Fellow brits do you get angry that when some yank says "you would all be speaking german if it wasnt for us"?
2010-05-15 01:40:42 UTC
it seems almost every question about british military there always one american on there pretty much saying
"no you brits suck you would be speaking german if it wasnt for us"
it seems like the most common insult thrown by the american i know not all of them say it but there is always 1
28 answers:
2010-05-15 05:49:12 UTC
Mildly; since it's normally Ray it's safe to treat it with contempt because he's only doing it to get a bite.

First problem. Had the Germans succeeded in taking over Britain, we still wouldn't have spoken German because the Nazis did not change the language in occupied nations. French still spoke French, Dutch still spoke Dutch etc. The suggestion that Britain would have been different is immensely silly.

Second problem. The plans to invade Britain were made, and abandoned, before the US got involved as a fighting force.

Third snag. Help implies freely given. I've always had a problem with that. It does not imply the US made profit on every single bit of equipment and material sold to Britain; which is EXACTLY the case. We made payments to the US for 'lend/ lease' until very, very recently.

The contribution of US servicemen is not in doubt. That the US sent its young men to Europe to free Western Europe is not and should never be belittled. Those men died in their thousands for a nations thousands of miles from their own.

Perhaps those who think we'd be speaking German should be reminded that had it not been for the British they'd have been speaking French?
2010-05-18 01:27:26 UTC
just say as i do they would be speaking German as the Russians did more for winning the war then Americans ever did, Russia tied down a very large portion of the German army(Operation Barbarossa) and made the D-day landings possible they also contributed the most men and suffered the highest casualties the only thing America ever did was give us Brits and Russia money to keep fighting until Pearl Harbor then had a minor part in defeating the Germans but the people saying these things are either stupid or kids who flunked history as they no nothing about the facts of WW2, i just ask them what wars they have won on their own usually shuts them up because they havent.
2010-05-15 02:10:30 UTC
No ,not really --its true in a naive sort of way.

But equally true is that by fighting on alone throughout 1940 and 1941, the British ultimately saved the World from Geman -Japanese domination.

Had we failed and surrendered , the history of the world since then would have been very different .There would have been no Western Front ,, no campaigns in North Africa ,no D Day landings . Russia would have been invaded by the entire might of the German Army from both its western and southern borders --and would have fallen .

The US would ultimately have faced a world dominated by a German -Japanese axis and US history would have been very different -- and not for the better.

So who saved who --the fact is we saved each other.And the other curious fact is that when we act together , we usually get it right .
2010-05-15 07:24:03 UTC
The Russians destroyed 80% of the German war machine. The British and Free French had already destroyed most of the rest before the Yanks joined the party YEARS later and are still pretending they won they war single-handedly 70 years later.
2010-05-15 02:31:11 UTC
You cant judge a whole nation because of a comment made by an ill mannered and not very well informed person.

As a Scot our nationality is abused by others in the UK but I just put it down to lack of brain cells and an inability to express themselves.
2010-05-16 13:36:05 UTC
If you put america where england was and england where America was, World War 2 would have been a joke. We don't train um the best, We don't even supply them the best. We just know how to get the job done
2016-06-03 07:09:25 UTC
Ich spreche nur ein wenig Deutsch. I speak only a little German.
2010-05-15 04:57:37 UTC
I think this might be a little nearer the truth, Churchill probably told it to the Americans as it was.

After the fall of France in 1940 Britain had basically two options, one on the side of America or the much less palatable one of on the side of Germany, and it was America that choose for Britain, all America needed was a little time to prepare and to persuade its people that war on Britain's side was the best thing in their interests, if you get me-drift.....
Rob Roy
2010-05-15 03:37:47 UTC
Remember " Ignorance is Bliss?" Well the best thing to do is ignore ignorance and there is no shortage of that in the U.S. Any American with a brain would ask why in the Gulf and Afghanistan they were so desperate to get us in with them.
Paul D
2010-05-15 13:23:09 UTC
I find it helps if you remind the Americans that their country was founded by the Thirteen British Colonies that first declared independence, and if it wasn't for the British, they would all be speaking French
2010-05-15 02:18:03 UTC
You could always answer him by saying, "If it wasn't for us, you would be speaking French." The worst part of this reply would be having to explain the French and Indian war to them.
2010-05-15 02:30:48 UTC
If it wasn't for the British, Americans would be speaking FRENCH... And probably have the smell of garic/onions on their breath...
2010-05-15 01:44:31 UTC
we Americans get angry we you call all of us Yanks. Only Northern Americans are Yanks.

But seriously is all fun America and The UK are great allies, just a harmless rivalry
2010-05-15 03:02:53 UTC
I always counter that one, with you'd be speaking french if it wasn't for us! However having worked with americans I find them ok.
LT Dan
2010-05-15 08:45:09 UTC
Actually it was the Russian Cold that stopped Hitler dead in his tracks, if I remember rightly.

I talked to a bunch of Brits. once about how they remember their US history, it was really interesting...
The Other Grandpa
2010-05-15 01:43:44 UTC
Heck, I'm an American and I get angry when I hear that.

It is stupid and generally quoted by stupid people who know very little about Europe, WWll, and have never experienced war or combat of any kind. Their knowledge of WWll was gleaned from watching PBS documentaries or the History Channel.

They lead sheltered and limited lives, having usually never traveled beyond their home states.

"Yank" is not a derogatory term.
2010-05-15 06:35:11 UTC
Not angry. No. But I do get sad. So much ignorance and prejudice in the world!
2010-05-15 16:32:27 UTC
Nope, it just shows how stupid there country is.

I once got into an argument with an American and I said "You stupid" as he was being stupid, he replied "No, the country Europe is stupid". - From that day on I can't take an American seriously, not even Obama.
2010-05-15 04:29:48 UTC
The Big problems with the Americans they watch the History and Military Channel totally Biased to the USA and not amended since the secret and top secret documents have been Released starting in 2005 60 to 70 years

The history channel still tells us that the Russians have Hitlers Skull when i was in Germany in May 2009 it was tested and the Hitler Skull Is from a woman under 40

the History Channel fails to tell the world that in September after Loosing the battle Of Britain


In plain English the Germans had Lost and Given Up that to me = Germany was Loosing the War

and if anyone sees anything Different they are not talking about WW2

he then in June 1941 took on the Russians and as we in WW2 say it was all Over By the Shouting

it is a Fact that Albert Speer Told Hitler Germany will run out of Fuel in 2 years

Why ?? because Germany Lost in North Africa Failed to advance any Further then 90 Miles From Alexandra

and that is Loosing the War

so there was No risk of the British speaking German unless we Chose to How do I know I was There I am a survivor of the Blitz on London I grew up in London and Never went Hungry that is also a fact and i went to school for the whole of the war because my school Built in 1886 is still standing

and our family moved into a House in 1941 and Moved out in 1959

so if Hitler was Not Going to invade the British when did anyone Liberate a country that was last Invaded in 1066 ?????? or have i Missed something

and a small point i have read that D Day was Unnecessary as we had at least 10 Divisions in Italy and in 1944 control ot the Mediterranean these US military experts now tell us that no d day but an attack Via the soft Underbelly of Europe and WW2 could have been over in 1943

don't believe me well that is what Paton and Bradley told FDR or where they wrong as well

and why should i thank a nation that allowed its Rich Industrailists who Financed Hitlers Rise to chancellor and tha US factories supplying Hitler through to 1945

Like SKF the worlds biggest Ball bearing manufacturer

I saw the Cases marked Made in the USA by SKF of Philadelpia 1944 in Germany

and the fact that standard oil was Refueling the NAZI U boats in the Atlantic in 1940 1941 1942 1943

or should i Thank ITT who owned the Focker Wolf in 1942 Gave the factory updated Navigation systems that were Fitted to German Bombers and the V2 and V3 rockets Bombing Me

sorry I owe the USA nothing they did Nothing for me But put my country in debit to Finance the war that they caused

My fondest memories of the American June 1942 Eggs disapeared from my plate and in june 1944 food reapeared

Lots of Food eggs were so cheap they were almost Giving them away
2010-05-15 15:18:12 UTC
I will tell you this my friend. Go to any high street in any english town and we are certainly not speaking English.
2010-05-15 02:00:00 UTC
When you have the education levels of an American you'll believe anything. Let's face it, America couldn't even win a war against Vietnam.
alexander m
2010-05-15 01:54:32 UTC
To a point it's true. Look where the Brits were before the Americans showed up: fully pushed off of mainland Europe and getting bombed and destroyed by rockets. You can't argue that one. You also cannot argue that if it wasn't for American factories, the Brits would have fared much worse.

but you also cannot argue that the US could have won the war alone. We just didn't have the manpower or supply means to win a war half way around the world against the German army... But we did save your *** so to speak

edit: being fully protected from invasion, that doesnt mean that you can win a war. war is won in the end through offense, if you cant attack and are pooling all of your resources into defense, then all the enemy hsa to do is sit back and starve you out. im not saying "we rushed in and saved the day" but if it wasnt for US involvement, britain would have lost. plain and simple. and without britain, the US would have lost. plain and simple. we can all agree that we would have been just fine without france atleast...
2010-05-15 01:56:11 UTC
No. Hitler wanted peace with England. He asked for peace several times but the old drunk Churchill refused. If only Churchill hadn't told Poland to keep on oppressing ethnic Germans in the Polish corridor, WW2 would of never started. Great Britain would still be great.
2010-05-15 01:43:43 UTC
I think you'll find we are speaking German anyway.
2010-05-15 01:47:49 UTC
I wouldn't say that to the Brits, they didn't cave.

The French on the other hand......
2010-05-15 01:44:33 UTC
Yes, it is a typical comment that reveals their almost absolute ignorance of even their own history! (German was almost chosed as the official language of the USA!)
2010-05-15 03:58:36 UTC
Truth hurts. Sorry. Why do you Brits try to re-write history to relegate EVERYONE else to a secondary role in the war?

I have no idea why we wasted blood and treasure helping you in TWO GODD@MN World Wars that, from what you constantly say, you had well in hand ol' chap. The return on our investment hasn't been worth it.
2010-05-15 01:43:41 UTC
Hey man you can't argue with what is true. Why does this make you mad? You should be thankful. You know what irritates me? When these dumb limeys with nasty teeth call us yanks as some kind of derogatory term.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.