My grandfather (WW2 veteran) is dying- please can you help?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
My grandfather (WW2 veteran) is dying- please can you help?
31 answers:
2008-04-17 00:21:49 UTC
Dear Geoffrey Palmer - how nice to hear of you after all these years and to remember you from your days in the Royal Signals during WW2.

My dad served with the Sigs in WW2 - he was just an ordinary bloke and because he had been a goods lorry driver before the war, guess what? Yup, right first time, he was a driver in the Sigs.

I joined the British Army, Royal Signals aged 15 in 1957 and served until age 24 and came out to civvie street once more in 1965.

My army service was a doddle compared to yours.

If you go to the site below, you will be able to make contact with other former members of Royal Signals : -

Royal Signals - Contact Site

Royal Signals Contact Site. ... Are you looking for your old friends from your

service in or with the Royal Corps of Signals? ...


Wishing you Well and thinking of you.

Regards and Best Wishes

Clive H
2008-04-17 05:25:47 UTC
Hello Dan,Sad and sorry to hear about your Grandpa,men like your Grandpa so rightly deserve our respect.Because of what him and many like him did for us during WW2.There is an old saying "Old soldiers never die,they just keep marching on".It is far to easy now-a-days for people to forget.I am an ex-soldier myself but not from WW2 ,I was in the Royal Engineers from 1972-1985 and I can tell you that all my comrades have and always will respect men like your Grandpa what they went through was a terrible horror of life and death and those that lived came home with what they saw forever on their mind and a huge chunk of their life taken away from,I'll bet though that if he had his time over again and was called upon to serve his country to save his country he would do it all again as all of us who have served and have been in a combat zone would.My hope that because our country has become so cosmopolitan that the men and women who served in WW2 will never be forgotten we in this country owe them our lives.For your Grandpa, when I buy my Poppy this year I will pause for a moment and think of your Grandpa.You are a credit to him for asking your question.Good luck to you Dan in whatever you do.
2008-04-17 03:46:21 UTC
Just wanted to send a message of support. If you spent any time on the River Kwai bridge or in a camp near Hiroshima, you might have met my father. He served in Singapore, and entered POW camps in 1942 when that city fell.
2008-04-17 01:04:14 UTC
my grandad was in the kings hussars and was one of the kings body guards,I also have been in the care sector for 19yrs and have spoken to men who have been in the war ,who have seen their Friends killed etc,and also there was a woman who son was one of the first ones to get killed on the d-day landings.

I wish there would just be peace,however these are people who fought for are freedom and I have always seen them as are history books,and its so easy to forget and respect a person when they get older,as the world is drowning in greed etc.So I am sending wishes to your grandpa.....and as much as I move forward in life,I don't forget the people I meet with stories that have affected their lives and changed mine.
2008-04-16 16:43:24 UTC
Tell your Grandpa that his story will stay with me forever and I know he'll have a joy-full reunion.
2008-04-16 15:47:05 UTC
Hello to Geoffrey Palmer from the British West Indies. Hearing of your adventures and the courage which you showed throughout the War makes me humble. How very much we take things for granted, yet the peace which we have enjoyed throughout my life was bought at a great price by people like you. Thank you for everything which you suffered in an effort to put an end to war. May the God of all comfort bless you and bring you peace.
John S
2008-04-16 15:06:53 UTC
What an incredible story...but your grandfather should know that WWII is not forgotten. I'm so fascinated by it that after years of studying I'm now a WWII buff, and so are many of my friends. I think anyone who served in the military is a highly respectable deed. Tell your grandfather I salute him.
2008-04-16 15:05:18 UTC
I salute this gentleman as an ex army regular myself, and in the Royal Signals. No one will appreciate what is was like in Burma for these men. I too lost an Uncle in a Japanese POW camp. He never came home, and is still somewhere in an unmarked grave.
2008-04-16 15:04:25 UTC
may God bless you, for all you as a mere mortal, have done for us who inherited a world you suffered for. From England, I too, salute you.
2008-04-16 14:58:30 UTC
Thank you for all you did in the war......if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here. Lots of respect to you.
2008-04-16 14:53:41 UTC
u may add more detail to ur question im not sure how u would like us to help

i like to think that as the years pass us by, we will always remember the brave men and women that gave their lives in battle, in past wars and in the wars of today.

the survivors of wars should tell the young people their stories in the hope that some day we can learn from this and maybe just maybe our grandchildren will grow up in a world free of conflict and hatred and killing.
The Violator!
2008-04-16 15:13:03 UTC
Dear Mr Palmer (RSM!)

My great uncle Ted Philp was in the Kings African Rifles, perhaps you may have even served together, sadly I never met him but only learned about him and his story after his death.

I was also a soldier once, I attended RMA Sandhurst, where Orde Wingate and Bill Slim were held up as THE exemplars of military leadership. You fought in a uniquely hard and terrible campaign and we all owe you an immense debt of gratitude for your humanity, forbearance and courage.

I for one read second world war history incessantly, I was inspired by my grandfather, an RSM in the gunners who fought with the 51st Highland division in France, North Africa and Italy. Recently my reading has included the memoirs of the head of the Czech secret service and the SBS in the Med... so I can say that you and your generation have inspired a lot of people and you continue to do so on a daily basis... it's an example that lives on for very many of us, military, ex-military and civilian alike.

You make us all feel very humble and incredibly proud of what you've done Geoffrey Palmer, not just for our country but for the world as a whole - and what a great example you've been for us in this tiny island, you've left us a lot to live up to!

Words can never be enough, but I'd just like to say... thank you, your generation will never, ever be forgotten - we couldn't be more proud of you.

Michael U
one shot
2008-04-17 08:44:07 UTC
My Grandfather fought in the trenches of WW1

My Father fought as an RM Commando in WW2

I served 15 years as an RM Commando including the Falklands in '82.

My son serves now with 2 tours in Iraq and the same in Afghanistan under his belt.

I will simply say this to your Grandfather:

When the time comes you will again be in the company of heroes.
2008-04-17 03:54:11 UTC
Dear Mr. Palmer

I am the proud Granddaughter of a WWII RAF Officer (still with us at 94) and the wife of a serving British Army Officer. I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to thank you for the sacrifices you made for us all. Not only do I salute your bravery during war time but the success you have made of your family as your Grandson is obviously extremely, and rightly proud of you. I may be a stranger but I add my pride and graitude. Thank you and God Bless you.
2008-04-16 15:13:29 UTC
I can truly relate to you on this difficult subject

My Great Grandpa was a Polish imigrant and faught in WWI and My Grandpa, his son, Faught in WW2. They were both in the Navy. My Grandpa was a medic and was stationed in Asia. I've never really heard many stories from him about the war. In his house he has a Picture of him in the war along with his hat, and a picture of the ship he was stationed on.

I can't imagine being captured and having your tongue cut out. He was pretty brave trying to escape.

Unlike your grandfather my grandfather was never really involed in the battles up front. He just manly stayed on the ship in the ocean. I don't really know what my Great Grandfather did in WWI. He didn't get injured in the war. Infact, after the war, he worked at a coal mine with some more of my relatives. The Whole mine calapsed and about 500 people were killed including my relatives. But My Great Grandfather and one other person survived. He then later died of old age.

Know back to your problem, My grandma from my other side of the family was diagnosed with cancer a year ago and died a week later from Phneomonia. It was pretty fast so I didn't really have much time to think about it. I was at my house with my other grandparents and my brother when my parents walked in and my mom broke the news to us. She was in tears crying, knowing that her mom was gone. Me and my brother were crying to. I gave My other grandma A nice big hug thankful that I had another one to console me.

I'm sure you and your family have accepted the fact that it is time for him to go, that it is his time to leave this earth, to go on a new journey, to see his old friends, wife and love ones who passed away. There is nothing really more I can say.

The last thing I would say is charish the time you have left with him. Don't be selfish, but share him with his other loved ones. I hope this helps. I wish you luck
2008-04-17 11:49:26 UTC
Hello Sir,

I am sorry to here that you are not well. As an old soldier myself who has a friend much older than I who was a Chindit I appreciate what your war was like.

I wish you all the best and hope you are comfortable and at peace.
2008-04-16 15:35:25 UTC
Please assure your Grandfather that there are still many, many people all over the world who will not forget any of the wars that were fought for our freedom. He is to be commended for his service and I, for one, appreciate all he did even though I am an American. I am a history buff and got interested in it because I was doing my family tree and I got curious just why my ancestors moved around as they did. Why did they leave Texas in the mid 1920s? It was because of a failure of cottom and peanut crops. And when my other ancestors went to Texas from Virginia it was because one of them fought in the War of 1812 and was given a land grant of 640 acres in Texas as payment for service in the Army. I father was unable to serve because of a disability, but his brothers and my uncles all served in one branch or another. One was in WW2 in Africa and Italy. I have souveniers that he sent to our grandmother from there. I inherited them when she died. I brought lots of memorabelia to my daughter's school so the students could see what the uniforms looked like and such. My cousin was captured on Corregidor and endured the Bataan Death March. He was one of the few survivors. Be sure to tell your Grandfather that we truly appreciate him and the sacrifices he made for us.
2008-04-16 15:02:53 UTC
Hello Dan

My Dad served on the "Repulse" battleship in WW2 in the South China Sea. They were torpedoed by the Japs in 1941 and he went down with the ship. Tell your Grandad that the war heroes and that's what he is, a war hero, will never be forgotten. Give him my love and good luck to him.
2008-04-16 15:04:22 UTC
we owe all that fought in the war a lot, our lives really, our freedom. I hope he is comfortable and around his family at this time, that is important. He sounds as if he could tell a lot of stories and I think many could learn from him and his experiences. Geoffrey -- you sound like a very brave man and I wish you all the best wishes to you and your family. I think we can take a lot for granted and after reading your story I see others have really paid the price for our happiness. God bless and take care of yourself. You will never be forgotten and im sure you will live on in others.

Girlie G
2008-04-16 15:04:36 UTC
Please tell your grandfather that this American woman finds him to be a hero.

He sounds like an AMAZING, brave human being! I think you should hurry up and write down all his adventures, then print them up into a book for the family. Younger generations will want to know what his experiences were like and what his thoughts are on war in general. How does he feel about the Japanese now?

Questions: What was his greatest adventure? What was the worst experience? What does he think has changed the most in his lifetime? Does he like or dislike technology?

I'd also like to know his favorite song of all time. His favorite place he's traveled. And what is his first memory of childhood? His fondest memory of his parents?

These are precious things to pass down generation to generation!

Much respect!!!! and THANK YOU to your grandfather for his honor and bravery!
Anna C
2008-04-16 15:05:46 UTC
My boyfriend is ex US Navy and I'm not very familiar with the British military, However, I believe the military around the world supports their own.

I'm not certain what you have in mind, but you might contact his unit. They might send a representative to visit him if he's able to recognize visitors. They might send one anyway - just tl tell him he's not forgotten by his comrades in arms. And they may send a contingent to his funeral. It might not make any difference to you or your family, but he'd appreciate it.

Sorry I can't be of more support.
2016-10-05 08:13:52 UTC
Your grandad looks like a stunning guy. i might think of having long exceeded by all that he did he might discover it complicated to place it in the back of him. for sure he have been given on with issues as best he ought to he proved this via looking after your nan and the youngsters. which you would be able to respond to your question confident he will do ok. And he would be there looking after you aswell.he would be lower back the way he substitute into formerly all those issues befell and he would be chuffed.
2008-04-16 15:18:42 UTC
Please tell your grandfather that I said thankyou. I'm 18 and I studied WW2 for GCSE. It looked really horrible and anyone who fought in it deserves all the respect in the world. This whole country owes everything to men like your grandfather. He's a true hero.
blues breaker
2008-04-16 15:03:47 UTC
Dearest Mr. Palmer,

Rest assured, your bravery and services are not forgotten. I commend you for coming to the aid of your country and others. My heart aches at the thought of your imprisonment during the war and I,for one, am grateful you were able to come home.

Peace be with you and your family.
2008-04-16 20:53:25 UTC
Thank you Mr. Palmer for fighting in WW2. You sacrificed your life day and night to protect our counrty. I salute you
2008-04-16 14:57:46 UTC
a person reccomends me to write this message to you: just tell him what a good dad hes been...... and say you will always be with him and will meet him in heaven.
2008-04-16 15:05:24 UTC
God bless your Grandfather and we do appreciate the sacrafices he made for us
New Girl
2008-04-16 18:56:53 UTC

pray for hI'm

im serious

pray to god for his safety and for his healing.

good luck and stay strong

2008-04-16 14:57:42 UTC
nic nac
2008-04-16 14:54:40 UTC
Yeah, my dad was in Burma. What can we do?
2008-04-16 16:59:49 UTC
Congratulations to your grandad, he kept america free

I am interested in how it was in Burma

I help Buddhists in the Orient and Iranian Muslims to Jesus, do let me know more and I am happy he has one more day, then one more day....

and spiritually right helps too=

its important to be good and believe Jesus!

extreme liberalism happened because as is testified to 'communist' people arosed others and used government issues like protecting the communists=Vietnam where 2 1/2 million along with Cambodians were slaughtered when we walked away, or now in support of the terrorists to let them take over Iraq and its oil wealth.

it is in part inspired by the ACLU a group headed by Jewish and non Jewish secularists, to remove the Bible, God, prayer, and whatever it stands for from public school and the public.

We for the most part didnt learn in the past the need for faith yet before world war II many did learn=Jewish and all peoples, in Krakow Poland a Jewish reviival for the Messiah had been experienced and many Jewish people came to faith and the promise of heaven in the Messiah.

Happy day & please pray as I help Jewish people to Jesus, they as predicted would reject their Messiah "He is despised and rejected of man, and we would as it were hide our faces from him."

these claims were made to me

that'Jewish sources' claim that there is no concept of a second coming to fulfill prophecy.

Yet,Scriptures say; "When we shall see him whom we have pierced we shall mourn as one mourneth for her only son which is gone." Zecariah 12:10

Jewish writers wrote of 2 messiah's one to suffer & one to reign why not the same one coming twice?

Prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets -- Zechariah and Malachi ( "the one of righteousness shall come" last chapter of the prophets)

The prophecy still had to be fulfilled! "Unto us a child is born, a son is given, and he will be the wonderful counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father and the prince of peace." Isaiah 9:6

70 years before the destruction of the temple messiah Yeshua/Jesus came, if he had not come then as the Messiah we would be left with no fulfillment as predicted by Isaiah and commanded by Moses of the blood sacrifice Leviticus 17:11 "The blood makes atonement for the soul."

Isaiah 53 "All we like sheep have gone astray, and the Lord will make to light on him, the iniquity of us all." "He will lay down his life to make atonement for our soul"

the Jewish people could not die innocent/with no sin for their own sins!


The Messiah must be descended from King David (see Genesis 49:10= Messiah will come before the king's line is destroyed, and Isaiah 11:1& 10 "To him will the gentiles seek").

Mary was in the line of the root of Jessie and David=Matthew chapter 1 gives the exact perfect geneology

Jewish people today do not know if they are in the line of David so it would be impossible to know today.


The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. Jesus stated "I did not come to do away with the law, but to fulfill it." John

John 9:14 records that Jesus made a clay paste to heal a blind man's who he met begging to be healed, in violation of Shabbat, which caused the Pharisees to say (verse 16), "He does not observe Shabbat!" Fact is they added to the Torah (the Talmud)their own laws and rules.

Jesus asked if your animal child falls into a ditch on the Sabbath do you rescue it? or put medicine on your child's eyes to keep from going blind on the Sabbath?

If you say no youre uncaring, if you say yes but reject the Messiah for doing the same youre a hypocrite.



The virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an "alma" as giving birth. The word "alma" has always meant a young woman.

I already explained this and I agree with the 70 rabbis that translated it as 'virgin' to have a miracle birth of 'God with us/emanuel' what miracle would it be for a woman to have a normal birth? and how could God be concieved from two people in birth?


Christianity claims that Isaiah chapter 53 refers to Jesus, as the "suffering servant."

In actuality, Isaiah 52 & 53 describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people.

I explained this above, what is ironic is those that claim that people with sin, could die innocent for their own sins and make atonement for themselves as well as all be born in Bethlehem=

The Messiah = "Out of Bethlehem shall come this one from eternity." Micah 5:1&2

hehe today Bethlehem is entirely Arab, meaning if not Yeshua/Jesus, the Messiah will be an Arab

the way i came to know him was the prayer he asks us to say;

"Help me Jesus, I am sorry for my sins, even one lie, come into my heart and be my friend, amen"

this he promises to do Revelation 1:1 chapter 1 verse 1 and 3:19&20 "I love you, and ask you to repent of sin quickly. Behold I stand at your heart door and knock, if you ask me in I will come in and be your friend. " (sup/have fellowship)

The Messiah is my best friend I have one and his atonement too, what do you have?

Shalom/peace David

My mom who hates Jesus was an average like for the most part blacks and Jewish they are strong liberals demanding in Government

the Democratic line to ban

1. the bible,

2 teaching of marriage instead of homosexuality and fornication, and

3God from public schools and the public too,,

yet in recent times she has changed and is even voting for McCain

maybe, because he stands against letting the terrorists take over Iran and its oil wealth to make 9/11 look like kindergarden play in the world and the USA,,

Obama's spiritual leader..., against saying God 'd' America (It should go to hell weeping forever for rejecting the salvation of Jesus/Matthew 24), or

against having 30 million dollars while starting poor in Arkansaw investing 300 dollars, making hundreds of thousands (White water scandal where those inviolved with the Clintons went to prison yet they stayed around to disgrace America to the whole world, but Bill never inhaled or 'told a lie')

well may we stand for the Messiah no matter what or else we mall fall for just about anything,

and dont forget to laugh hehe, David have a day care free

and just food for thought as someone shared this=Paedophilia is disgusting and it still goes on. Eight-year-old wins divorce in Yemen?

A YEMENI court has granted a divorce to an eight-year-old girl whose unemployed father forced her into an arranged marriage.(To a 28 year old man)

In response to a question from Judge Mohammed al-Qadhi, he acknowledged that the "marriage was consummated, but I did not beat her".

Unbelievable it still carries on from Mohammed's time to this day. Isn't it time Islam put an end to this immoral perversion?

Mohamed as the Haddith says married a 9 year old Aisha, thank God in civilized countries we have prison for these types.

The issue in Islam is not abuse of little girls, because

that men make the rules,

when we reject Jesus love and care for all mankind and salvation....

As Muslim leaders the problem ... it is the major 2 groups Sunni and Shiite's = Sunni moslems the majority of Islam; blowing up each others Mosques and shrines and killing the religious leaders, since the Golden mosque bombing in Jan 2006.

please pray for peace in the middle east Psalm 126 :6

and in our hearts peace ;) happy day even if its our last make it the best day on top of ever other and new memory too. thanks David

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.