missin' the beach
2010-07-05 01:01:25 UTC
There is a senior female E7 in my company, and while she certainly isn't perfect, she is a GREAT NCO just looking out for Soldier welfare. Particularly the females since there are so few of them in the company. Of course the younger female soldiers bristle under her discipline, but hey, my general philosophy is if soldiers are pissed, you're doing the right thing. We are forward deployed where the male Soldiers are quite repressed, and the possibility of sexual assault or harassment is much greater than it would be in the states. As females, we have to be vigilant and avoid any type of suggestive behavior which might incite or encourage inappropirate behavior in the male soldiers.
Of course, the younger female soldiers love the attention and purposely take their hair down and wear suggestive civilian clothes to catch the eye of many-a-male.
This E7 makes the females put up their hair and put on PTs (rather than suggestive civilian clothes) to go to the bathroom and stuff - which pisses the soldiers off. But she's only enforcing that to keep bad ideas out of the male Soldiers minds you know? She went home recently as we begin to prepare to go home, about a month ago. So of course, the Soldiers are taking full liberty with that.
Because of personal difference, my Commander isn't particularly fond of her either for whatever reason. This morning the Soldiers in the orderly room were bitching about this female E7, to include my commander.
It might just be me, but I don't feel like the Commander should undermine an E7 who is just trying to take care of Soldiers regardless of person feeling. I wanted to say something to the Soldiers and other NCOs, but how can I when my own Commander is complaining about her? I wanted to bring it up to him but am not sure how to approach the situation. I was going to pull him aside and say something to the effect of "Sir, far be it from me to correct you. But I was really uncomfortable with the way you were discussing SFC 'SoandSo' with the Soldiers this morning. Soldiers are going to *****, but it looks really bad and undermines SFC 'SoandSo's' authority if the Commander is talking badly about her too."
What do you think? My feeling is, when an E7 tells a soldier to do something, they do it, unless it's immoral, illegal or unethical. Am I wrong? I feel very strongly about this and want to talk to my commander.