2012-04-15 12:53:47 UTC
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Interests: F-18 and engineering
I do like leading, but what I don't like is managing. I heard some briefs on submarines about how officers start out walking around and just checking on their crew to make sure they are doing what they need, but that seems a lot more like managing to me. I prefer leadership that I had seen in one of my internships where a team leader manages a project and coordinates with other team members to make sure that they are finishing their parts, and then the team leader presents the results to the project leaders. That description is probably a little vague but the point is that I don't just want to walk around and make sure people are working, I want to lead a project, not lead a crew to make sure an engine keeps running or something.
I have never been a big fan about the moving aspect of Navy and deployments. I think that I could bear them if I liked what I was doing, but I've never wanted those, and I have always liked the thought of settling down somewhere after I graduated.
Basically, I'm nervous that if I decide to stay in ROTC, I commission, and lets say I even get F-18 slotted, that I will eventually hate my job because I am not in Navy ROTC for patriotic reasons, or because I like Navy over other branches, or because of any family members being in Navy (none have been in Navy before). I really chose Navy ONLY because they had F-18's, and I thought landing on carriers was cool.
So, should I stay in Navy ROTC, and just hope that I will eventually end up liking the other parts? Or should I just quit the program now and do engineering (which I also like, just not AS much as I would like to fly an f-18).
Sorry this is so long, I only have 5 days left to decide and I've already talked to several Lieutenants, family, and friends. Just looking for your advice/opinions. Please don't refer to Navy benefits, I want to do what will make me most happy in life, not what gives me the most money or benefits.