Absolutely! The Bush administration lied to Congress, hoodwinked the American people, and conned our valiant troops into believing there was honorable purpose in attacking another sovereign nation that in no way threatened, provoked or attacked the United States.
675,000 Iraqi citizens and 3,800 U.S. soldiers have given their lives so that a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists and power brokers can become wealthier and more powerful.
I support our troops 100% - and we ALL could show our unwavering support by DEMANDING that they all be brought home immediately. This unconstitutional, illegal, unjustifiable, immoral 'war' is - and has been from its very first day - all about OIL and WAR PROFITEERING.
George Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and all their war-mongering friends deserve a special oil-soaked, blood-stained corner of Hell where they can rot for eternity, along with:
* all 535 members of the most arrogant, incompetent, evil, contemptible, cowardly, corrupt Republican-led Congress that stood by and allowed Bush to run rip shod over our Constitution -and-
* all 535 members of the most arrogant, incompetent, evil, contemptible, cowardly, corrupt Democratic-led Congress that promised to end this war if they were elected, and - to date - has done nothing to honor that promise.
I respect, honor and support our troops.
I abhor this insane, obscene 'war'. -RKO- 10/07/07