Can A SPC smoke A PFC?
2011-06-21 09:41:44 UTC
First off I need the A.R. that states what type of corrective training A SPC can Do to A PFC.

Second, An Individual soilder got smoke by an NCO in the morning for doing something wrong wasnt life threatening but it was still wrong like forgot to shave type... later on that day that NCO gave him a negative conceling and told the Soilder to shape up (fyi the NCO has told him time and time again about fixing this situation) later that evening the SPC in the platoon got told to shape up there soldiers and talk to them so they went up to the barracks and started "smoking" "scuffing" whatever you want to call it that individual soldier.
I dont need ideas although they would be helpful i need facts a site or something so i can print off the AR that states whats what
thanks so much!
Nine answers:
2011-06-21 09:53:31 UTC
There is no such thing as an AR that says an "E4 can't smoke an E3." That is just ridiculous.

There IS, however, a such thing known as "discretion." CO's use it, Top uses it, so on and so forth. If the SPC was told by the Plt Sgt or whomever to get Soldiers squared away, then the SPC has been deemed to have authority by the Plt Sgt. It's called "delegating."

Not trackin? Then google "discretion" and "delegating" to see what I'm talkin about.

Still don't understand? Then fill out the attached DA Form and submit it directly to your 1st Sgt.

That should take care of you.
2011-06-21 10:37:14 UTC
There is no AR in this case. I'm a SPC, and my team leader is a SPC, and our two new guys right out of basic are PFC's, and before we deployed and they ****** up, we'd smoke them a bit. Nothing insane like some NCO's do, but just a few min. Also, smoking and counselings are both corrective training methods. In my unit, you can't give both. So if the soldier got a counseling and was smoked for the same thing, the NCO is in the wrong. If the SPC is in a position of leadership, like team leader, or is a senior E-4, then there is nothing wrong really with taking a smoking from them.
2011-06-21 10:01:19 UTC
There is no AR that says what a SPC can do to a PFC.

If the SPC is in charge of the solider/s (pfc or below) then he is in charge of their discipline as well. After being "smoked" it should follow with a counseling statement.

If those soldiers do not belong to you (IE you are not their team leader) you really can't do anything to them.

ADD: Your punishment should fit the crime. Smoking does not fix a shaving problem. Checking up on the soldier prior to morning formation does. It sucks that you would have to do that, you know wake up earlier, make him show you he shaved...ETC, but that is what NCO's do to ensure they enforce the rules....
2011-06-21 09:48:42 UTC
I am normally the first person to get mad about abuse by NCO's, and poor treatment of subordinates.

In this situation, I don't see what the problem is...the Soldier is a dirt bag who cannot follow simple instructions. He doesn't need to get smoked, he needs wall to wall counseling!

And you are whining that a SPC made him (or be honest, is it really you?) do some exercises?
2011-06-21 09:52:50 UTC
Sounds like the NCO delegated the duty to the SPC. NCOs can do that.
2011-06-21 09:52:37 UTC
Flutter kicks, 8 counts, pushups in flak, kevlar and gas mask IN the mud WHILE you poor a 5gal jerry can on them. Then do sprints then fireman's carry their buddy in full it "combat conditioning" and the other NCO's should be like "roger that". OR the poor lad can get paperwork, most would prefer the former and keep their paper record clean

He will shave from then on =D
2011-06-21 09:46:29 UTC
What the hell is "smoke","smoking"? I was in the army over 10 yrs and never heard of such a thing.

Why don't you ask your NCO, Plt SGT or TOP.
Pete T
2011-06-21 15:30:14 UTC
Probably not , I imagine it would take a hotter flame than a Bic lighter to get him lit . And the smell, lawd have mercy , the smell of burning flesh is horrendous.
2016-11-11 11:01:58 UTC
do no longer think of that there is. attempt to be tactful in dealing with this via fact in case you smash the dynamic on your group or squad your going to be moved to everlasting **** element. attempt conversing inclusive of your boss professionally approximately it once you're actually not mad. via fact in case you explode & on t him or you getting fired, its going to be you. It sucks yet examine out it as a gaining understanding of journey, use his general on the squad. the rest is a guess.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.