2011-05-25 16:11:21 UTC
I'm 17 years of age (18 this august) and I'd like to join the Royal Marines Commandos within the next 2-3 years (my partner will be moving in during that period) but I'm very unfit. I can't do a minutes worth of running without being seriously out of breath. I don't smoke, I don't drink and I don't take drugs, nor am I over-weight, I also have a reasonably healthy diet, and no health problems. I'm just very unfit.
I have plenty of time to put aside for training, and I realise I shouldn't bother wasting the recruitment officers' time unless I'm completely sure that I'm ready for the courses, training and recruitment tests. I have a family history of service and I'm completely sure that this is the life-style I want, and I'm determined.
I'd like advice on how I can properly train my mind and body for the Royal Marines Commandos, preferably from a serviceman but I won't dismiss anything else other people have to say, it would also be good to know what I should expect during the tests. As I understand, the tests and training feel different doing them than what you'd expect from reading about it.
I'd also like to see the tattoo policy, I can't find it on the official website. This wouldn't be the main topic of the question so it's not important to include it in your answer, copy and paste if you can though, please!
I also speak Welsh as my first language, I plan on taking a first aid course within the next month, I have no qualifications or previous work experience, if all of that would be worth mentioning.
Cheers in advance!