The French navy was pretty good in WW2. That was actually a problem for the Allies when Pétain surrendered. The British destroyed a part of the French navy before it would fall in the hands of the Germans. An other part was destroyed by the French themselves.
The rest of the navy didn't have a really significant role in the war.
USAFisnumber1, what a stupid, inaccurate and hateful answer.
This line was particulary despicable: "In WW1, there was the Mutiny where the French soldiers refused to fight. Fortunately the American Army soon arrived and saved them."
American casualties in WW1: 130 000
British casualties in WW1: 800 000
French military casualties in WW1: 1 300 000
Enough said, you fail.
If you hate France, just say it, don't try to justify your hatred with odious lies.
EDIT: Iceman, I never denied there was a mutiny, I also never claimed that the Americans were cowards or anything, but USAfisnumber1 comments on WW1 ignored the majority of the war, and his claim that French soldiers lacked back bone in the 20th century is unacceptable.
Plus, the mutiny happened after years of intense fighting which killed hundreds of thousands of French soldiers (cowards, obviously), and it led to a change of leadership in the French army, so it wasn't useless.
This kind of hateful, highly offensive comments on the French military is far too popular in the US, and it really is annoying, that's why I answered.
Defending someone who insults so many men who died for their country is despicable.
By the way, you're right, history has been written, so has been the number of casualties. I posted it because it shows how much claiming that the French refused to fight is wrong.
"Hell, the fighting was right in their homeland; they were hit hard because they were right there."
Of course, but there's also the fact that the French army did most of the job of holding the Western front.
Anyway, you're right, I was wrong, USAF didn't lie, he just posted half-truths in an heavily hypocritical and highly offensive way.
EDIT 2: For the last time, I didn't deny there was a mutiny.
"The French military has a long and varied history of cutting and running when the going gets too tough to handle"
Not particulary, no.
This kind of rethoric on the French military is limited to biased or ignorant Americans (and some British people).
"The French military DID NOT do most of the job holding the Western Front. The British Forces under Field Marshal Haig were given that task and they did well"
Not really. Haig was made commander-in-chief of the BEF only in December 1915, one and half year after the war started. The battle of the Somme, in November 1916, was actually the first major battle in which the British took the lead (though the French contribution remained significant, despite Verdun).
Before the Somme, the Germans considered Britain as a naval power and not that much a force to be reckoned with on land, focusing instead on France and Russia.
A major reason for the huge number of British casualties at the Somme was that most soldiers were inexperienced since the British army had not been really tested before (though the French didn't do much better, I'll give you that.)
If not the French, then I guess the guys doing most of the job of holding the Western front until the Somme (and whose participation was still decisive after that) were aliens from outer space.
And you're still speaking like there was nothing but mutinies in the French army in WW1.
What about Verdun, what about the Somme ?! I guess the fight there wasn't tough....
Oh and the fact that the man chosen to be the supreme commander of the Allied forces was French doesn't matter of course, nevermind either that French troops outnumbered both American and British in the last major battles, it's obvious that the British made most of the job, that the Americans saved the day, and that the French were of course useless cowards.
I'm very much aware this is a rant, by the way, but my anger is totally justified.
You're trying to prove the fact that there was a mutiny in WW1, a fact I never denied. The problem is that you do so, ignoring the huge sacrifice made by French soldiers in WW1, instead defending the stupid "French are cowards" rethoric Americans are so fond of.
(I didn't forget the Russians, but unlike some Americans and British, the Russians don't try to belittle the sacrifice of the French, that's why I didn't include the number of Russian casualties.)
EDIT3: "You have a very irrational view of your country's contributions."
No, you do.
"for the most part, they have always cut and run when the s**t hits the fan"
"They marched out in the opposite direction that the rest of the Allies progressed."
You just passed into the "no-fact zone". I won't follow you there.