The Big problems with the Americans they watch the History and Military Channel totally Biased to the USA and not amended since the secret and top secret documents have been Released starting in 2005 60 to 70 years
The history channel still tells us that the Russians have Hitlers Skull when i was in Germany in May 2009 it was tested and the Hitler Skull Is from a woman under 40
the History Channel fails to tell the world that in September after Loosing the battle Of Britain
In plain English the Germans had Lost and Given Up that to me = Germany was Loosing the War
and if anyone sees anything Different they are not talking about WW2
he then in June 1941 took on the Russians and as we in WW2 say it was all Over By the Shouting
it is a Fact that Albert Speer Told Hitler Germany will run out of Fuel in 2 years
Why ?? because Germany Lost in North Africa Failed to advance any Further then 90 Miles From Alexandra
and that is Loosing the War
so there was No risk of the British speaking German unless we Chose to How do I know I was There I am a survivor of the Blitz on London I grew up in London and Never went Hungry that is also a fact and i went to school for the whole of the war because my school Built in 1886 is still standing
and our family moved into a House in 1941 and Moved out in 1959
so if Hitler was Not Going to invade the British when did anyone Liberate a country that was last Invaded in 1066 ?????? or have i Missed something
and a small point i have read that D Day was Unnecessary as we had at least 10 Divisions in Italy and in 1944 control ot the Mediterranean these US military experts now tell us that no d day but an attack Via the soft Underbelly of Europe and WW2 could have been over in 1943
don't believe me well that is what Paton and Bradley told FDR or where they wrong as well
and why should i thank a nation that allowed its Rich Industrailists who Financed Hitlers Rise to chancellor and tha US factories supplying Hitler through to 1945
Like SKF the worlds biggest Ball bearing manufacturer
I saw the Cases marked Made in the USA by SKF of Philadelpia 1944 in Germany
and the fact that standard oil was Refueling the NAZI U boats in the Atlantic in 1940 1941 1942 1943
or should i Thank ITT who owned the Focker Wolf in 1942 Gave the factory updated Navigation systems that were Fitted to German Bombers and the V2 and V3 rockets Bombing Me
sorry I owe the USA nothing they did Nothing for me But put my country in debit to Finance the war that they caused
My fondest memories of the American June 1942 Eggs disapeared from my plate and in june 1944 food reapeared
Lots of Food eggs were so cheap they were almost Giving them away