Who is better at what they do, SAS or Delta Force?
2007-07-29 09:00:07 UTC
I want your answer, reasons and then nationality so that I can see what countries say what. Thanks a lot.
35 answers:
2007-07-29 10:18:47 UTC
The Deltas were modelled on the SAS and are a specialist counter terrorism force.

They do the same jobs, long range recon style work and have similar weapons.

Arguably the SAS have better and tougher training but the Deltas tend to have much better support and much bigger budgets.

Both have ego's the size of the Hindenberg though the Deltas have never been officailly recognised as even existing by the US government.

The SAS doesnt do all the tech stuff brilliantly because they have a signals regiment attached to them and intelligence specialists from MI5 and MI6 attached to them to do that work for them.

The Deltas are experts on technology a rely on it to a high degree.

In a straight fight between them, no gadgets, just guns and fists, the SAS would win 7 or 8 times out of 10, especially in a CT scenario. In a long range recon role, I believe they are roughly even. Both have high quality individuals but they are all army squaddies with a certain mentality.

I would pick the SAS for most jobs first. Afterall, they were the worlds first special forces.

However they wouldnt be my first choice. The SBS are the best in the world and no other unit even comes close. Much tougher, smarter, better equipped and go on far many more covert ops, simply because they are more secret. No media reports on them.

I just happen to be British.
2007-07-30 00:53:32 UTC
Each carries out their tasks with the utmost efficiency and are both very effective in what they do.

Outside of their 'circle' we just do not know what operations the SAS and Delta Force may be engaged in.

There is no way to compare either force since we do not know anything about what they do or how successful they are or have been.

Both operate in a clandestine manner, away from public view. If for example we are told in the news that the SAS and Delta Force are carrying out an action in area X - we will not be shown film of such nor will be ever know the outcome if any of any such operation.

Comparison is a foolish exercise and not worth the effort.

Edit: the only recent SAS action which we do know a little of is their assault on the embassy of Iran here in London many years ago.

Otherwise the only fully documented SAS action of WW2 comes in the form of a British movie "ILL Met by Moonlight". The book was made available to the public only a couple of years ago and was on the secret list for over 50 years.

The story tells of an SAS operation on the Island of Crete in WW2 to capture a German General.

The operation was a success.

The movie is roughly based upon the actual story and events surrounding the capture of this German General. The book apparently is much more accurate.
Answer Me!
2007-07-30 12:46:39 UTC
Ernie F - I'd like to hear you say that in person to anyone either in Delta Force or the SAS. I don't think the phrase "picking up your teeth with a broken arm" would even begin to cover it...

The general opinion in the armed forces is that Delta Force is roughly equivalent to the Royal Marines in quality. Given that the RM are amazing, I think that's not bad. However the SAS is a small, highly specialist unit which because of its small size is generally thought of as superior in quality to the Delta Force. Like others have said, the Royal Navy's SBS are awesome and have a reputation for being the best Special Forces in the world bar none.
2007-07-29 22:16:20 UTC

And as previously stated Delta was modelled on SAS in the 60s and officially 70's (1977 created?).

Advantage of Delta is the budget. I see first hand how constriced the unit can be without money for required resources.

I personally have a soft spot for 1NZSAS and before that the LRDG (Long Range Desert Group). These guys demonstrate the innovative thinking, problem solving and guts required to carry out their mission without all the whizz bang gear. Truth be told NZSAS, 22 and SASR (though I don't know a lot about them) still demonstrate that old time attitude to finding innovative ways to get a job done. There is something to be said about recruiting farm boys who have grown up with having to do without or to make do wtih what they've got--they're gutsy and find a way.

Additionally, the LRDG from little NZ destroyed more enemy aircraft on the ground than larger forces did in the sky -- and they were a ramshackle bunch of farmers who had what it took - their legacy, their ingenuity still runs in our veins which makes SAS units, I think, outstanding in their training, execution and success in theatre.
2007-07-29 10:31:55 UTC
The SAS are better and that's a well known fact.the Delta Force was originally modeled on the SAS and Delta do similar missions to do the SAS but i wouldn't rank Delta in the top 5.Delta are highly trained and have some success sometimes but they can't compare to the SAS.I'm British but that doesn't mean i haven't got any respect for Delta.
2007-08-01 21:01:05 UTC
Wow, looking over some of these answers is funny. I am amazed at how many complete tools with no experience other than a Google search think they know what they are talking about.

I am afraid that the answer is not quite as sexy as you would think. The answer is that there is no answer, because it's a childish question.


The question is the same as: "Whats better, a black car or a white car?"

Listen, real operators don't go around pumping their chests claiming to be the best at CQB, or the best at shooting, or the best at whatever. Because there's a thousand little pieces to the puzzle that go into becoming a premier SOF unit.

Every premier unit, like these two communities, has had it's successes and it's failures. Especially in this day and age.

I would be very skeptical to anyones credentials who claims they know outright who the best anyone is at anything.

Just know that they are both very good at what they do, and there are many units like them the world over.

2007-08-02 01:16:26 UTC
The SAS is the best special forces units in the world...
2007-07-29 10:35:25 UTC
Delta force(simply Delta in the trade) was not created until the 60s.(Officially 70s) As a member of 22 SAS I was involved in training the newly created force. They were a great bunch of lads and we had good times. They still train with us and embark on joint missions.
2007-07-29 09:43:26 UTC
The SAS no question! American media just boosts their own military, delta force was invented by an ex-sas veteran. Though Im sure delta force are great the SAS are a league ahead.
jimmy s
2007-07-29 09:51:03 UTC
Both are incredibly well trained, and selected units. There are dozens and dozens of books out there about each unit. However, Delta Force has something that SAS does not, a much bigger budget. Some people on here will surly disagree with my opinion but money makes a big difference in what a military unit is capable of doing. And one area where Delta beats SAS hands down is the amount of money they are given for equipment, weapons, training, and operations.
2007-08-02 06:12:20 UTC
The SAS, no doubt about it, remember Iran and American choppers crashing into each other under cover of darkness during an incursion to rescue hostages.

No doubt some of you will remember it as I do and the political fiasco that followed.
2007-07-29 09:10:40 UTC
What do you want and autobiography written here for you the Delta Force,is one of the most elite special forces in the U.S.military they rank right up there with the Green Berets,Navy Seals,Army Rangers,I can keep going but I won't.

As for the SAS,boy you are going back to World War II,when they came in there own and they were also one of the best so take your choice it is not about who is better ok it is about what they did how they did it why they did it and in defense of this country ok.
2007-07-29 09:38:13 UTC
The SAS have a long history of victorys in there missions just check out some of the things they have done. but they are very much in the media eye. The SBS are more highly trained and it is alot tougher to get in.the SBS are the ones who get the jobs done but do not recieve any media attention. as for Delta force i know they work closely together with there british counterparts so they would learn of each other.but they are both hard as nails.. i am form England..
2007-07-29 11:00:47 UTC
SAS. Better training, equipment, support, and less ego. Delta trained under them (still train with them if I remember correctly) and still do a lot of joint missions. SAS has a better track record for mission completion with little to no errors.

Order should be:





2007-07-29 09:13:32 UTC
How effective were delta force during the abortive raid into Iran to free the hostages?

How effective were the SAS during the Iranian Embassy siege?

does that answer your question?

2007-07-29 09:17:29 UTC
Sas gives has acted more than delta force still most employment.for me is SAS better because they have more operational.
2007-07-29 17:45:32 UTC
Both vastly overrated sas couldnt beat the IRA and the bloody yanks lost vietnam and are going to lose in Iraq.They are like most things to do with authority they are told the are good so many bloody times that they start to believe their own bullshit
2007-07-29 12:40:30 UTC
The SAS they are second to none they started in the second world war and have gone from strength to strength since I would sooner fight alongside them then any American special forces I would stand more chance of surviving look at how many allies have been killed by American friendly fire
2007-07-30 08:51:53 UTC
i am british my answer is sas by far if you do have knowledge and look back threw history it was the sas who taught the delta and gave them training
Wren M
2007-07-29 13:24:42 UTC
It’s not such a straight forward question to answer as many of the answers on posted here would have you believe. The units themselves are actually tasked with different operations; however a brief lesson about the 2 units is in order.


Firstly the British Special Air Service Regiments (SAS)

In 1941 Lieutenant David Stirling and Lieutenant Jock Lewis gathered a small unit of 66 volunteers. This unit was named the L. Detachment of the Special Air Service Brigade. The main objective of this group was to conduct raids against the lines of communication of Axis forces in the Western Dessert. T

The 2nd SAS Regiment was raised and commanded by William Stirling, David's brother. The 2nd regiment was responsible for the Operation Torch landings in Algeria.

Since then the SAS has grown and shrunk over the years to its current size.

Secondly the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D) — commonly known as Delta in the US Army, Delta Force by civilians, and Combat Applications Group by the US Department of Defence.

The unit was started by Colonel Charles Beckwith in 1977. Throughout its creation, the unit had the benefit of experience from the British SAS.

The unit had no real combat experience until Operation Eagle Claw the failed attempt to rescue American hostages from the U.S. Embassy in Tehran in 1980. The mission failed due to an overly complex plan, inadequate Special Operations Aviation training for the accompanying aircrews, a collision between a rescue helicopter and a refuelling tanker aircraft, and mechanical problems with the helicopters transporting the rescuers, caused by a severe sandstorm which clogged the engine intakes and reduced the pilots' visibility to nearly nothing.


The SAS is made up of 3 regiments and several independent squadrons;

22 SAS is the primary unit and includes HQ Squadron, 5 Sabre Squadrons A, B, D and G Squadrons supplying the bulk of 22 SAS troops. R Squadron, which is composed of ex-SAS Troopers and is for casualty replacement, and 1 Pagoda Squadron responsible for Counter Revolutionary Warfare and anti-terrorist duties.

21 SAS is made up of former soldiers and includes HQ Squadron and 3 Sabre Squadrons A, C and E

23 SAS is the units TA formation and includes and HQ Squadron and 3 Sabre Squadrons A, B and C

Delta Force is made up of 4 Squadrons;

A, B and C Squadrons are Deltas “Operational” units, split 70/30 between Assault teams and recon teams.

D Squadron contains about 70% of Deltas personnel and is tasked with all support roles, Mechanics, communications, intelligence analyse.


22 SAS recruits only serving soldiers with more than 3 years service under their belt, the vast majority of recruits come from elite British army units such as the Parachute Regiment.

21 SAS recruits only former serving members of 22 SAS

23 SAS recruits civilians but has a high percentage of ex –military

Delta recruits only serving soldiers with 2 ½ years service under their belt (although they may come from the National Guard or Reserves) However a high proportion (around 80%) come from units such as the Green Berets and the 75th Ranger Regiment.


The SAS is primarily tasked with Long Range and Deep strike operations, Long range Reconnaissance and has a limited CRW and anti-terrorist functionality.

Delta is primarily tasked with CRW and anti-terrorism with a limited Deep strike and Reconnaissance role.

Both units train together in all roles, and both units practice “Hearts & Minds”, including the training of friendly nations Special Forces and Paramilitary Groups.

Operational History

Although combat operations of both units are kept tightly under-wraps it’s know that the SAS is far more active than Delta. Primarily the British rely heavily on Special Operations Forces whereas the Americans have always been more reluctant to field SF units. When it comes to well known operations Delta have had far worse luck than their British counterparts having been involved in several well publicised operations that have ended badly for the force.

Overall the SAS would be the better unit, they have taken part (and continue to do so) in more Combat operations than Delta, and real operations are ALWAYS better than training. They have had a higher success rate than Delta, giving the men of the SAS higher morale. However both units continue to share men between them on exchange programs, and both units train and operate together often.

So the SAS might have the edge….but the UK and US are so close operationally that it really doesn’t matter that much.
2007-07-29 09:04:39 UTC
the SAS are known throughout the world's military forces as the most daring and effective regiment in the world

in british, so youll prob say I would say that, but it's fact
David R
2007-07-29 14:37:09 UTC
I suspect the SAS are better at remaining inconspicuous
2007-07-29 18:17:50 UTC
i hate when ppl ask "whos better" want the answer? NONE OF THEM ARE. they are all equally brave. they all have the balls to go out and get shot at. SEALS, SAS, DELTA,rangers, all of em. respect them all
2007-07-29 09:06:53 UTC
The SAS are actually second to the SBS (Special Boat Service) If the SAS kick *** just imagine how good the SBS are!!!!!!
2007-07-29 09:27:14 UTC

Training is constant, battle experience well rounded, can fight conventionally and unconventionally. Weapons excellent.

Delta Force uses too many 5.56mm weapons to be an effective killing machine.


Ex Military.
Lynn C
2007-07-29 09:08:28 UTC
SAS but then again im british.
2007-07-29 09:02:41 UTC
sas,elite fighting force,england
2007-07-29 09:07:47 UTC
The SAS... they are the best in the world... American propaganda to the contrary...
2007-07-29 09:38:41 UTC
And how long is a piece of string :)

Training, resources and commitment at the end of the day.

Oh and it helps if you are Scottish, ha ha ha

No, i am not a jock :)
2007-07-29 09:08:40 UTC
if you need a carpet fitted..both sas and delta force are shite! hope this helps.x
2007-07-29 10:15:43 UTC
they came over, the DF to do a selection type course, 40 of them, none passed. We went and trained with them and the seals, it was ****. They are nice bunch of blokes though.
2007-07-29 09:02:28 UTC
sas for sure. delta force are jerks. israeli.
2007-07-29 09:27:33 UTC
SAS-SBS. Because they are Brits.

~ Asian
2007-08-01 13:54:05 UTC
S.A.S., better training,more commitment.and far more experience and discipline!
2007-07-29 12:52:28 UTC
You cant be British if you have to ask that

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