Do you think a WW3 between Islam v. the rest is inevitable and if so, what should we do?
2006-08-18 06:56:33 UTC
Islam is on the march. It is already the second largest religion and spreading fast. Explosively so in Africa and even in Western Eurpoe.

Consider the following:
- In intermarriage the non-Muslim has to convert.
- Renouncing Islam is punishable by death.
- New ideas are weeded out and no change is possible.
- They have absolute belief they will take over the world.
- Fanatical Islam is fighting a terrorist war and winning.
- They are supported tacitly by all Muslims
- The gates of Europe, the traditional bastion of Christianity, have been opened to Islam by the US and huge numbers are coming in.
- European way of life and foeign policy is already bending towards Islam.

It is time for honest debate. Please give your views
Eighteen answers:
2006-08-18 07:53:47 UTC
You need to look no further than the response you got from terrorismbuster to know what we are up against...

To begin with he states "the Koran that we read today .. is word by word same as it was 1400 yrs ago ..ita miracle.. .. n ppl are following it .. knowingly .. that Islam preaches truth n peace ."


Let's take a look at some of the verses in this so called "peaceful Koran" of his regarding infidels/non-believers ...

Kill non-believers

4.89 : They desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper.

Killing Idolaters

9.5: So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Smite the neck and cut fingertips of unbelievers

8.12: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

Smite the neck of unbelievers

47.4: So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates. That (shall be so); and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have exacted what is due from them, but that He may try some of you by means of others; and (as for) those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will by no means allow their deeds to perish.

Severe Punishment for non-believers

22.19: These are two adversaries who dispute about their Lord; then (as to) those who disbelieve, for them are cut out garments of fire, boiling water shall be poured over their heads.

22.20: With it shall be melted what is in their bellies and (their) skins as well.

22.21: And for them are whips of iron.

22.22: Whenever they will desire to go forth from it, from grief, they shall be turned back into it, and taste the chastisement of burning.

Severe Punishment for non-believers

72.23 : (It is) only a delivering (of communications) from Allah and His messages; and whoever disobeys Allah and His Apostle surely he shall have the fire of hell to abide therein for a long time.

98.6 : Surely those who disbelieve from among the followers of the Book and the polytheists shall be in the fire of hell, abiding therein; they are the worst of men.

Then he boasts "islam is going to take over the world" - This is the way they see it, and you the unbelievers are just temporary roadblocks to his ultimate goal.

Next, no posting from an ISLAMO-Fascist is complete without a shot at Israel and Jews.."even zionists the #1 terrorists on earth .. know the truth". What truth is that habibi? Do you even know truth when your culture makes such an art out of lying?

Al Ghazzali, the great 11th Century Moslem theologian, wrote: Know that a lie is not a "haram" (wrong) in itself, but only because of the evil conclusions to which it leads the hearer, making him believe something that is not really the case..... If a lie is the ony way of obtaining a good result it is permissible.... We must lie when truth leads to unpleasant results."

"Lying", writes the Arab sociologist Sonia Hamady," is a widespread habit among the Arabs and they have a low idea of truth. The Arab has no scruples about lying if by it he obtains his objective. He is more interested in feeling than facts... The Arab language, moreover, provides its users with the tool for assertion and exaggeration."

From the traditional Arab point of view, it's not proper to give a totally honest answer if a higher order value is at stake, like saving face or the family honor. In Arabic culture, this is not known as "lying", but "adjusting" or "bending" the truth. This feature of their culture may be annoying, to say the least, for police investigators."

"It is the norm for Arabs to deny a fact (however blatant) and blame others rather than admit to the wrongdoing and apologize. Honesty is not rewarded." - Nonie Darwish

"I am ready to kill for the sake of my cause; wouldn't I lie for it?" - Yasser Arafat

Israel is only an excuse Islam uses in the west to further their cause of conquest. If the wealthy Arab countries wanted to solve many of the hardships of the Gaza Strip, as well as other hardships of their Palestinian "brothers," they could easily do so. The latest increase in oil prices added more than $50 billion to their bank accounts, according to the estimates of economists. There would be a tremendous change for the better in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The problem is that the Arab countries are not even keeping their minimal promises to assist the Palestinian Authority. They want other countries - Japan, the United States and countries in Europe - to increase their contributions.

Then no islamofascist can go without taking a shot at our government, but he takes it to a new extreme by taking a shot at his most treasured Euro Ally; FRANCE! Yes the same France that had 2 riots involving muslim youth. The same france who's open door policy has flooded the country with Muslim masses, many of them Radical. A study of 1,160 recent French converts to Islam found that 23% identified themselves as Salafists — a sect oftentimes associated with violent extremism.

"talkin abt foreign policy .. . the gov .. isnt changing it .. but they r theirsleves forcing ppl to migrate to sumwhere else ..where they can follow islam truly ..... but they also need Muslim students . scholars .. as they r the best known in the world .. . as France has banned wearign scarfs ... so Muslims arent going there anymore... so france is in a big danger ..."

By the way, According to The Guardian, during the recent French riots, a Saudi Prince with shares in News Corporation boasted to a conference in Dubai that he had phoned Rupert Murdoch and complained about Fox News describing the disturbances as “Muslim riots.” Within half an hour he said, it was changed to “civil riots.”

Comically, Islamofascists view themselves as assets to the world ! "we r the best known in the world .. . as France has banned wearign scarfs ... so Muslims arent going there anymore... so france is in a big danger ...

as it is losing .. thier own asset .." what asset is that, habibi? Bomb making assets?? Intelligent people ? Let's examine these assets from the muslim world selected adult literacy rates from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) from 2001. I won't even mention the fact that a large number of Muslim children, while technically "literate", are educated in the evil and virulent madrassa religious schools that preach anti-Western hatred and breed terrorists the way turds breed flies. Well, I'll only mention it in passing.

Adult Literacy Rates (% over age of 15):

Bahrain: 87.9

Egypt: 56.1

Islamic Republic of Iran: 77.1

Jordan: 90.3

Lebanon: 86.5

Oman: 73.0

Qatar: 81.7

Saudi Arabia: 77.1

Syrian Arab Republic: 75.3

United Arab Emirates: 76.7

Yemen: 47.7

Islamo fascists rely on 2 things to make their religion grow..converts, and apologist morons

(aka Useful Idiots: )

Bottom line; they want to change the world and we are standing in their way..

1. Muslim terrorists have been trying to destroy Israel for over fifty years.

2. The Muslim Taliban in Afghanistan harbored and protected Usama bin Laden and al-Qa’ida until recently and the remnants are still trying to create havoc and destruction.

3. In the southern Philippines, Muslims terrorize Catholics and kidnap foreigners.

4. In East Timor, Muslims have endorsed the regime's attempts at ethnic cleansing against Christians

5. Algeria is wracked by bitter fighting between Islamic Fundamentalists and the military.

6. Nigeria is in the midst of a civil war between Muslims and Christians.

7. In Kenya the Islamic Party has declared Holy War on the government.

8. In Turkey the secular Muslim government is being challenged by the militant Refah Islamic Party.

9. Christians in Lebanon have largely fled as a result of Muslim persecution.

10. A civil war rages in the Sudan between Muslims in the north against the Christians in the south.

11. A war also rages between Muslim Eritrea and Christian Ethiopia.

12. The result of fighting between Muslim Azerbaijans and Christian Armenians was 35,000 casualties. Armenia was shrunk because of territory "gained" by the "breeding-with-a- vengeance" Muslim population.

13. In Europe, Muslims encourage Radical Islamist separatism in Bosnia and Kosovo, and now in Macedonia.

14. In Russia, Muslims call for the violent secession of Chechnya, and Dagestan.

15. In Egypt, Radical Islamists persecute the Copts

16. In Pakistan, Muslims promote Jihad to sever the multi-ethnic province of Kashmir from India.

17. In Indonesia, Muslims routinely assault the native Christians, particularly in the Moluccas.

18. In America and Europe, Fundamentalists have taken over the leadership of the growing Muslim communities to radicalize them and pave the way for Radical Islamist political action in the service of a global Jihad. Muslim terrorists based in Canada have made a number of attempts against the United States. Muslim terrorists based in the United States carried out the September 11th attack against the World Trade Center and The Pentagon.

19. Turkish Muslims committed mass Genocide against Christian Armenians murdering over 3 million.

20. The Arabic Muslim states in the Middle East are actively acquiring, harboring, sponsoring, aiding, abetting, and deploying terrorists and terrorism, through state sponsorship with the goal of obtaining three major types of Weapons of Mass Destruction--Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear--which they will indiscriminately use against the Infidels.

It's time for people to wake up and know the enemy in their midst.

If you are a muslim and you are offended by this, you should consider the source of this comes from your people:
Mr.Been there
2006-08-23 00:55:45 UTC
A good first step would be to have our President call the Iranian President and tell him that we are getting ready to re-aim our big missiles.

He can also be told that Christianity has proved that it can be more vicious than Mohammedanism, a look at the Spanish Inquisition should illustrate that.

It would help to remind him that Judaism, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism and a few other religious groups contain some real vicious fighters who have no special love for Islam. These religious groups may not like what the Muslim gang is trying to do.

After the Iranian President has been informed, if he and his gang still intend to go through with their war, it is only right that we should give them time to pray ( and each warrior to select his 69 virgins waiting in heaven) before we remove them for the earth.
2006-08-18 14:15:23 UTC
It is true that Islam is growing but Christianity is the only truth in this world. These people are decendants of those who have always fought against the truth and there will never be peace in the Middleeast until our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ sets foot again on this earth when He will be King!! All any Christian can do is hold fast to the truth of the Word snd wait for the end because the end of this world as we know it is coming to pass very soon. The "serpent seed" will perish in all races and all nations and only true believers will be saved.
2006-08-18 18:31:25 UTC
Yes we are heading towards World War 3 with the Terrorists their state sponsors and all their supporters in the future and it's not a fight we can afford to lose unless you want to live in a World under the thumb of the Mullah's who would impose a very strict Taliban style rule with no freedom and democracy at all if they win.

We will also be at war with China and North Korea and various states that will pick sides with with the Terrorists and the middle east regimes that sponsor them.

Alot of people are going to die :(
2006-08-18 14:20:55 UTC
Let us return to the times when people were civilized and common sense ruled.

If it were my decision I would simply shut down all the Arab nations by blocking their communication until they comply with the terms set forth to them.

About the religious part, I know for certain that not long from now there will only exist two major religions in this world and neither will be Islam so don't worry about that.
2006-08-18 14:18:22 UTC
I think history will show we are already in WW3. Our involvement in Iraq is certainly controversial, but it we may consider our involvement to be rather "late" with 9-11 being our generation's Pearl Harbor call-to-action.

As a military wife,with my husband in the region, when the USS Cole was attacked, I figured we would go to full-scale war, yet Clinton did nothing. That was shocking to me. In the past, no one would ignore that a military battle ship was blatantly targeted, with no provocation, yet Clinton looked away. A complete slap in the face to his own people.

Say what you will about President Bush--because there will always be war protesters... but there is a time to fight and this is our time. Our people in the Military know this and that's what counts-THAT'S what will stand the test of time.
2006-08-18 14:09:38 UTC
ww3? probably not, why? because the islamic terrorist organizations want to avoid that. it is to their advantage to play the political game, with isolated terroristic strikes and propaganda campaigns. if it were to break out into WW3 there would be too many nations against them at which point the political aspect of their fight would not work as well, and their small attack tactics would be meaningless as the allied nations would be completely desomating the nations which are hosting the organizations leaving no infrastructure whatsoever.
Ahmed H
2006-08-18 14:29:32 UTC
As a Muslim, I guess there are some points I need to clarify

intermarriage is only possible for Muslim men only , and to Christian or Jewish women , who are not asked to convert , Prophet Mohammed married a Jew and a Christian

Muslims does not believe that they are going to achieve world domination as their target is always spreading the Words of God , and then everyone has full right to believe or not

What you call Terrorism others call struggle for independence as in Palestine, Chechnya or Lebanon, I do not think that French resistance to Nazis was cold terrorism

Europe uses Africans, Asian and Turks as cheap labor , so they are taking jobs that no body wants , plus the population growth in most of Europe is negative , so this labor - who happen to come from Muslim countries - are not invading the European continent to spread their religion by sword and gun

Europe was never a better friend to Muslims than to Israel for example, just remember that the Israeli nuclear project started by French support, and till know it is always Russian scientist who are in charge of it

I hope that the Armageddon theory doesn't control our future, the world was created to encompass several identities, religions, ideas,.... We should accept this
2006-08-18 14:08:24 UTC
Make sure you are on the right side. If your religion does not let you "think", if it tells you that whatever is written in some book some couple thousand years ago is the ultimate truth, then you either change your religion or you are doomed.

If any god is afraid to let you "think", I would be very worried about such "god". If the "god" tell you its my way or high way, then I would be very sceptical about it being a "god".

If you believe in "heaven / hell" after life, then you need to grow up. Heaven and hell are here on earth while you are alive. They are directly related to the actions you perform. The only thing you should be worried about is "Moksh" so that you can unite with the "one" and get out of this cycle of life and death.
2006-08-18 14:06:28 UTC
The nature of a liberal democracy as opposed to a religiously religion-run state is obviously an advantage to the fanatics. It's who can influence the other more.
2006-08-18 14:07:38 UTC
well Islam is the most fastly growin religion ..on earth ....

Isalm is a religion of truth ... .. Koran ..the holy book .. has everything true in it .... other holy books like Bible .. n etc ..were true ..also ..but before ..the men changed it .acc to their own personnal desires .. but the Koran that we read today .. is word by word same as it was 1400 yrs ago ..ita miracle.. .. n ppl are following it .. knowingly .. that Islam preaches truth n peace ...

islam is going to take over the world ... as u can see by the rate of ppl converting to islam .. even today ..when the western media is projecting Islam as an intolerant religion ..or whatever ...!!!... but ppl know the truth .n they embrace it ...

even zionists the #1 terrorists on earth .. know the truth ..but they cant face it ...

talkin abt foreign policy .. . the gov .. isnt changing it .. but they r theirsleves forcing ppl to migrate to sumwhere else ..where they can follow islam truly ..... but they also need Muslim students . scholars .. as they r the best known in the world .. . as France has banned wearign scarfs ... so Muslims arent going there anymore... so france is in a big danger ...

as it is losing .. thier own asset ..

El Pistolero Negra
2006-08-18 14:01:28 UTC
Yes it is.

Unfortunately there are way too many people who will deny the facts and believe that everything will be okay if we just be nice to them. I expect the war will begin in full scale a lot sooner that later.

I once heard a Muslim say, "There are two types of Muslims in the world, those who think Jihad should start now and those who think Jihad should start later."

It seems to me the ones who want it now aren't waiting for a vote.

The only thing that can be done is to fight or submit to Allah. I will fight.
2006-08-18 14:08:11 UTC
Yes, those extremists will use nukes - they're not like Israel who has nukes, but is a country that is responsible and who you can trust.

Iran needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later.
2006-08-18 14:04:13 UTC
I think its inevitable. If and when Muslim extremists get their hands on Nukes they most certainly will use them. I would suggest a nuclear first strike on Tehran and Damascus.
am i a mom
2006-08-24 16:53:41 UTC
unfortunatly it is likely too much going on right now to not get tangled up between everyone, lebanon, iraq, us, isreal, hazballah, north korea even, and if you wanna throw in there cuba in a topsey turvey state who knows what could happen
2006-08-18 14:03:43 UTC
We are already in WW3. And we have been since the first attack on the WTC in 1993.
2006-08-18 14:03:00 UTC
Its already begun. They declared war in a surprise attack, much like one of our previous adversaries. I will have to disagree with your assessment that they are "winning".
2006-08-18 14:03:08 UTC
let them on its an excuse for america to wipe them out and us with nukes...

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