Ww2 where do they get it from?
2013-04-03 14:46:49 UTC
Why do Americans think they saved ww2? I have spoke to a fair amount of Americans who genuinely believe Americans won the war for the allies. Is it Americans just being patriotic or is it just their media and schools teaching them incorrectly? The only major contribution to ww2 they actually made was Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but everyone knows that the atomic bomb was designed by a large group of scientists including Americans English and a rouge German scientist. They also contributed the most soldiers towards d day, other than that no major contributions, the allies won ww2 because of Russia's sheer numbers and rellentlesnes, Britain's non stop bombing raids and yes even the French made a large contribution by decimating German air force so that it delayed any sort of invasion of great Britain allowing us a head start, oh and going back to d day Canada were the only ones to even to complete their objectives at d day, Canada was also responsible for delivering supplies to Britain without this d day would never of happened, another contribution from Canada was the liberation of Holland which helped France rebuild its defences against Germany to allow it to go back on the offensive. Even Poland's secret service which they set up in Britain aided greatly along with deciphering the enigma code and polish air forces aiding in the battle of Britain. So over than the nukes and d day, which America was aided greatly with, what major contributions did America actually make other than obvious numbers?
Eleven answers:
2013-04-03 14:51:50 UTC
If it weren't for American Air Power in Europe, Germany's resolve would never have faltered. The Brits only bombed at night, and missed most of their targets as a result. We went in the daytime. Don't forget the Lend-Lease program where American supplies kept the British military going, and don't forget our food shipments that kept you from starving.

If it weren't for American troops, there would never have been a D-Day invasion of the European continent. The Brits didn't have the manpower or shipping capability. And if you had relied on Soviet power to win the game, the whole European continent would have been under Soviet control after hostilities ended.

I think it is you, and not us, who are being taught incorrectly.
2013-04-03 14:58:59 UTC
Britain's non-stop bombing raids? Uh, sorry. But the UK halted ALL day time bombing because it was too costly and did only night bombing raids, which were much less accurate and effective. The US continued the day time, accurate, bombing. Despite the heavy losses.

I fully admit that if the UK hadn't been able to hold out through the Battle of Britain and prevent the fall of the islands the war probably could've been lost. And there'd have been nowhere to stage/launch D Day. But without lend-lease and tons of supplies flowing across the pond would you have held out? Maybe. Maybe not. Russia wouldn't have. Yes, Canada provided a lot. But they just didn't have the manpower to swing the war alone. Neither did the UK. Besides. I thought we were all on the same side? I don't know about you but here in the US I was always taught that we, we being ALL the allies, won the war together......

OK, now I smell total bullshyt. If you had any clue what you were talking about you'd know that the plans for an invasion of Japan (necessary had the bombs not been dropped) estimated 1 MILLION casualties, just on our side...... And Japan was preparing for a to the last man defense, even training up civillians. FAR more civilians would've been killed in an invasion than were killed in both nuclear attacks combined. Probably ten times more. Besides, it's ridiculous how everyone jumps all over the civilian casualties in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both cities were actually legit military targets. And WAY more civilians were killed during the fire bombing of Tokyo. But that wasn't a "nuclear" attack so some idiots just assume it wasn't as bad. Even though it was much more devastating. You have completely made up all that crap.

I pointed out several areas where you are completely and totally WRONG. So why do you only mention Arctic Wolf?
2013-04-04 13:35:09 UTC
Considering your other question, citing you like history and what to know more, perhaps WW2 should be the place you start considering your lack of knowledge highlighted by the above.

"only major contribution ... Hiroshima and Nagasaki ... a rouge German scientist."

Yes, the Manhattan project was a joint project, however you should also consider who provided the funding and facilities needed.

"... contributed the most soldiers towards d day ... Russia's sheer numbers and rellentlesnes,"

The US provided the most soldiers on the Western Front following "D-Day". Allied strategy in Normandy involved the Anglo-Canadian Army pinning down the Germans, to allow the Americans to break out and facilitate the rout of the German military in France. We Brits, and the Canadians, lacked the manpower to do it alone or man the entire front.

You should find out the difference between the Soviet Union and Russia. The Belorussian people were the ones who suffered the most during the war on the Eastern Front not Russia or Russians.

"Britain's non stop bombing raids ... French ... large contribution ..."

Initial RAF efforts were far from effective. Even the spectacular damage done by the 'dam busters' did little in the overall scheme of things. It was the combination of Anglo-American bombing, focusing on transport and oil facilities that started to do the most damage. Unfortunately, that was more towards the end of the war.

It was other factors, rather than the air losses suffered during the Battle of France, that resulted in the break of a few weeks between that and the Battle of Britain. The break or the losses suffered, where not what resulted in the German defeat.

"... Canada ... objectives at d day, ... responsible for delivering supplies ... d day would never of happened,"

The Canadians failed to take all of their D-Day objectives although yes, they pushed the furthest inland. It is also interesting to note, if I am not mistaking beaches, that Juno contained a German bunker that refused to surrender for several days.

As for the supplies, you cannot just magically discount the American aid that was also put into making D-Day happen or the British effort. It was a joint operation and jointly funded and supplied.

"... Canada was the liberation of Holland ... helped France ... to go back on the offensive"

No. For starters, it is The Netherlands not Holland. Holland is an area within The Netherlands. The Netherlands were not fully liberated until the end of the war. The Anglo-Canadian efforts in the Netherlands had little to do with the French bringing men back to the battle.

"... Poland ... enigma code and polish air forces ... battle of Britain."

Partially correct. Polish agents provided France and Britain with a great advantage, but it was Bletchley Park that had to crack the updated German encryptions. Did you know American volunteers also took part in the battle, via the Canadian Air Force?

"what major contributions did America actually make other than obvious numbers?"

*Lend-Lease, provided to all of the Allied forces, the Soviets, and the Chinese.

*Led Operation Torch, which brought about Vichy France switching sides

*The re-armament of the French military, once Vichy forces switched sides.

*The strategic bombing of Germany and Japan.

*The major naval battles that crippled the Japanese fleet.

*The submarine campaign against Japan that crippled her merchant fleet.

*The island hopping campaign that pushed the Japanese back, stopped the Japanese drive on Australia, and liberated various islands and the Philippines

*Aided in the Battle of the Atlantic

*Provided the most troops on the Western Front

*Provided the majority of resources needed for the successful completion of the Manhattan Project

" if they waited 2 months ... China would know their place."

China was an ally, and not the same regime that is in power today. The war had not ended, had the Americans not dropped the bombs, the fighting and death would have still carried on via aerial bombardments, in China, South-East Asia, and the Soviet Army overrunning northern China.

"you deserve no honor for it."

Neither does *our* (the British) aerial bombardment of Germany.

"@artic wolf ... is my knowledge from what I have previously learned"

None of your facts are actual facts. You need to go back and study the subject, because your knowledge of what has happened is superficial and limited.

As for your actual question. People, as you highlighted, have a superficial understanding of what took place. Nations tend to highlight their own contribution. Some Americans, like my in-laws, like to poke fun and do not mean it, as Brits do towards Germans. On the whole, blame the entertainment industry: it tends to focus on the American point of view.
2013-04-03 15:06:46 UTC
I know Hollywood has a lot to answer for this. I saw a film once called Operation Burma with Errol Flynn as to how the Americans kicked the Japs out of Burma. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Also how an American sub captured a U-boat and retrieved an enigma machine. However notwithstanding Hollywood, John Wayne, Errol Flynn, Jack Palance and others, the contribution of the USA in defeating Germany was paramount to achieving victory. The RAF bombed Germany at night and the USAF during the day. Some Flying Fortresses landed in Sweden on way back to UK and some bombed Warsaw that's why they had to bomb during the day..Percentage wise in beating the Germans I would say Russia 45 percent, USA 35 percent UK about 20 percent.
2016-11-02 02:40:40 UTC
right it somewhat is a sprint historic fact the Germans have been Loosing WW2 in sept 1940 without the USA. Russia or Lend lease and as quickly as the NAZIS attacked Russia the fat female began to Sing. D Day replaced into basically to choose How far the Russians ought to strengthen into Europe seventy 5 % of the Germans have been struggling with the Russians those worldwide places won WW2 they have been all area of the group there are they say No US in group Poland, September one million, 1939 uk, September 3, 1939 France, September 3, 1939 Australia, September 3, 1939 New Zealand, September 3, 1939 Nepal, September 4, 1939 Newfoundland, September 4, 1939 Tonga, September 4, 1939 South Africa, September 6, 1939 Canada, September 10, 1939 Denmark, April 9, 1940 Norway, April 9, 1940 Belgium, might 10, 1940 Luxembourg, might 10, 1940 Netherlands, might 10, 1940 unfastened France, June 18, 1940 Greece, October 28, 1940 Kingdom of Yugoslavia, April 6, 1941 Tannu Tuva, June 15, 1941 Soviet Union, June 22, 1941 Panama, December 7, 1941 usa, December 8, 1941 yet have been nonetheless imparting germany with Oil Ball bearings and technologies as much as 1945 Philippines, December 7, 1941 Costa Rica, December 8, 1941 Dominican Republic, December 8, 1941 El Salvador, December 8, 1941 Haiti, December 8, 1941 Honduras, December 8, 1941 Nicaragua, December 8, 1941 Republic of China, December 9, 1941 Guatemala, December 9, 1941 Cuba, December 9, 1941 Provisional government of the Republic of Korea, December 9, 1941 (government. in exile) Czechoslovakia, December sixteen, 1941 (government. in exile) Mexico, might 22, 1941 Brazil, August 22, 1942 Ethiopia, December 14, 1942 Iraq, January 17, 1943 Bolivia, April 7, 1943 Iran, September 9, 1943 Italy, October 13, 1943 (in the past a member of the Axis) Colombia, November 26, 1943 Liberia, January 27, 1944 Romania, August 25, 1944 (in the past a member of the Axis) Bulgaria, September 8, 1944 (in the past a member of the Axis) Finland, September 19, 1944 (in the past a member of the Axis) San Marino, September 21, 1944 Albania, October 26, 1944 (in the past a member of the Axis) Hungary, January 20, 1945 (in the past a member of the Axis) Bahawalpur, February 2, 1945 Ecuador, February 2, 1945 Paraguay, February 7, 1945 Peru, February 12, 1945 Uruguay, February 15, 1945 Venezuela, February 15, 1945 Turkey, February 23, 1945 Lebanon, February 27, 1945 Saudi Arabia, March 1945 Argentina, March 27, 1945 ??yet allowed Nazis to stay of their usa Chile, April 11, 1945 people's Republic of Mongolia, August 9, 1945
2013-04-04 05:13:28 UTC
More to the point m8.....

....Where are you sourcing your information from??? Personally, I'd be very interested in reading your sources, can you provide any?

A large proportion of what you have said is incorrect and contradictory to known historical facts. Otherwise, you go on to make many statements, with most appearing to be little more than misguided personal opinion, or you've been terribly misinformed.

The eventual defeat of "The Axis" forces, & the forces of "The Empire of Japan" was achieved by "The Allies", in both the European theatre, & the Pacific, (whilst the US made up the largest contingent in the Pacific, many other nations also directly contributed as well, including the British & Commonwealth nations).

The Allies comprised of dozens of nations, as well as the participation of citizens of many nations globally that all contributed & made sacrifices in varying ways. Obviously, some nations were capable of contributing more than others, & they contributed by differing ways & means, but NO SINGLE nation can claim that "if it wasn't for them, all would have been lost".


Additional Info:- Hey Derek,

I didn't enter any counter info because of the limit of words/characters permitted in a reply. I'll happily point out examples for you though.

"even the French made a large contribution by decimating German air force so that it delayed any sort of invasion of great Britain "

The French didn't become involved "militarily" until Germany invaded France. The French (& BEF) were completely defeated in just 6 weeks & they failed to inflict any significant damage upon any German forces. The French barely damaged the Luftwaffe, let alone "decimated" them prior to Op Sea Lion. The RAF inflicted heavy losses upon the Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain, but even the RAF didn't manage to "decimate" them.

"The liberation of Holland", was not just achieved by Canada. Only Eastern & Northern areas of Holland were liberated, the remainder wasn't liberated until the war's end. Canadian forces provided the largest contingent in Holland, yes. But, they were heavily supported by US and British Airborne forces & Armour. Additionally, Free French & Polish airborne forces supported the partial liberation.

"The US made no major contributions other than numbers of troops on D-Day". This simply isn't true. As others have pointed out, the "Lend Lease" program in place before the US entered the war was vital to keeping Britain afloat. The British desperately needed various hardware & supplies (you name it, the US shipped it over). Without this agreement, Britain would have eventually crumbled.

The US made major contributions in the campaigns for North Africa, Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, (again as a few examples), you seem to have completely overlooked the involvement of the US in these areas.

You make no mention of "The Battle for the Atlantic". The US provided major contributions in this important campaign.

Britain did not provide "non stop air raids". This was achieved by both the RAF & the USAAF. Whilst the RAF carried out daylight raids earlier on, they switched to night raids & focused upon Germany's major cities, which didn't require a high level of accuracy due to their size. The USAAF had the advantage of certain technologies, such as the Norden bomb sights, which required the USAAF to carry out daylight raids, as direct line of sight was required. The US also provided a huge amount of heavy bombers & fighters to continue the campaign for mainland Europe.

"Canada was the only nation to complete its D-Day objectives". They were the only nation to complete ALL of their objectives, yes, but it should be noted, upon reaching their final objectives, they were forced to pull back immediately.

"the allies won ww2 because of Russia's sheer numbers and rellentlesnes". Had

Germany not made the mistake of opening the war onto 2 fronts, the Russians would have been in serious trouble. Had the US & British also not supplied Russia with much needed supplies & hardware, they too would have buckled under the relentless pressure. Russia refused any involvement in the Pacific war, they wouldn't even allow allied bases within Russia that would have permitted heavy bombers to begin raids directly upon Japan much earlier.

"let's not forget Britain allowing America to use our air bases which allowed you to even bomb at all". The British literally begged the US to enter the war & provide the much needed manpower, equipment & supplies required, and bases in Britain. Had the British not convinced the US to enter the war as allies & permitted them to build bases on British soil, the outcome of WW II would have been very different.

Regards :).
2013-04-03 14:55:49 UTC
We don't, we do credit the Russians for winning the war. As for us, we had a significant role in opening up a Western Front. Germany was surrounded by Russians coming in from the East and Americans and other Western nations coming in from France. Germany could not take on Great Britain and the USSR at the same time, or even if it were the United States and Great Britain. So basically, stabbing the USSR in the back was a bad idea on Hitler's part.
2014-09-14 23:52:52 UTC
To download for free Axis and Allies you can click here:

it's the full version, avaiable for free! very fast to install

You can pick to be either the Allied powers of Britain, Russia, and America, or instead opt to play as the Axis powers of Germany and Japan. Either way, this is a worldwide conflict where you'll have to learn to play strategically across two fronts, no matter who you’re playing as.

You should definitely try it
2013-04-03 15:04:36 UTC
Aside from all the other good answers here, you might want to do a little research into what's quaintly called the War in the Pacific.It was going on at the same time as YOUR war and it was almost ALL Americas thing.
2013-04-03 14:52:24 UTC
Land lease was integral to the British and the Russians.

Fighting Japan practically by ourselves saved Russia from a two front war.
2013-04-03 14:56:57 UTC
yes to all you wrote but the USA production numbers swayed the balance in the end

By God did we pay for it though, same with Canada,,,,,,

however, without the might of the energy of the US production lines, it might have been lost.

as an aside, let's not forget the thousands of Yanks who died for an ideal, including volunteers before even Roosevelt officially (however late) 'joined in'

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.