I think they don't want to be thanked right now! There are plenty of wounded you can thank!
If people want to thank them, try, for once, foregoing a few hours of your cookout and show up to a parade on Memorial day!
Today is veterans day! Call a VFW and thank them! That would be an absolute shock. and it would take you 5 minutes. Go visit a VA Hospital where many lives as they knew it are over!
But if you do, you will be one of the very few!
Many people, especially Republicans, think their support ends by giving Walmart $4.99 for a yellow magnet ribbon made in China!
Also, call your congressman/woman or your senator and tell the m to put Bush's 8 Billion dollar cut to Veterans hospital back in the budget! A mere pittance of what has been stolen in government contracts in Iraq. 500 new millionaires, makes one sick while people are dying are going to get a 3.1% raise!