We proclaim to be a just and moral society. In reality, our leaders behave like little children: "they did it to me, so I'll do it to them!". Hatred begets hatred. Bigotry begets bigotry. War begets war. Killing begets killing. If we torture prisoners, we take ourselves down to the same low standards of our 'enemies'. We, then, become one more uncivilized society on Earth.
There are only two (really lame) reasons the U.S. illegally and unconstitutionally invaded another sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked, or attacked us. 1) The Bush family has had a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein since the days of Desert Storm when George H.W. Bush was criticized and humiliated for not "finishing the job" and killing Hussein then; 2) Dick Cheney wants all that OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands so he and his Exxon-Mobil buddies can get richer and richer and richer.
After World War II, big business recognized how profitable war was, so they bought up all the politicians, hired pricey lobbyists, and formed special interest groups to promote and encourage more war. Thus, the U.S. was mired in the Korean Conflict; the Cuban Missile Crisis; the Cold War; Vietnam; and Desert Storm. The huge U.S. military-industrial complex needed to boost its sagging profitability, and the only way to do that is to engage in more war (so more tanks, trucks, helicopters, guns, bombs, planes, and ammunition can be manufactured and billions of dollars in profit can be extracted from the American taxpayers).
We have become one more nation that has dehumanized itself by trying to justify war, "winning" at any cost, and not giving two hoots in Hell about the consequences of our evil actions. We are the newest "evil empire" on Earth. Killing is in our blood. We see 30,000 murders, rapes, and other acts of violence on our TV screens before we're 16 years old. We have become a blood-lusting society, a civilization full of hate, and a nation of competitors anxious for victory. Damn the cost to our country's civility, or the cost of so many innocent human lives. -RKO-