Spray Guard
2013-04-18 12:12:54 UTC
So the meps doc sets me up for a consult with ortho specialist (including an x-ray) and sends me home, cutting my day a little short. I'm told that my recruiter will call when the appointment has a date. No big deal, I get a call the next day for an appointment the following week (April 4th). Awesome, that was fast!
April 4th comes and I'm marching my way from the hotel to meps to pick up my papers and drive on over to the Ortho Doctor. When my time comes, the doctor calls me into his room and takes a look at my back. He tells me my spine looks like the trophy ruler at the Bic factory. The doctor can't seem to find what the meps doctors were talking about and since I have no pain declared it unnecessarily ridiculous to take an x-ray at this point.
So awesome! No back issues means no issues at meps, right? Not so much. After I got back to meps, the doctors (different doctors from the prior week, by the way) weren't sure what to say. They were having trouble deciphering the notes jotted down from either doctor. In the end, they decided to send me to another consult for the same issue, this time, with an x-ray. I head home and call me recruiter to tell him the news and we both start laughing at the story I have to tell. He tells me he'll call when the consult is scheduled.
April 15th today. I came here with the question of whether or not there's anything I can do to help this 2nd consult happen faster. I know some people wait months and I sure do hope I don't need to wait that long. So is there anything I can do to help push this next part along?
Is getting an x-ray on my own and having my recruiter send it in an option?
Thank you very much for reading this and I hope for any suggestions you might have.