'Well, I believe it is VERY obvious that we have never threatened any country with a nuclear missile since Japan.'
Wrong. Remember something called the Cuban Missle Crisis? The U.S. did in fact threaten both Cuba and the Soviets about a nuclear response if things didn't de-escalate. As far as that incident, I don't remember any other times where we stated we would use Nukes.
'While Iran on the other hand...has made it very clear their intentions to attack Israel(our ally) and possibly us.'
Yes, their President (or head of their country) did state that Isreal should be wiped from the the planet. Not a very good sign that they mean peace with them.
'Think about it...those who have these highly sought after missiles have not used them in warfare since 1945!!!'
Well, considering some your facts aren't straight, your point isn't really coming across too clearly. Even in 1945, we did not use a Nuclear missile, we dropped a bomb. Totally different munitions. And Nuclear missiles have never been used in anger, only in test launches. (Thank whatever God(s) are out there)
'I believe that the United States should stop them in whatever way possible, that possibly meaning invasion. Stupid liberal peace treaties don't cut it. The Middle East has already proved that they cannot follow the rules. We need to take action on this evil before it is too late!!!'
Whoah there buddy! Don't know how old you are, or how much you have actually studied the middle east, but a war with Iran is NOT something we want to do. This is one of (if not THE country) that created the suicide bomber. Not to mention the fact that Iran has what's called (from what I have heard) "The Million man army". Meaning, they have over 1 million people that have already stated and/or sworn into guerilla fighting, i.e. Terrorists. Can you imagine the nightmare it would be to prevent even half of that number from entering our country and causing massive chaos and destruction by suicide attacks?! Imagine what our troops would be dealing with if they did in fact invade Iran! Not a pleasant thought. If you think the battles in Iraq are bad now, Iran would be worse by tenfold.
I do agree with you that Iran should not have Nuclear Arms, and the fact that they have stated they are pursuing their nuclear testing for energy purposes only, does not fool me. I have a gut feeling that they will develope weapons grade plutonium if given the chance. Which is why I hope that the diplomacy can persuade them to stop testing, and get their nuclear energy from established nuclear powers. (though I highly doubt this will happen)
So, in conclusion. NO, we should not invade Iran. It would be a worse mistake for our country to invade them that Iraq has proven to be.