I find it amusing how, still, now a week after having been elected to presidency, people are still:
A) Accusing Obama of being Muslim; He's a Protestant [1]
B) Using the similarity between his surname and the first name of America's most wanted who, just by the way - is still on the run 7 years after a White, Republican President promised to find him [2].
The point is not that many people did not want Obama to be elected; If McCain had have been elected, there would have also been much revolt from Obama supporters.
The point is that America is entering a new era and those who cannot embrace it are bound to dwell in the past, forever.
[1] Member of the United Church of Christ since the 1980s. Obama's father, while born into a Muslim family, had become atheist by the time he met Obama's mother, the secular Ann Dunham. Despite propaganda being distributed to the contrary, Barack Obama, the Senator, was never a practicing Muslim, and never attended extremist or Wahabbist madrassas.
[2] George W Bush, standing at Ground Zero of the WTC on September 14th, 2001, said:
"I want you all to know that America, today... is on bended knee in prayer for the people whose lives were lost... this nation stands with the good people of New York City... as we mourn the loss of thousands of our citizens... the people who knocked these buildings down [i.e: bin Laden and Al Qaida] will hear all of us soon "