Should Iran be allowed to have nukes?
2006-09-12 15:20:55 UTC
ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Some say "We have them, why can't they have them?" Well, I believe it is VERY obvious that we have never threatened any country with a nuclear missile since Japan. While Iran on the other hand...has made it very clear their intentions to attack Israel(our ally) and possibly us. They are already supporting the terrorists! How is it right to allow them to have these if their intentions are already set to be destructive? Think about it...those who have these highly sought after missiles have not used them in warfare since 1945!!! They have no reason to use them against each other. There is no need at the moment! They are simply too destructive to mess around with. But Iran insists that they get them and use them on the innocent. They MUST be stopped before it is too late...or else....

I believe that the United States should stop them in whatever way possible, that possibly meaning invasion. Stupid liberal peace treaties don't cut it. The Middle East has already proved that they cannot follow the rules. We need to take action on this evil before it is too late!!!
23 answers:
2006-09-12 15:23:24 UTC
i agree completely
Kevin J
2006-09-12 15:40:37 UTC
'Well, I believe it is VERY obvious that we have never threatened any country with a nuclear missile since Japan.'

Wrong. Remember something called the Cuban Missle Crisis? The U.S. did in fact threaten both Cuba and the Soviets about a nuclear response if things didn't de-escalate. As far as that incident, I don't remember any other times where we stated we would use Nukes.

'While Iran on the other hand...has made it very clear their intentions to attack Israel(our ally) and possibly us.'

Yes, their President (or head of their country) did state that Isreal should be wiped from the the planet. Not a very good sign that they mean peace with them.

'Think about it...those who have these highly sought after missiles have not used them in warfare since 1945!!!'

Well, considering some your facts aren't straight, your point isn't really coming across too clearly. Even in 1945, we did not use a Nuclear missile, we dropped a bomb. Totally different munitions. And Nuclear missiles have never been used in anger, only in test launches. (Thank whatever God(s) are out there)

'I believe that the United States should stop them in whatever way possible, that possibly meaning invasion. Stupid liberal peace treaties don't cut it. The Middle East has already proved that they cannot follow the rules. We need to take action on this evil before it is too late!!!'

Whoah there buddy! Don't know how old you are, or how much you have actually studied the middle east, but a war with Iran is NOT something we want to do. This is one of (if not THE country) that created the suicide bomber. Not to mention the fact that Iran has what's called (from what I have heard) "The Million man army". Meaning, they have over 1 million people that have already stated and/or sworn into guerilla fighting, i.e. Terrorists. Can you imagine the nightmare it would be to prevent even half of that number from entering our country and causing massive chaos and destruction by suicide attacks?! Imagine what our troops would be dealing with if they did in fact invade Iran! Not a pleasant thought. If you think the battles in Iraq are bad now, Iran would be worse by tenfold.

I do agree with you that Iran should not have Nuclear Arms, and the fact that they have stated they are pursuing their nuclear testing for energy purposes only, does not fool me. I have a gut feeling that they will develope weapons grade plutonium if given the chance. Which is why I hope that the diplomacy can persuade them to stop testing, and get their nuclear energy from established nuclear powers. (though I highly doubt this will happen)

So, in conclusion. NO, we should not invade Iran. It would be a worse mistake for our country to invade them that Iraq has proven to be.
2006-09-12 15:30:01 UTC
I'm for disarming all countries, even the US of nuclear weapons. There is absolutely no need for them ever.

The Middle East is a region, not a country. How would you like it if some foreign country, say CHINA started handing out "rules" to the US? You wouldn't, you'd be here posting some uneducated bull like you are now.

If Iran had nuclear weapons, I doubt they would use them. They probably want nuclear weapons to show the rest of the world that they are a strong nation, and also to protect themselves from being attacked by neighbors, and the United States. Israel has nuclear weapons and has bullied every single one of it's neighbors since the 1960s and never dropped a bomb. Futhermore, could you please post a credible source for when Iran threatened to use nuclear weapons against Israel and the USA? I'm pretty sure they never said that.
2016-11-07 09:56:46 UTC
i do no longer assume Iran cares approximately western governments telling them they won't be able to have a nuclear arsenal,there are maximum of countries that have nuclear ability and who's to declare that Russia or the U. S. will by no skill get some crackpot in capacity hell bent on ruling the sector,probable if each us of a have been given rid of the weapons of mass destruction there may be a appropriate valid argument against Iran having those weapons,thus far as i ought to have the flexibility to work out we will not provide up them development nukes
2006-09-12 15:23:17 UTC
So, you think the US should just go around attacking any other country because we don't like them, purely preemptively?

As far as "VERY obvious that we have never threatened any country with a nuclear missile" -- you mean, of course, except for Russia, Cuba, China, and North Korea.

But sure, if the US wants to abandon any concept of international law and every treaty we have ever signed, why not just officially step up and declare our intention of being the world's police force. We do it anyway, we might at least be honest about it.
2006-09-12 15:39:04 UTC
For the last time IRAN DOES NOT HAVE NUKES!!! They want to develop Nuclear technology for power. We have to stay out of it and let the IAEA do their job. For god sakes, people will believe whatever comes out of George Bush's mouth. Turn off Bill O'Reilly, put down your issue of GUNS AND AMMO and get a life. See the other side of the coin. go to and read what the Iranians are saying. They are more moderate than you are being led to believe. How about some actual diplomacy? Instead of diplomacy at gunpoint. Respect for soveriegn nations and their sovereign rights, what a novel concept. Oh, what's the last thing that Israel did that BENEFITTED us? (Besides buying weapons from us)
Chris J
2006-09-12 15:47:27 UTC
Definitely not. When one country (Iran) is saying that another country (Israel) should be wiped off the face of the planet at the same time they are trying to build nuclear capabilities, it's pretty obvious what their intentions are.

When Germany was making war planes after WWII when the League of Nations said they weren't allowed, everyone just looked the other way. And look what happened. The creation of nuclear bombs is a little more significant than building war planes.

How does the quote go, "Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it."
a tao
2006-09-12 15:34:01 UTC
And just whos says that Iran even wants nukes?

I dont suppose its the same people that totally illegally STARTED A WAR on Iraq because "They have WMD"

(proven liar) vs (a liar says they are liars)

just do the math muppets

you are right about taking action before its too late, keeping America out of world politics would be a start
2006-09-12 15:24:43 UTC
If the United States Russia, China, India, France, etc... all the countries that now have nukes would come out and in a treaty they all sign and say thats it no one else gets nukes then yes but if they don't then why can our allies be the only ones to develop nukes and no one else.
2006-09-12 15:26:24 UTC
Wrong Fetish. We threatened the Russians, the Cubans, the North Koreans, Iraq when communism and Saddam were a danger or so we thought.

Did you hear how the former president to Iran was condemning Bin Laden? It seems like you're stuck on the elementary black and white and not on the shades of gray.
2006-09-12 15:25:10 UTC
Who cares if they attack Israel. Israel shouldnt be a state anyway. Stupid republican sheep who just dont bother to look into any facts and parrot the party line. Iran means us no harm, they want it for energy, get another translation of their presidents words.He doesnt want to kill all the jews either he just wants the state of israel disbanded.Whether you believe it or not israel is a threat to every single arab country and will not be happy until they have complete control over every arab land. What defines a terrorist by the way? Anyone who doesnt agree with the US? I wasnt aware india and pakistan had nuclear weapons in 1945, i thought they were still living in tents then
david k
2006-09-12 15:29:31 UTC
NO WAY. Nuclear power has the capability to destroy the World and it should be carefully policed in the countries that currently have it and eliminated int he countries that don't. Iran has not demonstrated any discretion when it comes to nuclear power and there is no way in the world they should be allowed to have it. They are KNOWN supporters of terrorists, who by definition believe that it is right to kill innocents for their political ends Best defense however is a worldwide system that eliminates the capability of any country to ability of any country to attack another.
Hafizul Azrin H
2006-09-13 03:10:30 UTC
If USA can have it, Russia have it, China have it, France have it, Pakistan have it, India have it, Israel have it and is trying to nuclear arsenal stockpiles, why cant Iran have it
John Silver
2006-09-12 15:28:12 UTC
I don't think any country should have nukes. This is a great example of conjuring up a demon one can't banish. I also think it it the height of arrogance for the US to decry other countries having 'weapons of mass distruction', when we maintain the world's largest arsenal of nukes.
2006-09-12 15:25:02 UTC
If they had level headed people, Maybe, but they are psycho. They already admitted with nuclear capabilities the US and Israel are History. No way to your question
Life after 45
2006-09-12 15:29:17 UTC
Hey Chicken Little, do some research before you post rhetorical questions and statements, huh?
2006-09-12 15:44:21 UTC
I don't think they should have any at all. Because if they did we would wipe them out before they wipe us out,thats how good our missiles are.And you are right we are too passive. China calls us the paper tiger thats how good we are.
2006-09-12 15:24:00 UTC
NO!!!! Iran believes that if they start a nuclear war that their Mahdi will come back. They would launch their nukes as soon as they got one.
thomas p
2006-09-12 15:25:46 UTC
Should they be 'allowed'?

Well excuse me, mate, but since when did you get a say in the matter? It is NONE of your buisness what another sovereign nation does, you have no right to tell them wether they can or cannot.

2006-09-12 15:26:22 UTC
pakistan does & they got elections coming. bin laden real popular there!
regina p
2006-09-12 15:25:23 UTC
Dip Shït
2006-09-12 15:23:28 UTC
It's like asking if criminals should be allowed to have the best weaponry.

....... "the cops have them, so why can't the criminals?"
2006-09-12 15:26:04 UTC
you said it all!

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