Indian wizard
2010-09-16 01:28:08 UTC
If this is not done I foresee the total destruction of North India or the entire India.
India should take all the powers from Russia and control violence.
China is another dangerous country. Indian Army should show its might China.
NOTE: I don't like Indian jawans getting killed everyday and it is no use living dangerously.
No point in living dangerously.
If the muslims are violent against Indian Army, in such a case, Indian Army should go ahead many times more powerful and restore law and order all over India, POK, PAKISTAN, CHINA, TI BET.
India should take back TIBET and India must take back Pakistan also if violence takes place against Indian Army. Indian Army must show its power smash all violent rowdy elements in POK, HURRIYATS, SEPARATISTS.
I want peaceful India. I want peaceful Hindu, muslims, Christians etc. If violence against Indian Army, I feel Indian Army should show its might and restore law and order in POK, PAKISTANi people.
INDIAN GOVERNMENT SHOULD GIVE 100% free hand to the Indian Army to smash all the violent areas in Jammu & Kashmir, POK and Pakistan.
Peace should be restored for another 10 years so that peaceful sitution prevails for another 10 years. Otherwise, entire North India will not be there for the Indian people.