I am a 22 year old female. 140 pounds, 5'3, no college degree, boyfriend of 2 years, I have a dog that's like my child. I don't have a house. I live with my boyfriend in his fathers house. I don't have a job, I've been applying and searching for jobs but not with much luck. I'm looking for a full time position making good money. I am in a lot of debt and I want to buy a house with my boyfriend. I feel like I should maybe join the military. I don't really have any reason as to why I feel like I should join, I am just leaning towards that direction in my life. I want change in my life. I mean I don't want to leave my boyfriend and dog and life, but I feel like I have nothing going for me. I'm not making any money, I don't have a promising future.. My questions are, what's your opinion? For people in the military, what's it like? Is it worth it? Which branch should I join? Army? Air force? Etc.. Am I going to be able to do it? I mean I can barely run a block without having to stop and catch my breath.. I never work out, I cant lift weights. & once in the military.. what career path should I choose? I'm not sure if this is the way I want to go in life, but I'm exploring my options. Any help would be great. I have checked out each branches website, I'm not really sure I want to commit to talking to a recruiter yet unless I'm positive this is the way I want to go yet.