Will Obama as president make military life different?
2008-11-14 22:13:33 UTC
For a while now i've been thinking (more like planning) on joining the military, that is until Obama was elected. I'm not really sure if the military would be a good idea to be in with him calling the shots. (literally)

Will Obama make the military different in your opinion, and if so why and what do you think will change?
Twenty answers:
2008-11-22 15:17:21 UTC
He has already said he will cut all funding for advanced programs and will reduce troop count. He almost has to cut the military budget since he needs money for his agenda and the military is the one big slice of the pie that he has almost total control over.

This might not be a bad time to be a soldier - we certainly won't be engaging in any new conflicts, lots of soldiers will be forced out so it'll be easier to be promoted and get privledges (housing, px, etc), you'll be serving mostly stateside or in "safe countries.
2008-11-14 23:21:06 UTC
No, military life will not change, here are the reasons why:

1. Remember the last Democrat President? Bill Clinton promised that gays would be able to serve in the military if he was elected. He was elected. Nothing changed. Gays can still serve like they could before. They just put a label on it: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

2. No matter what Obama wants to do with the military, he has to get through the Joint Chiefs of Staff first. There are a lot of military advisors to the White House. Everyone wants to blame Bush for everything with Iraq and Afganistan. Do you really think he makes all of those decisions on his own?

3. Obama has no military experience. He would be remiss to make any decisions regarding the military on his own.

4. The draft? Never happen. The military branches are still recruiting, and they certainly want the smartest and strongest in the military.
2008-11-17 18:41:39 UTC
I find it amusing how, still, now a week after having been elected to presidency, people are still:

A) Accusing Obama of being Muslim; He's a Protestant [1]

B) Using the similarity between his surname and the first name of America's most wanted who, just by the way - is still on the run 7 years after a White, Republican President promised to find him [2].

The point is not that many people did not want Obama to be elected; If McCain had have been elected, there would have also been much revolt from Obama supporters.

The point is that America is entering a new era and those who cannot embrace it are bound to dwell in the past, forever.

[1] Member of the United Church of Christ since the 1980s. Obama's father, while born into a Muslim family, had become atheist by the time he met Obama's mother, the secular Ann Dunham. Despite propaganda being distributed to the contrary, Barack Obama, the Senator, was never a practicing Muslim, and never attended extremist or Wahabbist madrassas.

[2] George W Bush, standing at Ground Zero of the WTC on September 14th, 2001, said:

"I want you all to know that America, today... is on bended knee in prayer for the people whose lives were lost... this nation stands with the good people of New York City... as we mourn the loss of thousands of our citizens... the people who knocked these buildings down [i.e: bin Laden and Al Qaida] will hear all of us soon "
2008-11-14 22:19:11 UTC
Western military culture has not changed an awful lot since the invention of the musket, regardless of political leadership, language, or locality. There is no reason to believe Obama will make military life different in a way that's recognizable from the outside. Those in the military will notice the changes. The rest of us won't even be able to tell.
2008-11-15 18:00:11 UTC
being the kinda guy he is, he will probably make the military as uncomfortable as possible to get people to leave it, i believe he said in one or more speeches that he plans to make the military smaller and cut alot of their money, at the same make that civilian defense force of his really big, just as well funded as the military, which has a 500+billion a year budget. so you think about what he has in his plans for the future when hes disarming everyone but his civilian defense force
2008-11-15 01:23:29 UTC
He is going to destroy our miliary and benefits. He is already talking about taking away the benefits of the spouses and children.

Now his thing is .. taking away the benefits and using the money to start making a civilian military to protect the homeland while active duty is deployed, well guess what.. that is he coast guards job! What is he really doing is trying to start a terrorist group with in the states. LOL. but seriously. and then while he is at it.. taking the people from guantanamo that he feels shouldnt be locked up for the rest of their lives and letting them join it.. man this crap sucks..

I doubt it will pass though because alot of guys will not re enilist if the benefits are taken away from their families, thats one reason of to why they enlist in the first place. sense of security. they place their liveson the line to fight for this country so why shouldnt their families recieve something! We go through so much freaking crap too ...

Alot of my husbands friends are freaking out because the enlistment bonus and re enlistment bonus is on the way of being taken away from them because the Marine corps has a goal to get 220.000 members, well "osama" is going to lower that rate therefore, we wont need as many people to stay in or join so bonuses will be cut.

He also thinks its okay to make it illegal for military members to have firearms at their house.. That is on the news constantly where i live, its a Military town lol. The NRA and Marine Corps has banned together to try and stop that. STOCK UP WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!!!! Bury them in the back yard or something! LOL

Like i said... this crap is going to suck!~
2008-11-16 00:22:02 UTC
He'll gut it... I mean cut it.. by 25%.

Some career military are leaving because of oblamer. Not sure why, but I'd never respect someone as Commander in Chief who backstabbed Bush AS his campaign, won't even admit he was wrong about the surge, and described our actions as "air raiding villages and killing civilians".

Clinton gutted the armed forces after Reagan restored it, and that pointless cycle continues. The hits just keep onnn comin'..

But you should join BECAUSE the CIC is a nitwit. There are nothing but libiots from sea to shining sea except our honored servicemen.

I've never served but my brothers made a man out of the military. :)
Chi Sox Win
2008-11-17 11:40:33 UTC
Yeah he's cutting military spending so there will be lost jobs/careers and a lack of proper protection and military intelligence for the troops.
2008-11-15 10:43:33 UTC
I would be looking to get out of the military at my first opportunity at this point, if I were currently in.

I do not beleive Obama's policies bode well for our future. Then again we'll need good people there now more then ever.
2008-11-16 09:21:39 UTC
It just makes me sick to see how Military guys think Democratic

presidents are against them! Do you research. Find out how McCain voted against veterans benefits many times and how he voted against the GI bill that Obama supported (and passed).

You need to shut off that fat, angry drug-addicted pig, Rush Limbaugh and research the facts for yourself.

If anything, a Democratic Pres won't send you to war on false pretenses!

Read Obama's books and find out what he stands for before forming a negative opinion of him!
2008-11-14 23:07:17 UTC
i think he will make a big change in regards to the military... it might be slow, but if you think about it the issues regarding the middle east didnt happen overnite ... he ill get the job done... because if you look at it now, nothing is getting done...
2008-11-14 22:19:14 UTC
If things keep going in the direction some analysts are saying, they will have to enact the draft to keep enough people in the military. On the other hand, we won't have to go overseas to fight the terrorist, they'll be knocking at our door. Buy guns and ammo while you still can.
2008-11-14 22:18:31 UTC
Presidents change. Your buds don't. People in the military roll w/ it.
2008-11-14 22:17:45 UTC
Yes it will be different. Your budget will be drastically reduced, you will be unarmed by at least 40% therefore you will be unprepared for the attack that was predicted if he won, so you will be sent out to the front lines with nothing to defend yourself with.

Also I believe he plans on sending some military to Afghanistan.
2008-11-14 22:18:51 UTC
I'm in Navy right now and besides pay raises. I hope he doesn't make it any different.

and beside he's not war hungry so it's better for the troops.
2008-11-14 22:17:12 UTC
"For a while now I've been thinking (more like planning) on joining the military"

We almost believe you

With Obama you may survive the war
2008-11-14 23:05:06 UTC
yeah, he is a F'AG and a muslim. so he will reduce the money going for oour defense and military so he and his mudlim buddies can attack us and defeat us.

he wont be around 4 2 long , i think
Trent Marshall
2008-11-14 22:17:46 UTC
he wont make it that far budd. in my opinion
sayan c
2008-11-14 22:17:11 UTC
He will employ more black peoples.
2008-11-14 22:16:06 UTC
dont trust osama. i mean obama.

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