Pooky Bear the Sensitive
2007-04-05 17:33:35 UTC
Utterly failed to produce their own tanks indigenously. (The Arjun was fielded to one brigade and then discontinued after 20 years of developement). Invested heavily in the early T-90 series that is not even competitive with late model T-80s driven by Pakistan.
Failed in their occupation of Kashmir.
Air Force? Sorry, used MiG-29s don't cut it. Terrorists from Kashmir on the steps of your parliament? Good job with your own war on terror. Spanked by china in the 70's too.
A country divided by castes, religion, race, poverty and hunger.
I think the biggest social achievement of the last 50 years is renaming your cities.
So Indian Princess, please come back and tell us how superior you are.
I like India and the people I know from there. But they are more honest and intelligent than you are. Go home idiot.