What was the most powerful tank of WW II ?
2006-11-14 07:54:39 UTC
What was the most powerful tank of WW II ?
21 answers:
2006-11-14 09:23:31 UTC
Without question the Maus. One of the subjects of liveliest controversy during the Allied invasion of France was the heavy tank—the 50-ton Pershing, the 62-ton Tiger, the 75-ton Royal Tiger. Were these worth their weight? Did they gain—in protection and fire power—as much as they sacrificed in mobility? Adolph Hitler's mind was presumably made up on this point. A pet project of his, which few were aware of, appears to have been a superheavy tank that would have dwarfed even the Royal Tiger. Dubbed the Mouse, this behemoth of doubtful military value was to weigh 207 tons, combat loaded. Two were actually built, although they were never equipped with their armament.

The Mouse is an amazing vehicle, with spectacular characteristics. The glacis plate up front is approximately 8 inches (200 mm) thick. Since it is sloped at 35 degrees to the vertical, the armor basis is therefore 14 inches. Side armor is 7 inches (180 mm) thick, with the rear protected by plates 6 1/4 inches (160 mm) thick. The front of the turret is protected by 9 1/2 inches (240 mm) of cast armor, while the 8-inch (200 mm) thick turret sides and rear were sloped so as to give the effect of 9 inches (230 mm) of armor.


For the main armament, a pea-shooter like an 88-mm gun was ignored. Selected instead was the powerful 128-mm tank and antitank gun, which was later to be replaced by a 150-mm piece 38 calibers in length. (The standard German medium field howitzer 15 cm s.F.H. 18 is only 29.5 calibers in length.) Instead of mounting a 7.9-mm machine gun coaxially, the Mouse was to have a 75-mm antitank gun 76 calibers in length next to the 128- or 150-mm gun. A machine cannon for antiaircraft was to be mounted in the turret roof, along with a smoke grenade projector.

In size, the Mouse was considerably larger than any German tank. Its length of 33 feet made it nearly 50 percent longer than the Royal Tiger. Because of rail transport considerations. its width was kept to 12 feet (that of the Royal Tiger and Tiger). A 12-foot height made it a considerable target.

This German drawing shows a sectionalized elevation of the Mouse hull. The following salient features may be diingtinguished: driver's seat (20) and periscope (14 and 18); radio operator's seat (12) and radio (21); radio antenna (28); air intakes for main engine (30); main engine (3); generator (4); the right motor of the two electric motors driving the sprockets (9); auxiliary fuel tank (29). The coaxial 75-mm gun is on the right of the turret; its position relative to the 128-mm gun is shown in dotted outline.

A sectionalized plan view of the Mouse hull gives another view of many of the features shown in the first illustration. The driver's and radio operator's seats (left) are flanked by the main fuel tanks. Just to their rear is the main engine, flanked by air pumps and radiators. Further to the rear is the generator, with ammunition stowage in the sponsons on either side. In the sponson on the front right of the generator is the auxiliary engine, with storage batteries to its rear. To the rear of the hull, also in the sponsons, are the motors furnishing the electric drive. The actual transmission is in the deep part of hull between the motors, behind generator.

In order to reduce the ground pressure so that the tank could have some mobility, the tracks had to be made very wide—all of 43.3 inches. With the tracks taking up over 7 of its 12 feet of width, the Mouse presents a very strange appearance indeed from either a front or rear view. With such a track width, and a ground contact of 19 feet 3 inches, the Mouse keeps its ground pressure down to about 20 pounds per square inch—about twice that of the original Tiger.


Designing an engine sufficiently powerful to provide motive power for the mammoth fighting vehicle was a serious problem. Though the Germans tried two engines, both around 1,200 horsepower (as compared to the Royal Tiger's 590), neither could be expected to provide a speed of more than 10 to 12 miles an hour. The Mouse can, however, cross a 14-foot trench and climb a 2-foot 4-inch step.

Whatever the military possibilities of the Mouse might be, it certainly gave designers space in which to run hog wild on various features which they had always been anxious to install in tanks. One of these gadgets was an auxiliary power plant. This plant permitted pressurizing of the crew compartment, which in turn meant better submersion qualities when fording, and good antigas protection. Auxiliary power also permitted heating and battery recharging.

One of the fancy installations was equipment designed for fording in water 45 feet deep—a characteristic made necessary by weight limits of bridges. Besides sealing of hatches and vents, aided by pressurizing, submersion was to be made possible by the installation of a giant cylindrical chimney or trunk, so large that it could serve as a crew escape passage if need be. The tanks were intended to ford in pairs, one powering the electric transmission of the other by cable.

The Mouse was as vulnerable to close-in attack as any other tank, if not more so. The large hull openings were a particular disadvantage. Note their extent: the grills of the engine access hatch, the grilled air vents which flank it, and the grills under the rear of the turret, which cool the electric motors. The auxiliary fuel tank on the rear was a considerable fire hazard.

The size and weight of the Mouse made necessary extremely wide tracks in relation to hull width. This view also shows half of the engine air-cooling system (left), and rear of right fuel tank, with an oil tank just to its left.

The electric transmission was in itself an engineering experiment of some magnitude. This type of transmission had first been used on the big Elephant assault gun-tank destroyer in 1943, and was considered by some eminent German designers as the best type of transmission—if perfected—for heavy tanks.

Another interesting feature of the Mouse from the engineerig point of view was the return from torsion bar suspension—such as was used in the Pz. Kpfw. III, the Panther, the Tiger, and the Royal Tiger—to a spring suspension. An improved torsion bar design had been considered for the Mouse, but was abandoned in favor of a volute spring type suspension.


Just why the Germans wanted to try out such a monstrosity as the Mouse is a question to be answered by political and propaganda experts. Whereas such a heavy tank might conceivably have had some limited military usefulness in breakthrough operations, it was no project for Nazi Germany experimentation in 1943, 1944, and 1945. For not only did German authorities waste time of engineers and production facilities on the two test models, but they even went so far as to construct a special flat car for rail transport.

The drawbacks inherent in such a heavy tank are patent. Weigh not only denies practically every bridge in existence to the Mouse, but it impedes rail movement unless railways are properly reinforced at bridges, culverts, and other weak points. Fording to 45-foot depths would have solved many of the stream-crossing problems in Europe, but it seems that the Mouse could actually cross in water no deeper than 26 feet. Though sitting in a rolling fortress, the six men of the Mouse crew are practically as blind as in any tank. Because of low speed and high silhouette their vehicle would be most vulnerable to hits. Since it is reasonable to suppose that heavily fortified, static positions suitable for attack by a Mouse would also be fitted with very heavy, high-velocity guns capable of antitank fire, the even occasional combat value of the Mouse comes into question. The German 128-mm Pak 44 (also known in modified forms as the 12.8 cm Pak 80) is reputed to be able to penetrate 7 inches of armor at 2,000 yards. Since the Germans actually had their Pak 44 in service in 1945, when the Mouse was not yet in the production stage, it would appear that the Germans had the antidote before the giant tanks were ready. Moreover, in the later days of the war, a rolling colossus like a Mouse would have been almost impossible to conceal, and would have fallen an easy prey to air power.

The Mouse was designed to ford up to 45 feet of water. To do so, the tank was made watertight. A trunk was fitted over the hull escape hatch, and trunk extensions bolted over the engine vents. The trunk contalned an escape ladder, and was divided into three sections, the number used varying with water depth. A second Mouse supplied electricity to the fording Mouse motors through a cable attached to the rear, as shown.

The psychological factor thus appears to have played a large part in the demand for construction of the Mouse. The German Army would never have desired such a tank, especially in 1942 when its design was apparently initiated. On the other hand, it would have made lurid headlines and Sunday supplement copy in both Allied and German press circles. But whatever the public reaction might have been, it seems questionable that the Mouse could have exerted any psychological effect on Russian, British, or American front-line troops unless the Germans possessed almost overwhelming strength, as they did when they crushed the Maginot Line in 1940. In 1944-45 it would have been too easy a mark for Allied gun and planes the first instant it appeared.

German engineers, concerned over the effect of turns upon track performance, made this electric-powered, remote controlled, large-scale wooden replica.

A head-on view of the Mouse model affords an idea of the formidable appearance of the original Mice. Note the exceptional width of the tracks.


The appearance of such a vehicle in the opening phases of a future war is not to be entirely discounted. When Red Army armored units counterattacked German forces advancing northward toward Leningrad in 1941, the Soviets effected a substantial surprise and just missed obtaining a considerable victory by throwing in for the first time heavy 46-ton KV tanks backed by 57-ton modified KV's mounting 152-mm tank guns in their turrets,

The first days of a war are a time of uncertainty. This is a period when peacetime armies are proving themselves, when their personnel are still anxious to determine the validity of their matériel and tactical doctrines, when they are anxious to discover what the enemy is like. Rumors grow fast, and untried men are likely to be impressed with the mere report of the size and gun power of a superheavy tank. Officers and noncoms should therefore be aware of the possibility of encountering such colossal tanks. They should see that their men know the deficiencies and real purpose of outlandish vehicles of the class of the German Mouse, and that they do not attribute to these vehicles capabilities out of all proportion to their actual battle value.

God Bless You and The Southern People.
2006-11-14 08:10:52 UTC
The German Panther tank was a response to the Russian T-34. Pursuing this process of one-upmanship, the Germans created the best tank of the Second World War when they introduced the Panther late in 1942.

The Panther was a medium tank with decent speed, satisfactory reliability, heavy 80mm sloped armor, and good firepower. The Panther's high velocity 75mm gun could penetrate the armor of all Allied tanks, making it a lethal adversary. The tank's top speed was 28 MPH. The Panther's design featured a torsion bar suspension system and interleaved wheels, which allowed it to go practically anywhere. Some 4814 Panthers were produced before the end of the war.

It was a particularly dangerous foe for the American, Canadian and British Sherman tanks, which were simply no match for the Panther. And the Panther was faster, more reliable, more maneuverable and could go more places than its larger running mate, the Tiger tank. Its sloped armor gave it nearly the immune zone of the heavier Tiger.

Had Germany won the war, I believe that the Panther would today have a service record and longevity comparable to that achieved by the Russian T-34. As they say, winning is everything.

The King Tiger was the largest and most feared German tank of World War II.
2016-12-25 19:08:17 UTC
2016-03-19 11:45:29 UTC
I am a fan of the M-36 Jackson. The M-18 Hellcat is oft considered the best all around in this category in history books but I like the 90mm gun on the Jackson and it at least had some armor. The Hellcat was fast as hell but the allies were on the offensive and thus were more exposed as they had to wait for the defenders to reaveal themselves. The Hellcat's frontal armor could be penetrated by stale bread from the German's rations. Although the Jackson is my favorite, the Jagdpanther was the deadliest. In the defensive role the turretless vehicle could be expertly hidden and there was nothing like its 88mm gun for smashing the armor of any comtemporary tank. So, I vote for the Jagdpanther.
general De Witte
2006-11-14 11:20:22 UTC
The most powerful tank in the sens of firepower and penetration it is the King Tiger ( tiger II ) with his long 88mm gun.

But when we take also the tank hunting guns in consideration then we have the hunting tiger as the winner( for the Germans ) with a 128 mm gun and a massive 250 mm front armour. It is the same gun as the mause but this machine was just a prototype and it is been proved that he was to heavy, to wide, to long and to slow ( 20 km/h ) to become operational.

The hunting tiger is battle proved

The title of the most powerful will go to the Soviets with the SU 152 mobile gun.It wasn't designed to kill tanks but fortifications the Soviets used it also against tanks but the 152 mm howitzers ammunition wasn't designed for it but believe me I doesn't prefer to be inside that tank when it was hid by that gun
2006-11-14 11:31:56 UTC
there was also the other German Super-Heavy tank called the E-100.

Tank technology never stood still during the war so you have to narrow it down to a specific time period and front to get a proper answer.

Now, if given the choice of what to ride throughout the war... if i had to sit in it and attack it would be the British Sherman Firefly (reliable, mobile, a decent gun), on defense nothing beats the heavy armour and long gun of the German Tiger II as long as you had ammo, gas and a good reverse gear.
Its not me Its u
2006-11-14 13:40:09 UTC
The most prolific tank was the Russian T-34 although it was not the most powerful. As mentioned above, none compared to the Royal King Tiger. It was a case of too little and too late, however, for the germans, fortunately for us allies.
2006-11-14 08:08:06 UTC
Tiger 2, brought into service to be just that, the best. However, the stupid things were a pain needing constant repair, so often crews blew them up so as to not allow the allies access to it.

Tigers also instilled fear among the ranks facing them, and its said that a German tank commander took out 25 shermans, 14 halftrack M4A1's, and a bunch of soldiers before a British tank killled it.
2006-11-14 08:00:00 UTC
At the beginning of the war, it was the Soviet T-34.

Check this out, and it should tell you more about tanks in WW II.
2006-11-14 08:02:33 UTC
It was the Tiger. It was the next generation after the Panzer. Germany lost in Russia because of the Russian winter not the T34. Our Sherman tanks didn't stand a chance against the Tiger are the Panzer. Our 75 mill. against there 88s was no contest.
2006-11-14 07:59:08 UTC
The German Tiger II was the most powerful...

The Russian T-34 was good also and was

made in far greater numbers than the Tiger II...
david g
2006-11-14 14:36:08 UTC
The most powerful tank would be the Jagdtiger.But the most effective tank I would say would be the Panther.

Some have said the T-34.But I say the Panther because it was response to the T-34.
brian L
2006-11-14 11:50:32 UTC
The koenig Tiger 2 this beast had the heaviest armor up to 7 inches and a high powered 88mm gun. The MAUS would have been but wasn't finished in time. It would have had a 128mm gun and 9 inch armor. The Russian JS-2 with it's 122mm gun is second best because it's armor was only 4 inches thick.
2006-11-14 08:17:00 UTC
The German Tiger tank WAS the best tank of WW2 and thats a well known fact
max headroom
2013-11-09 03:05:55 UTC
maus is it but it never saw combat, for tanks that did fought the war, the Tiger 2 tank and the jagdpanther as the tank destroyer, on the russian side, the upgraded T34, the t34-85, americans got the pershing.
2006-11-14 07:57:09 UTC
I doubt many would argue that overall the Panzer was the most feared tank in WWII.

The Americans, who came in late, brought some fierce firepower, but the German Panzer would still be considered the overall terror of WWII armor.

Hope this helps :)
2006-11-14 07:56:25 UTC
2016-12-13 10:22:24 UTC
Mouse Tank German
2006-11-14 07:59:06 UTC
The German 'Tiger Tank' was probably tops.
Michael R
2006-11-14 07:56:26 UTC
It was Russian T-34. Russians won the war with that machine.
David B
2006-11-14 08:10:25 UTC
German King Tiger...too heavy but took a bunch to kill it.

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