A question for the soldiers in Iraq......?
2006-06-25 11:46:57 UTC
I volunteer once in a while for an organization called Boatsie's Boxes. We collect donations of money and items like shampoo, bug spray, sunblock, letters from students and citizens, etc and send them to you guys. My questions has to do with a very nasty response I received from someone on the Yahoo! News message boards a while back. I do not support this war, but I feel that my opinion about the war is moot because my thoughts are with the soldiers that are over there and that's why I volunteer. This person told me that he has a son over in Iraq and if he knew that these items were coming from 'someone like me' that he and his fellow soldiers would take those items and throw them in the trash. Is this how you feel as well? Even knowing that my intentions are to hopefully make you feel a little better, letting you know that we are thinking about you, by sending you these things?
Seventeen answers:
A Guy
2006-06-25 14:30:52 UTC
Keep the items coming. They help the troops a lot. I fervently support our troops and our mission in Iraq. However, what you are doing is the proof that you can support the troops while disagreeing with their mission. What you need to understand is that that mother is probably very sick of people saying the cliched "I support the troops, but not what their doing" from people who in no way support the troops other than with lipservice. Her emotions are invested in a young man who is in harms way. You should forgive her for her mistake, passing it off as the emotions of a worried mother, and continue on with your service. And if anyone ever tells you that you shouldn't speak out against the war, tell them to go to hell. And if they resist tell them you were told to say that by someone who believes the war in Iraq is necessary and who is sworn to protect your right to make such statements with my own life, if required.
Stand 4 somthing Please!
2006-06-25 12:22:43 UTC
When my son was in Iraq he would have enjoyed getting anything from the states. You can support the troops without supporting the war. You might also look at the man who said that as not even having a son. He might have said it just to try to get you to not support the troops. ( there are alot of people out there like that. I am so happy that this generation has learned from the mistakes made during the Vietnam war when our troops did not receive support. If you don't send AA batteries they use them for everything. and also Ziploc bags are great for putting their wet stuff in. Keep up the good work. Thank you for what you are doing.
2006-06-25 12:02:08 UTC
I'm not that soldier, but I am in the Middle East supporting them right now. I am a Veteran of Desert Storm - I am sure there were a lot of anti-war - pro support our troops - people just like you back then. You send the troops anything you think you can that would help make their lives a little more comfortable. If there is one over there that throws anything out there will be another to pick it up! War is a necessary evil, that this world is going to have to deal with until the end of time. We don't have to agree and we all don't have to fight, but we should all agree to support those that choose to fight. Thanks and don't give up your support for the troops.
2006-06-25 12:51:15 UTC
I am no longer in Iraq but i have spent a year over there. I would take the packages even if you are against the war. We have a job to do and to know that some one cares is the best feeling you could get there and i can tell you this no one is going to turn down the packages b/c your not pro war. And when i was there the one thing I wanted was socks!! You can never have to many socks!!!
2006-06-25 11:54:12 UTC
I'm not a soldier in Iraq however I'd like to thank you for your volunteer services.

I too collect and send items to servicememebers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

NO worries about the pissed off parent.

I doubt ANYONE in Iraq is going to turn down your package.

Even if they do, you keep sending them. You care for the soldiers and Marines and that is what counts.
2016-11-15 11:02:19 UTC
Why do you're saying our troops are killing harmless people? I easily have not all started to take heed to something about an American Soldier strapping explosives to his body and blowing up a market finished of Iraqi people... it really is MUSLIMS doing that, and American infantrymen treating the wounded and helping freshen up after wards. i understand there have been blunders made and some innocents killed through our troops, yet MUSLIMS kill extra harmless sufferers with one or 2 bombs than we've killed in 4 years of battling. i'd favor if we only pulled out and left them to kill one yet another if that's what they favor to do... and it really is what they are going to do, heritage repeats... fantastically at the same time as it contains religious feuds. i'm sorry we interfered in the genocide Saddam had planned for the Kurds and then the Shiites after that, per chance it would were more advantageous to enable that proceed. EDIT: i imagine Muslims were their own worse enemy in the US provided that 9-11 befell. If Muslims had stood up early and denounced what befell it would have regarded honest rather of self serving. rather they waited and at the same time as there turned right into a backlash of public sentiment adverse to Muslims... they ultimately stood up and denounced the violence, yet through that factor it appeared to be a reaction to the backlash.
2006-06-25 11:53:25 UTC
I'm not in Iraq, I'm a Vietnam vet. I would appreciate your care packages, even knowing you were against the war.

No soldier Ever Said Lets start a war today so I can go fight!

Hang in their and keep the care packages going to our soldiers
2006-06-25 12:08:33 UTC
Keep them coming. trust me, we don't throw them away. I'm at a forward operating base without a PX, barbershop, etc. thank you for your volunteer work and for supporting our troops.

p.s. I collected a small box of plush animals and took them home with me on my R&R to give to my kids. My four and one year old loved them. Thank you.
2006-06-25 11:52:57 UTC
Ignore them, and thanks for your efforts. Might I suggest adding comics? We received a few boxes of them and they were a huge hit. With our busy days, it's hard to find time to read a whole novel or watch an entire movie, but you can read a comic in a few minutes.

They sell them cheap at half-price book stores.
2006-06-25 11:58:12 UTC
my whole family and i are in the military my brothers my dad me and this is a very nice thing you are doing for the soliders over in iraq i know my brother who served over there and almost got killed would greatly appirciate your efforts to make it more comfertable for them over there. so thank you for actually suporting our troops instead of just saying so. It's nice to know there are people who care.
Edward F
2006-06-25 11:54:39 UTC
I think that you are doing a good thing and don't let anyone decieve you. Our soilders are happy to know you care about them. Good work.
2006-06-25 11:54:27 UTC
no i dont think they would do anything like that they just appreciate that u sent them something im not in the military but i know someone who was
on my way
2006-06-25 14:29:48 UTC
Send them wet wipes. They love wet wipes.
cheeky chic 379
2006-06-25 11:52:07 UTC
I think the person that told you that is stupid.

I am not military but know many who are and the things are appreciated.

Keep up the good work.
2006-06-25 11:51:58 UTC
oh dear

bit worried

about some jerk off who should have sent his son off to college instead of a war. he's mad and who cares.

you do what you want and who gives a rats asss!!!!!!!!!!!
Incorrectly Political
2006-06-25 13:25:24 UTC
I never refused anything when I was there.
2006-06-25 11:52:15 UTC

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