What do female MPs do in the military?
2007-12-13 22:40:23 UTC
What do MP's do when they deploy to Iraq? What are the pros and cons of being a female mp? Is MP a good career move, or what is a good mos(female) to chose?
Twelve answers:
2007-12-13 22:52:40 UTC
I am a female MP and deployed so I can give ya everything..

We do everything the guys do! We have female gunners with 50 cals.... but MPs work with the Iraqi Police, go out to their stations, assist them with cordons and raids...It is a good career, but MP deploy often, if you plan on being in a while be prepared for that, the shortest enlistment time is 5yrs, and out of that you will more than likely be deployed for 2 tours out of that.
2007-12-15 01:00:16 UTC
They do exactly the same as the men. Female MP's if searching only search women and children, as the men should only search the men.

When deployed, you normally find the MPs policing the roads.

If its a police career you want, then it is a good move. Remember, there is not that much you can't do in the army that you can do in civvy street, so work out what you actually like to do, and tell you recruiter what it is you want to do. Don't let them 'suggest' the best place for you unless you actually have no idea, the recruiter has targets to get people in certain capbadges, so make your point clear.

If you have absolutely no idea, here's a couple of good suggestions.

If you are clever and have good qualifications from school, become an officer, or a technician in the REME.

If you are average of intelligence, you kind of have the pick of the bunch, but go for intelligence corps.

If you are not gifted with intelligence, and are quite fit, go for engineers.

If you are not fit, become a driver or clerk.
2007-12-14 06:46:35 UTC
Same thing the men do, except that in Arabic countries like Iraq and Saudi Arabia, you might not be allowed to leave the base without a male escort, and you will probably have to keep your arms and legs fully covered regardless of the heat. In Saudi Arabia, you'll only be allowed to drive on the American parts of the military bases. That's due to the local government's laws about women in general. In any other part of the world, you'd have no restrictions. I'm not as sure about Iraq, but I think it's similar. My husband was an MP in Saudi a while back. The military duties are the same for both sexes, patrolling, guard duty, things like that. If you want to go into law enforcement later, then it's a good career track. Most MP's don't see combat unless the base they are stationed at is attacked by the enemy, at which point it won't really matter whether women are technically allowed in combat or not.
MP US Army
2007-12-14 21:32:46 UTC
The same things that Male MPs do.

Female MPs are a good asset to have on deployments because of the cultural sensitivities of having females to search females in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Lots of Females chose to be MPs to be "close to the Action" Females are not allowed to be Infantry, armor, or scouts but they can be MPs and MPs do a very similar job in combat.

I don't know how it would be different for a female than a male the same opportunities are available and the same effort is expected
2007-12-14 06:48:24 UTC
Female MPs do the same things that the males do; just like female cops do the same job as male cops.

I grew up in the Navy because my father was career Navy and their law enforcement branch is call SP, Shore Patrol, to keep rowdy sailors and marines in line when they are ashore; I guess on ships they just throw you in the brig.

I know that from childhood I have retained the impression that a person that was an MP was not the best of the service; but I don't know why; maybe I just picked up on some prejudice from my father and his friends who were all officers, although maybe that's not right, because there are officer MP and SP people also.

Regardless, probably that has changed and I do know that now upon leaving the service people with MP or SP experience are considered good candidates for civilian law enforcement.
2007-12-14 06:47:39 UTC
I am an MP, and I just got back from working with other MPs, including females.

Female MPs do everything males will do. You will be more likely to search other females than male MPs, if you are referring to garrison style work. In every MP mission I've been on, males and females have been interchangeable as far as capabilities are concerned.

If you are looking to get into law enforcement, yes, it is a good career move. You'll enjoy the field, and you'll learn a lot about yourself here. Good luck.
2007-12-14 08:49:42 UTC
Same thing male MPs do; except they deal with females when it comes to pat searches (male MPs do not pat search females; female MPs do that).

They go through the same training and the same selection p-rocess as male MPs do.
2007-12-14 06:52:42 UTC
MP is a great choice of career path. Plus when you ETS you can easily find gov employment with anyone from say your local police to the secret service.

Plus your time in service counts towards your retirement benefits.
A1C Engle
2007-12-14 14:54:20 UTC
Lisa, are you Army MP or AF MP/SF?

Because your name looks familiar and I'm SF.

In my career field, MP/Security Forces (USAF), women do the same things as the males, for the most part, it's a little different when it comes to doing stuff like traveling with Special Forces raiding houses and search and rescue missions, but you really can't get into those shoes unless you are highspeed enough to apply and get selected. And as far as females, I don't think they do the dirty work like that when it gets really ugly but I know yall do convoys.

Pros: I'm not degrading the higherups in my career field, or females in my career field, but you guys tend to get better posts and better jobs within our career field, and it pisses everyone off, including the females that keep getting posted good posts, like a squad member of mine, she hates being treated better, and weaker, she is an INDEPENDANT woman! And so are a lot in this career field, then you got your other females that show a little skin and get places with it as you have some guy being stuck on the same post the night before in which he has to sit with 70lbs of gear in the 120-130 degree heat.

CONS: Other females eat you for breakfast, and I dont mean that in a sexual way, I mean higherup females see that you are being more privaleged and they will kick you in the face and beat your aaaaaaz. lol

Another CON is that males will also look down on you because you are more privaleged, and more accepted in all areas. (But this sometimes means the opposite). Also, RUMORS. Rumors are the number one reasons for suicide from female SF I'd say, built on top of stress from being away from family, and being here busting a crappy job, people will say things like she is with he or doing so and so, etc. That SUCKS.

But don't expect to be treated any better during Technical School or any other job training, because in Tech School, you are the ones that usually get shafted with carrying the largest weapons. Ex. In tech school, we had this one female that was like 4'10'' or something, maybe even shorter, she had to carry at weapon that was almost as tall as she is (M240B), and it's like 22lbs unloaded. A combat load is 800 rounds of 7.62 and let me tell you, that's a good 50lbs, and that stuff is rough, I have to work posts with that sucker a few times a week and that's no joke.

They also do it to the small guys, we have one guy at my base that's less than 5ft tall and they made him carry a .50cal and mount which is like, 100-150+lbs and bigger than he is lol

That's just how it is. Just don't expect to be treated any different from males, some times worse.

Any other questions, contact me.
Time To Go
2007-12-14 06:47:10 UTC
MP's have one of the crappier jobs at least ways it's true for AF. They eat their own a lot and you work 12 hr shifts in all types of weather. You would do the same type of thing deployed as you would on station provide security for the perimeters of the base, vehicle searches and the like.
Dont get Infected
2007-12-14 06:46:12 UTC
probably the same thing men do as MP's. just the Women dont see as much combat
2007-12-14 06:43:12 UTC
Well, you get to discipline men with your stick ;)

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