Why do men think that war can be justified?
2008-11-17 18:24:54 UTC
Why is to so easy for some men just to send soldiers into war. Its so funny we live here in America, not knowing what war is, never been in one, and never been on the losing side. And yes, I 100% agree that our soldiers and the standing of our nation's military is what keeps us having this utopian sense of reality, which is not held in most of the world. However, I do not believe in the countless useless wars that America has entered into history in the name of "peace" and "justice."

How many Americans have lost their children in war? How many of you fathers have been helpless in being able to defend and provide for your family? How many of you Americans have lost your livelihoods due to a misplaced "smart bomb." How many of you have gone outside your homes and been told to go back inside by a faceless man? How many of you have a tank sitting outside your driveway? How many of your daughters are raped in the name of "war?" How many of your kids eat grains of flour right off the street?

Its funny how people in this country justify war as a way to "protect themselves" when they've never experienced the consequences of war. I want to take every neo-conservative war hawk and put them and their families in the middle of the Congo, or in the streets of Kabul, or the small towns of Georgia and see if their view of war is the same.

This is not a rant against our US military. The men & women of the armed services do a fine job and when given a mission they will accomplish it, whether its justified or not, because it is their job and it is how they are trained.

May God Bless them & God curse those who profit from other peoples suffering in the name of their own security.
Fourteen answers:
2008-11-17 18:47:40 UTC
Yes, sweetheart -- that was a rant.

Why do men think that war can be justified?

A. War sucks, sometimes it is requisite for OUR SURVIVAL. Islamic Fanatics have been making WAR on the US and the West for over 30+ years. How about YOU moving to Ramadi or Beirut and putting a US flag on your SUV or VW rabbit? See how long you survive kidnapping and death threats without whining.

How many of you have gone outside your homes and been told to go back inside by a faceless man?

A: I guess you missed out on traveling through EUROPE in the 70s. I had a stechkin Machine pistol stuck in my face while traveling through Czechoslovakia on my handy-dandy Eurorail pass (1976). (1981) I travelled through eastern europe on Family business and been made to be escorted by East German Intelligence and KGB. Also in 1981/82, I assisted defectors in escaping the REDs across the Norweigan border.

In the United States of America, you can be told by Law Enforcement to return into your domocile for your protection. Try going into the street when a SWAT situation is ongoing.

My question: We are on the hit list for Vietnam and Iraq. Iraq should have been cleaned out in Desert Storm.

Afghanistan: live with it sucker! I lost a high school buddy when the Towers came down!

But WHERE THE F-CK do you get off blaming the US for Congo (Georgia is a joke)?
2008-11-17 18:51:16 UTC
It can be justified because no one has come up with a viable alternative. They have tried. The League of Nations had the noble idea of outlawing war, but how does one enforce such a treaty without forming an army and warring against the perpetrators?

The US has alternated between isolationism and imperialism. It is postulated that one of the reasons we have not experienced a war on American soil is because of our forward defense posture. Experts can disagree on whether this policy has cost more lives than it has saved, but it is believed that it has saved American lives, as small proxy wars tend to have lower concentrations of US personnel.

People in a Democracy never favor war unless they are convinced that it is needed for self-defense or to protect the innocent. Those who favor involvement in any given conflict manipulate public opinion. Whether they do so out of honest beliefs, or for other motives can be argued, but it is certain that a long war must produce tangible results or public opinion will eventually overcome it.
Desert Rose
2008-11-17 18:42:00 UTC
The only war that can be justified it one of self-defensive action.

Soldiers aren't exactly forced into the military, ma'am. Soldiers know the risks, know the sacrifice, and they know that they will be sent to war to fight and protect. They also are well aware that the pay is mediocre, and that they may never come back home, except in a coffin.

Soldiers choose to fight because they believe it is their duty as an American man or woman to stand up and fight. They do it because they want to, not because they are forced by so-called evil bureaucrats to do so. They can't choose the war they fight, but most certainly can choose to be a soldier or not.

I'll tell you something. My great uncle, William Edward Nordeen, was a Nacy attache to the American embassy in Athens, Greece. He was assassinated by the Greek terror cell known infamously as 17 November, via car bomb. Even though it is unfair for him to die such a horrible death (with only a month before retirement), he CHOSE to be a soldier, despite the risks of never coming home in one piece. He was buried in Arlington cemetery, alongside the soldiers that die for the same reasons he did; because he shined a light in a desolate, empty place, and the darkness shattered that light. That is what America does. We shine the light. Sometimes, people just don't want that light.

In conclusion, I want you to consider what the soldier thinks before you think about yourself, or your political stances. The men who were forced to go to Vietnam are victims. Modern soldiers aren't victims, not by a long shot.

God's blesses to you, and God bless the men and women who die for me to write these words.
2008-11-17 18:31:33 UTC
Countries have the right to defend themselves. If people attack another nation, or allow another nation to be attacked from their territory, they are going to suffer the consequences. That's the way it's always been and that's the way it has to be, because there really is no alternative. No one wants to see the people of a country like Afghanistan suffer because of the Taliban or Al Qaeda, but that's life. Either they do something about those groups themselves or they allow the rest of the world to do it, but it must be done, because those groups have made it clear that they are at war with the rest of the world.
2008-11-17 18:34:56 UTC
Sometimes war really is the only answer. Perhaps you disagree with one or two wars in particular, but it's often a tough decision to make. However, it is true that a similar line of thinking allowed Hitler to do what he did. Even he admitted that if a foreign power had intervened to prevent the reoccupation of the Rhineland, his future plans would have been foiled. It would have been easy to complain that American soldiers were taking part in another country's conflict, and it wasn't our business, but how many lives could have been saved if someone decided to act earlier?
2008-11-17 18:57:05 UTC
I was watching Bill Maher on HBO on his program Real Time with Bill Maher and either he or one of his guests said, "the problem with wars are they are not fought by the people who start them". As Americans we feel an obligation to fight for our country. It is just a shame that some of our so called leaders get us involved in wars that are preventable or engaged in under false pretenses. Just remember if not for the USA and its military might all of Europe would be speaking German and all of Asia would be speaking Japanese. I love immigrants who come to the USA because it is the "land of opportunity" and many of them take advantage of all the freedoms and opportunities we have here because so many have sacrificed throughout the decades and centuries by serving in our Armed Forces. If you are comfortably ensconced in your nice warm bed safe and sound thank a veteran. Anytime you see a person in uniform thank them for all they sacrifice so that you can do whatever it is you do here without fear. By the way many of our troops, sons and daughters, husbands, wives, brothers and sisters have been killed by so called friendly fire. Or have been killed by some small child wrapped up in explosives (by their caring parents) just to exact a pound of flesh in the name of their God. If you don't believe in this country feel free to head back to wherever it is you came here from and don't let the door hit you in the as* on the way out. I am sure life was much better under the steel heel of whatever dictator or despot was running whatever country you are referring? Was it better to be shot or tortured because you did not have the proper bloodlines. You can't have it both ways sport. So, like I said. This is America. Love it or leave it. We got along fine without you before and won't miss one more ungrateful immigrant who is probably living like a king, then pissing and moaning about it. People like you make me ill.
2016-11-03 05:15:49 UTC
Anger has no longer something to do with it. Anger isn't seen an excuse once you're being tried for homicide, and as properly, people who've killed in conflict in many cases declare that what they felt replaced into worry, or no emotion in any respect (the emotion in many cases comes later.) So go away out emotion. it relatively is beside the point to this situation. in actuality, you're killing in self protection. Even in the civilian international, in case you kill somebody in self protection (say a robber pulls a gun on you and you shoot him) this isn't any longer seen homicide. it relatively is many times talked approximately as manslaughter and no rates are filed while they be sure it replaced into in self-protection. possibly it style of looks like a small difference to you, yet legally, it relatively is a huge difference, and to maximum ethical systems it is likewise seen a huge difference. There are pacifist strains in numerous religions (which comprise Buddhism, specific forms of Hinduism, and the Anabaptist and Quaker forms of Christianity) which reject this reasoning and say that killing is in no way justified. yet maximum religions and ethical systems settle for the want for self protection (and protection of others.) possibly you're able to desire to study greater approximately those faiths and notice what they could could desire to assert approximately killing in self protection. solid luck!
2008-11-17 18:29:16 UTC
What do you mean that America has never been in a war or never been on the losing side of one

Sometimes war is the only option

your line of thinking allowed Adolph Hitler to run wild in Europe for years

I invite you to come try to put me or my family anywhere

Be sure to kiss your mother goodbye first
Glen B
2008-11-17 18:28:20 UTC
War is a necessary evil. Conflict brings progression.
2008-11-17 18:31:52 UTC
Apparently you are young and know very little about history.

Pearl Harbor


War Hawk? You have never worn a uniform, have you?


2008-11-17 20:00:39 UTC
you're just cursing yourself because you're benefiting from their suffering. that's the whole reason we're still a free coutnry.
2008-11-17 18:32:00 UTC
Silly little things like stopping this:

It's a guy thing
Too Old For Idol
2008-11-17 19:31:38 UTC
For peace.
2008-11-17 18:36:04 UTC
you are unfairly generalizing a bit.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.