2013-05-07 23:59:16 UTC
I have a feeling this may get me blacklisted from the military but I'm just dealing with so much frustration right now. I hope you can understand after you read all this. Also, if I do get blacklisted, it just shows the sadness in all this.
The FIRST recruiter I had after ELS was initially helping me. The package was started, but then he decides to leave to OCS for NCOs. I was left in the dark and no recruiter at the station felt the need to help me.
The SECOND recruiter I had also agreed to help me. I got my package all good to go to be submitted (or at least I thought). Then this one also disappears. I found out that he decides to retire from the Marines and leave me in the dark as well. To make matters worse, the recruiting station "misplaces" and never recovers my package.
The THIRD recruiter I had went a bit further than the previous two. I retook my ASVAB, went to MEPS, got my physical done. Then all of a sudden without warning, he decides to ignore me in every possible way; I would call and he would not answer, I would email and he would not answer, I would leave a message with another recruiter and no answer. You might be thinking, why didn't this "determined" individual go to the recruiting office directly? Well, for starters I have to request time off work in order to make the time to drive 70 minute round trip plus the gambling game of whether or not the recruiter will show up.
This recruiter had wasted 1 year of my time that I could have used to get some paperwork sorted out.
Now the back story for all this. I had originally enlisted in 2007 but was given an ELS because my recruiter "thought" that I was "ready" for MCRD. I thought I could use a little more time for PT. Despite all that, I have trained really hard since then. I quit smoking entirely. And, even signed up at a local gym to stay active. I was fortunate to have kept my knowledge from MCRD and have been reading it once every two weeks.
My current and FORTH "recruiter" is really the the head sergeant at the recruiting station. The way he managed to get all my paperwork sorted was much faster than I had anticipated. I am just now waiting to see if BUMED has given the permission for a waiver.
My first 3 recruiters had wasted a good 5 years of my time in an attempt to re-enlist. During that time, some of them got promoted, some of them got commissioned, some even had a change of career. I feel that they took 5 years of my life which I feel was unjust. At least they should have told me that they would not help me. That would have been the best answer given. No answer is not good news because that's just simply more time wasted.