.. wat we cannot protect, we will never own! =X
2013-10-08 17:56:23 UTC
Can't be bothered.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.