Jonny B
2008-05-16 08:58:10 UTC
While serving at Fort Hood in 1986, we had just been issued brand new Humvees and were anxious to see if they lived up to everything that we had ever heard about them. Myself, my squad leader, my buddy and his squad leader were out on the range driving off-road when we decided to cross the river.
At this particular crossing there was a patch of built up concrete that the engineers had placed during the dry season, by staying on this you could easily cross with the water only making it half way up your tires. The problem begins when you go off the concrete and completely submerge your two week old Humvee.
Picture four men standing on the roof of a Humvee as the river flows gently by us.
Luckily, or so we thought another truck equiped with towing winches comes by before anyone sees us, unfortunately these guys were so high that we had to dive in the water, swim across, and operate their truck while they took a nap under a tree.