so i cant join the military how can i help out the troops?
2007-11-30 21:58:40 UTC
since single moms cant join the miliatry whats the best way to help support the troops? as there something i can do? someone to talk too? i really want to do something
36 answers:
2007-11-30 22:03:54 UTC
You can send them things like phone cards if you go into yahoo chat and go in the military rooms you can find lots of guys that are in iraq and lots of them are nice will tell you what kinds of things the guys want and need over there. You can then get a unit address and send it over. Also just sometimes sending ecards on holidays helps some of them just like to talk. Every little bit helps

and to saharia you need to stop. The soldiers don't have a choice about where they go and what missions they do that is up to the higher ups. She is doing a good thing by supporting them we all should. If you want to gripe about the war save it for the polititians not the soldiers.
2007-11-30 22:04:52 UTC
You can volunteer at the USO, or local chapter of the Red Cross. You can ask schools if their children would be interesting in witting letters to the the troops. When I was in the military, allot of guys and gals didn't get mail, pretty rough to think you're forgotten, or your are family and friends are "so" busy they don't have a spare moment to drop you a line. You can do a one time fund raiser, where people donate those hard to get items the troops miss, and have it shipped to them, addressed to "Any Solider." Socks, candy, magazines, any type, I am sure you will be surprised at the resonse.
2007-11-30 22:02:58 UTC
You can support the troops in many other ways. It wouldnt take much effort to find local charities that send gift packages out to the troops. Money, phone cards, or even things like old used magazines are great for the troops. Anything that can remind them or give them a little taste of home will be greatly appreciated.
2007-11-30 23:31:18 UTC
Any number of things, find an organization that you can send letters to troops through. Send care packages. Support them by voting in people that want them to be funded and supported. Email random soldiers or sailors. Pray for their safety and security. Ask other people to do the above. All kinds of things. God Bless you for wanting to help out and serve those that are serving us.
2007-11-30 22:04:36 UTC
i recently joined the navy, i mean i havent gone to basic yet, but i am enlisted, today i saw a marine at freds(the place i work) and as i was talking to him about the military and what job i took, a lady cut in and held out her hand to him and said "Thank You son, I really apprecaite what your doing" i was touched by her, i really was, and from the look on the marines face, he was too, he was taken back, i could tell, i mean how many people will stop and actually do that, i personally would proabably cry over that, if someone ever did that to me, so i guess the best way to support them and help them is just by letting them know u care, if u see a military person, sake their hand, let them know they have ur support.
red riter
2007-11-30 22:04:08 UTC
Homeland Security, such as CIA, FBI, Coast Guard, or Secret Service.

Peace Corps

USO. United Service Organizations

Red Cross

US Department of Veterans' Affairs
2007-11-30 22:06:21 UTC
You have a blessing in disguise, you can write the troops and send them stuff, try search under help support troops, sure you will come up with a lot of info. God bless your child needs you more.
2007-11-30 22:04:06 UTC
Put together care packages and have the red cross send them to soldiers that don't have families for Christmas.

P.S. They love baby wipes and gator aid over there. Not many showers for them. They can get very depressed around this time of year and little things like that will keep their spirits. Stick a personal note in with it showing your support for their individual efforts and how much we appreciate it.
2007-11-30 22:05:42 UTC
There are a lot of things you can do! Start by praying for their safe return. Call the USO and they'll get you going. Talk to your neighbors, your local schools, city governments, church groups, anyone that will listen. Start a Christmas Card campaign for you local service men overseas. I could go on and on. Regardless of how we may feel politically about where are young people are serving, they deserve our unlimited support.
2007-11-30 22:04:12 UTC
Single mothers can join the military.....just give custody of your child to someone you trust, then once you are out of basic take custody is done all the friend did that. Just do not let anyone know that is what you are planning on doing.
2007-11-30 22:15:21 UTC
You can join the military as a single mother as long as you set up an approved family care plan. With this care plan, you will say who will have custody of your child while you are in training or future deployment.
2007-12-02 01:45:22 UTC
Work and pay taxes and when you run across people like the susan ( I hate america)surandians of the world spit on them.Also you can do volunteer work at your local VA or maybe you have a Vet thats coming home from overseas you could contact his spouse and volunteer to watch their children for an eve. so they can have some us time w/o interuptions
John B
2007-12-01 12:32:23 UTC
They can join the military if a Family Care Plan is in place and approved prior to enlistment.
2007-11-30 22:24:59 UTC
First of all God bless you, for wanting to help them. There are several things that you can do to help out our hero's. You can always write letters so that they know that there are still people who care and appreciate them. Here is a link so you can do that on-line :

You can also send care packages, send gift certificates, donate frequent flyer miles, ect. Well I'll just give you the link to what you can do:

I hope you find what your looking for in this website, I know I have. GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS! GOD BLESS THEIR FAMILIES! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Honey Badger Doesnt give a Shat
2007-12-01 06:12:43 UTC
single mothers can join its jus a matter of filing the right paper work i believe but from your questions below that means your parents get custody of your children you can send plenty of care packages to them the good stuff is appreciated there is also many army contracted jobs avaible to civilians unfortunately many of them require past experience or college to be hired

may i suggest getting a job at a post office they are alwayse in high demand you will be required to test for it but there is no college experience needed for it it offers great govt benifits to you and a great retirement plus you will be home with your kids when they get home from school my mother worked at a post office for many years
2007-11-30 22:03:56 UTC
Just treat em cool, I remember going to Great Lakes one last time last year when I finished my contract and I went to a restaurant and a nice lady picked up our tab, I was quite grateful .
2007-11-30 22:03:13 UTC
You can send care packages, cards, letters, any contact from the people back home brings cheer to a soldier over seas
2016-10-10 03:47:03 UTC
the defense force is so meant to furnish you a actual,previously you re allowed to enlist, ruling out all and sundry with a ailment, yet pondering they have not been very by recently, they won't catch it, or may even forget approximately it. countless recruiters have been caught, being very comfortable in admitting human beings.
2007-12-01 11:30:05 UTC
support us! send small care packages to any soldier/sailor if you can. don't hate us for the stupid things a few do overseas, its unfortunate but there is bad apples in every basket, tie a yellow ribbon around a tree.
2007-11-30 22:02:45 UTC
you dont have to join up to support our troops in iraq you can donate things to the soldiers or you can write letters thats all you need to do
2007-11-30 22:02:20 UTC
Your local VFW chapter collects phone cards and money to buy phone cards to send to the troops. They are on the web.
2007-12-01 05:36:14 UTC
If you can sew here is a nice link and a good way to help . Esspec. for you since you can help from home on your own time.

here is a nother page with a lot more links
2007-11-30 22:06:27 UTC
you can always try like doing things like fundraisers, making like small trinkets for the troops, showing support. one of my classmates for her sweet sixteen donated i think money and gift pakages to the troops.
2007-11-30 23:13:13 UTC
adopt a soldier.. my mom does it now since i am out of the marine corps.. i was marine active duty for 4 years and i loved getting packages when i was deployed.. so send them food and stuff.. theyll love it
2007-12-01 10:40:59 UTC
How about volunteering at the nearest VA hospital...they always need volunteers..
2007-11-30 22:03:04 UTC
Yes, you can register to vote and vote for democrats. The best way to support our troops is to bring them home ASAP.
2007-11-30 22:03:29 UTC
have your community gather everyday items we take for granted,,,soap, shampoo, toothpaste, combs, brushes, phone cards and so many more like stamps,paper to write home on. and gather it all and find someone to sponsor it ...usually a church and they collect everything and send it.
2007-11-30 22:01:50 UTC
Good lord, you shouldn't be wanting to join the military when you're a single mom! Your kids need you!

The best thing you can do is write letters to them. I'm sure that'd be appreciated.

I think you ought to do some research on why they're there in the first place, though- before you go buying into all the propaganda by supporting their missions, especially if you're an American.
2007-11-30 22:02:06 UTC
u can donate food and some other stuff and put support our troops magnets on your car
2007-11-30 22:03:35 UTC
Check out this website!!
2007-11-30 22:01:26 UTC
if you're a doctor or in the medical field, you can volunteer or be hired to go to iraq to assist our troops.
2007-11-30 22:01:20 UTC
Nothing, just pay your taxes...that's all, you wouldn't be able to supply them actual weapons, but the taxes will probably cover that...i think...
2007-11-30 22:01:37 UTC
hand out water food and stuff like that!
2007-11-30 22:02:38 UTC
you can help them by helping to get them out of there
2007-11-30 22:00:51 UTC
vote out the buffons who sent them to that hell hole
2007-11-30 22:00:11 UTC
buy war bonds!!! hahaha. i don't know. sorry.

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