A Special Forces company, when in need, will deploy an Operational Detachment Bravo, (ODB) or "B-team," usually comprised of eleven soldiers. While the A-team typically conducts direct operations, the purpose of the B-team is to support the A-teams in the company. There is one B-team per company.
The ODB is lead by an 18A, usually a Major, who is the Company Commander (CO). The CO is assisted by his Executive Officer (XO), another 18A, usually a Captain. The XO is himself assisted by a company technician, a 180A, generally a Chief Warrant Officer Three, and assists in the direction of the organization, training, intelligence, counter-intelligence, and operations for the company and its detachments. The Company Commander is assisted by the Company Sergeant Major, an 18Z, usually a Sergeant Major. A second 18Z acts as the Operations NCO, usually a Master Sergeant, who assists the XO and Technician in their operational duties. He has an 18F Assistant Operations NCO, who is usually a Sergeant First Class. The company's support comes from an 18D Medical Sergeant, usually a Sergeant First Class, and two 18E Communications Sergeants, usually a Sergeant First Class and Staff Sergeant.
Note the distinct lack of a weapons or engineer NCO: This is because the B-Team generally does not engage in direct operations, but rather operates in support of the A-Teams within its company.
The following jobs are outside of the Special Forces 18-series CMF, but hold positions in a Special Forces B-Team. They are not themselves considered to be Special Forces, as they have not completed SFAS and SFQC:
* The Supply NCO, usually a Staff Sergeant, the commander's principal logistical planner, works with the battalion S-4 to supply the company.
* The Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) NCO, usually a Sergeant, maintains and operates the company's NBC detection and contamination equipment, and assists in administering NBC defensive measures.[6]
In a regular force troop, this level of command could be compared to a company (although the commander is a Major (O-4) and not a Captain (O-3))
[edit] SF C-team composition
A C-team is one of the operational detachments of the Special Forces. It is a pure command and control unit with operations, training, signals and logistic support responsibilities. It's very rare to see a C-team in a tactical zone. More commonly it's co-located with the conventional force commander it's supporting; at the operational or strategic level. Its basic organization follows the same lines with a Lieutenant-Colonel (O-5) for commander and a Command Sergeant Major (E-9) for the leading NCO. There's an additional 20-30 SF personnel who fill key positions in Operations, Logistics, Intelligence, Communications and Medical.