2008-06-16 05:18:54 UTC
there have been questions on whos infantry is better and who gets better training. One american said, australia gets worser training because there still a 3rd world country.
That just goes to show there geography... secondly, they seize to realise that there marine corpse is not the best. An australian riflemen gets more training then a marine and our entry standards are higher, we dont allow CRIMINALS or ex dopers in our military.
Secondly theres alot of stuff about our airforce thats been going on. Saying that our hornets are crap etc. Well america still uses the hornets and unless them our pilots identify targets first by looking at a big orange flashing panel on a tank that is clearly british before making a decision to shoot, and obviously we dont.
Not only that our army in afghanistan doesen't have the reputation of raping women and children and so far we have had no friendly fire incidents.
Thats my 2 cents...