9/11 attack, why?
retro cupcake
2007-03-24 02:38:09 UTC
I'm a bit unsure...why were we attacked by terrorism? Did the UK or USA provoke the Iraq community/area? Or was the whole thing about something in particular?
24 answers:
MiZz RuBy
2007-03-24 02:40:43 UTC
911 was not Iraq! it was osama! hes a soudi!

and no-one will ever know why!
2007-03-24 02:58:01 UTC
No - no. It had nothing to do with the US! Heaven forbid!!!! Like Bushwhacker had this old buddy, friend of the family don't you know, and he wandered off to Saudi Arabia, and then 911 happened. Bushwhacker and buddies accused him Osama bin Laden of orchestrating the assault on the World Trade Center with commercial jet airplanes. It was easy to do -- -

Oh MY God! Tell me when time began. I'm itching to know.

glittershelly -- duh --

Did time begin about 15 billion years ago -- or did time begin about 4.5 million years ago on Earth by a very insentient microbe OR when the US got it's Independence.

thumberlina -- an impressive history. Never=the-less -- you are out in deep water. The reason Americans are disliked is because they are out for what they can get.

I don't say this to make you angry, heaven help us if we have one more angry American. You know with you people the thing is to win at any cost.

As far as the world goes the US is still infantile and ill informed. They impose themselves on the rest of the world like they were kings. There is no living with Americans.

9/11 was a pinicol of lust for the Bush family, the only people that could gain from the 9/11 attack on the towers other than the new owner of the World Trade Center Silverstein. He bought for 15 billion dollars and claimed 700 billion dollars when the Trade Centre was destroyed. He got paid! A lot of people died -- and they still are in Iraq - an innocent by-stander for once.

Its OK to wonder why you have been attacked as long as you investigate what was going on. Investigate and tell your peers why you have reached your conclusion. It may be too difficult for you to do. It's a difficult society out there. I hope you can persevere.

I don't expect that any one of us can put this crises together. Its been along time in the making. The US has been pushing buttoms all over the world with little help execpt which which is pro American. I don't think that anyone's view of the world will change by what I have to say. But I hope that Americans quit acting so superior and join the rest of the world.
2007-03-24 03:06:40 UTC
i can only imagine that you are trying to provoke a hostile response by asking this stupid question. it wasn't Iraq who flew the planes into the trade centre buildings but osama bin laden and his group of mad men (who's family just happens to be gw bush's friends).

the problem with any super power is that they will step on every ones toes as they go about their plans for world domination. if you push long enough someone will crack and try to push back. unfortunately the result was the dreadful 9-11 attacks.

the worst thing was g w and his cronies tried to use this to suit their own strategic aims and try and get a bit more oil out of the middle east.this of course has just fanned the flames a bit more and made the arabs a bit madder.

as we now know these countrys have never and will never be tamed (in the western meaning of the word). if russia couldnt do it in afganistan with a far larger army than nato are using at the moment then we are buggered.
2007-03-24 03:28:46 UTC
A former Bush team member during his first administration is now voicing serious doubts about the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Former chief economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds comments that the official story about the collapse of the WTC is "bogus" and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7.
2007-03-24 22:05:21 UTC
If you want to know why 9/11 happened do research on Afghanistan in the 1970's and find out what our goverments(U.K, U.S) took part in alot of people say Islam when that is not the case Islam is a religion that Al Quaeda are using to there advantage to recruit (also learn about guirella warfare & hearts and minds). You have to find something you have in common with people for them to be more willing to join your cause such as declaring war on the ''infidels'' and they are using religion. But the case of the matter is our Goverments done more than fight communists in the middle east in the 1970's directly and indirectly that is all im going to say the matter (just research and avoid using the web to do it becaue you'll get alot of bias information).
2007-03-24 03:08:34 UTC
All anyone can offer is an opinion !It is mine that the foreign policy's of the US has never dealt fairly with this area of the world our extreme support for Israel ,has cost us friends within Islamic world.Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11,a well connected ,angry and organized terrorist's took us on,please don't lump Iraq in this mess.I am 56,30 years of watching my country's strange dealings with this area of the world, a US citizen with an opinion.please read your us history and see how you Feel it may be different than mine!
2007-03-24 03:11:01 UTC
9/11 was planned and carried out by Osama bin Laden, a Saudi millionaire. He was a religious nutter who had been trained by the US and let loose in Afghanistan to fight the Russians years ago. When that fight finished he came home to Saudi Arabia to find it was full of US soldiers and businessmen (Saudi Arabia was an ally of ours). Osama figured the presence of the US on Saudi soil was an affront to his religion and wanted them 'out'. The terror campaign was designed to persuade them to leave. Osama was not Iraqi, he hated the Iraqis and they returned the sentiment twice over. Saddam would have had him shot if he could have got his hands on him.

Saddam's particular bit of terror, apart from the insane invasion of Iran (encouraged by the US) and of Kuwait (to the great annoyance of the US), was that he tried to have George Bush Senior, and his wife and daughter in-law (wife of GW) assasinated during a visit they made to Kuwait after the Kuwait War.


Sadams idiocy extended of course to trying to bluff the world that he was still a 'big man' by pretending to have WMD, and of course his idiocy was matched by some other folk's gullibility. Meanwhile the 'clever' one (Osama) still directs attacks on US interests and is still waiting for the US to pull out of Saudi Arabia. The irony here is that if had his way, and walked back into Saudi Arabia as a 'hero' he'd be bumped off by some local with a grudge against him. The Crusaders back in the 1100's - by the time they'd learnt to play the game of Middle East politics - knew that the best way to defeat their Arab enemies was to let them defeat each other. It's not the lack of military experience in current US leadership that ought to be the worry (although it is a worry), but their profound ignorance of history.
2007-03-24 09:36:22 UTC
9/11 was planned and orchestrated by the U.S Government in order to persuade public opinion so that they could go and start a so called 'War on Terror'.

If you still believe that it was actual terrorists that caused this atrocity then you'll believe anything.
2007-03-24 02:46:50 UTC
There are numerous reasons, but I can explain a few here...

Islam abides by the Qu'ran. The Qu'ran instructs Muslims to kill any Jew, Christian, or non-Muslim. A Muslim does not know if they will go to heaven or not. The only guarantee they have is if they are martyred. If a Muslim kills an "infidel", they believe they are assured "paradise". Thus, they would not hesitate flying into a building, killing thousands, and themselves.

Secondly, the U.S. supports Israel, a sworn enemy of Islam. And by doing this, the Muslims deem the U.S. their enemy also. That is why they call us the "Great Satan".

The U.S. did not provoke anything. Actually, these terrorists gained entry visas into the U.S. as "flight students". As soon as they had organized their plot, they put it into play.

Here's the nuts and bolts of the whole issue, my friend... Islam has one goal, and that is to make the world Islamic. And to do that, they must either kill all they consider "infidels", or get them to submit willingly to Islam. And as long as there are nations unwilling to submit, they will be the target of terrorism by these murderers.
Thom Jefferson
2007-03-24 02:55:16 UTC
there is no link between Iraq and 9/11. The official story is that bin Laden (who is saudi) was trained by the englishs, pakistanis and americans to do terrorism against Russians in Afghanista. And afterwards bin Laden used his knowledge against US (mainly because he wants american troops to leave Saudi Arabia).
2007-03-24 02:52:01 UTC
for as long as time began, there has been a divide in east and west, that is the root, only beliefs, teachings and laws changed, there has always been a divide, and there will always be one, only the way we behave changes, centuries ago, the divide wasnt on a terrorism scale, but because teachings, faith and the way behaviour can change through history, it is, the terrorist attck was because he believed and tought many others to believe that this was the only way, they want what they would call revenge on their behalf for the divide between east and west.
2007-03-24 04:23:30 UTC
as far as i see it, the bush administration and the blair government have failed to understand that it was indeed bin laden and al qaeda who not just killed thousands of americans, but in that they have failed to get hold of him. rather than concerntrate on their attempts in seeking, capturing and ending the taliban regime bush tried to finish what his dad bush snr had started. there was and is still no justifiable and correct link between the war in iraq and the attacks on 9/11. it wasn't saddam and his men who flew the planes into the twin towers, and killed all those people- it was bin laden that did that. yes i am glad that saddam had been captured, but as far as things stand and under bush and blair i doubt that bin laden will be caught. i still believe that it will happen but under the current reigns of our british government and US administration, that will not happen and bin laden, and al- qaeda will continue to inflict further misery, destruction, carnage and woe for the rest of us, sadly
2007-03-24 11:50:34 UTC
I can think of 167 billion reasons and a law suit on wall street why the US government might find it useful!
2007-03-24 02:55:40 UTC
Because the Muslims hate us and won't be content until they wipe us out or force us all to bang our heads on the floor 5 times a day.
2007-03-24 02:50:51 UTC
It was revenge for betrayal....

the CIA trained Osama in terrorist techniques so that he would fight the russians (who were then occuping afghanistan) with the promise that they would help him into power when the russians left.

when the russians left the CIA forgot about their promises and helped put a different government in charge, so Osama turned his training against those who had betrayed him.

Iraq was never involved in 9/11, in fact saddam was 2nd on osama's hate list after the west.
2007-03-24 02:51:31 UTC
America is hated by the religious zealots in that area of the

world and, for them, the time had come to lay their hatred on us!
♫ Chloe ♫
2007-03-24 02:51:29 UTC
please click :

(Credit to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003)


In 1979 "the largest covert operation in the history of the CIA" was launched in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in support of the pro-Communist government of Babrak Kamal.:

"With the active encouragement of the CIA and Pakistan's ISI [Inter Services Intelligence], who wanted to turn the Afghan jihad into a global war waged by all Muslim states against the Soviet Union, some 35,000 Muslim radicals from 40 Islamic countries joined Afghanistan's fight between 1982 and 1992. Tens of thousands more came to study in Pakistani madrasahs. Eventually more than 100,000 foreign Muslim radicals were directly influenced by the Afghan jihad."

The Islamic "jihad" was supported by the United States and Saudi Arabia with a significant part of the funding generated from the Golden Crescent drug trade:

"In March 1985, President Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 166,...[which] authorize[d] stepped-up covert military aid to the mujahideen, and it made clear that the secret Afghan war had a new goal: to defeat Soviet troops in Afghanistan through covert action and encourage a Soviet withdrawal. The new covert U.S. assistance began with a dramatic increase in arms supplies -- a steady rise to 65,000 tons annually by 1987, ... as well as a "ceaseless stream" of CIA and Pentagon specialists who traveled to the secret headquarters of Pakistan's ISI on the main road near Rawalpindi, Pakistan. There the CIA specialists met with Pakistani intelligence officers to help plan operations for the Afghan rebels."

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) using Pakistan's military Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) played a key role in training the Mujahideen. In turn, the CIA sponsored guerrilla training was integrated with the teachings of Islam:

"Predominant themes were that Islam was a complete socio-political ideology, that holy Islam was being violated by the atheistic Soviet troops, and that the Islamic people of Afghanistan should reassert their independence by overthrowing the leftist Afghan regime propped up by Moscow."

Pakistan's ISI was used as a "go-between". The CIA covert support to the "jihad" operated indirectly through the Pakistani ISI, --i.e. the CIA did not channel its support directly to the Mujahideen. In other words, for these covert operations to be "successful", Washington was careful not to reveal the ultimate objective of the "jihad", which consisted in destroying the Soviet Union.

In the words of CIA's Milton Beardman "We didn't train Arabs". Yet according to Abdel Monam Saidali, of the Al-aram Center for Strategic Studies in Cairo, bin Laden and the "Afghan Arabs" had been imparted "with very sophisticated types of training that was allowed to them by the CIA".

For More, read about who is Osama Bin Laden at:
2007-03-24 02:48:33 UTC
The attack was because of Jihad. A Religious War that God has no control over.
2007-03-24 03:01:09 UTC
Download Loose Change from limewire and then ask.
2007-03-24 02:47:12 UTC
They hate, and wish to kill us, because we are not muslim.

They hate, and wish to kill Israelis, because they are Jews, and not muslim.

They hate, and wish to kill Iraqis, because the Iraqis are on our side mostly (the Iraqi Army too), because they are helping us, which they think is not muslim enough.

They hate our freedom. They hate especially our freedom of religion.

They hate, so they kill.

I learned everything I need to know about Islam on 9/11.

Allah FUBAR, and the horse he rode in on.
2007-03-24 02:43:17 UTC
2007-03-24 02:48:06 UTC
i wish all this bad stuff in the world could stop, why cant anyone get along.

but to answer your question there all ******* mongs.
2007-03-24 02:40:25 UTC
The USA provokes everybody.
2007-03-24 02:52:08 UTC
i dont know

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