2008-11-17 18:24:54 UTC
How many Americans have lost their children in war? How many of you fathers have been helpless in being able to defend and provide for your family? How many of you Americans have lost your livelihoods due to a misplaced "smart bomb." How many of you have gone outside your homes and been told to go back inside by a faceless man? How many of you have a tank sitting outside your driveway? How many of your daughters are raped in the name of "war?" How many of your kids eat grains of flour right off the street?
Its funny how people in this country justify war as a way to "protect themselves" when they've never experienced the consequences of war. I want to take every neo-conservative war hawk and put them and their families in the middle of the Congo, or in the streets of Kabul, or the small towns of Georgia and see if their view of war is the same.
This is not a rant against our US military. The men & women of the armed services do a fine job and when given a mission they will accomplish it, whether its justified or not, because it is their job and it is how they are trained.
May God Bless them & God curse those who profit from other peoples suffering in the name of their own security.