How do soldiers carry their rifles?
2010-07-20 20:11:15 UTC
Soldiers these days use assault rifles, submachine guns, light machine guns, shotguns, and sniper rifles. When they are not using them, how do they carry their rifles? Do they use a sling and hang them on their backs or are they just hanging on their chests? I know assault rifles are hung on the chest because its easier for soldiers to draw them and start shooting, but I have no idea about the other four guns (a sniper rifle or light machine gun seems too big to be able to hang on the chest).

Second part (it's related to the first question): Do soldiers always carry one rifle (one of the five guns I listed above) and one side arm or will they sometimes use two of these rifles (like a sniper rifle and a SMG or a shotgun and a SMG)? If they do use two rifles, how do they carry them while being able to draw and fire quickly?
Eight answers:
2010-07-20 20:15:48 UTC
You realize of course that this isn't Call of Duty and you're only carrying one weapon, not 5, right? The weapons have slings on them (with the possible exception of sniper rifles) and they're carried at the low ready.
2010-07-20 20:27:50 UTC
every soldier is issued an assult rifle while deployed or in the field. Only certain soldiers and higher ranks get to carry 9mm pistols (flight crews, officers, and usually the ranks of E-6 and above). The rifle has a few different types of slings, and the different type of sling dictates how the weapon is held. The classic sling, that goes from butt stock to barrel, allows you to sling it over your back (when carrying something else) or over your shoulder while marching. If you are not carrying anything, you will always hold your weapon at a ready position, or low ready position, so as to be in a position where you are ready to draw up your weapon at a moments notice. There is also the 3 point harness type sling, which allows the weapon to be on your front, while the sling is still around the body, and can also be quick disconnected for tactical situations. The 9mm pistol is always holstered on the hip, or a shoulder holster with the muzzle pointing down (except flight crews, who have it facing to the rear to accomodate their flight gear). The only other rifles soldiers will carry on a daily basis is the M249 SAW, which has a large padded sling to ease the load on the soldier, which is carried in almost the same way as the M16, and the M240B which is very similar to the 249. The 50 caliber rifle and higher rifles are crew served weapons, and are only issued when necessary. It is not a rifle that is carried all the time. 90% of the time this weapon is vehicle mounted, and is only unmounted in certain situations. There is no slinging the M2 .50 Cal weapon, it is too bulky, and must be carried in front of you.
2010-07-20 20:40:09 UTC
It all depends on what your doing with the weapon. Combat will see the rifle/carbine, SMG, and machine gun with a sling so the weapon hangs in the front for quick access. For garrison or guard duty the rifle/carbine and even the SMG might be slung on the shoulder either muzzle up or down. Shotguns are mission oriented. In combat they are used to breach doors and may be carried slung over the shoulder or carried in a sheath worn on the back until needed. The MP with a shotgun will most likely have a sling to wear over the shoulder. Sniper rifles will either be carried in hands unless climbing then worn over the shoulder or back. They may also be carried in the drag bag and then worn as a backpack, carried by hand or tied to your ankle and drug behind you as you crawl into position. I know the British SAS tend not to have a sling on the rifle while in combat. Forcing them to have their rifle in hand and not stung.

Most soldiers carry a only rifle or carbine, no sidearm. Machine gunners might have a sidearm. Most soldiers (USA) don't carry a SMG. Officers and elite troops (Special Forces) get issued sidearms in addition to there rifle/carbine or SMG. If taking a shotgun into combat one will usually take a rifle/carbine also. I've seen Marine Scout snipers carry both their rifle/carbine and sniper rifle at the same time. The sniper rifle is carried until they are in their sniper position and the rifle/carbine used up until then.
2010-07-20 20:26:41 UTC
Depends on MOS and TOE. I had a rifle and pistol in Iraq. Pistol in thigh holster and rifle up front. Inside the FOB (base) you can just sling them however you want. Another example is rifle up front shot gun attached to back using a special holster for quick grab. While outside the FOB usually your hands are directly on the rifle and you have complete control, not being supported fully by sling "low ready". Some units will only have one rifle with no sidearm, others one rifle and their crew served weapon on the weapons mount on the HMMWV. Several different variations to do things and diff combos of weapons all depending on mission, unit, MOS and your TOE.
2010-07-20 20:21:00 UTC
this might blow your 14 year old brain but here goes. soldiers do not carry around sub machine guns in the regular army, nor shotguns. snipers don't run around with sub machine guns like they do in your video games man. they get an M16 and a sniper rifle. none of those fancy ones either, they get a standard issue sniper rifle with a standard issue scope. and a night vision attachment for the front of it, if they are doing night operations. if you are not an officer, most officers don't anyway. carry a side arm like a pistol. and with rifles, when they are not using them they are laying in their bunks. and if its not in their bunk it is hung on their shoulders and if it's not on their shoulders they are cleaning it, that's the only time, you don't fling it on your back cuz then you'll get shot your weapon needs to always be at the ready. i probably blew your mind i know give it some time to sink in. REAL LIFE IS NOT LIKE VIDEO GAMES
2010-07-20 20:22:35 UTC
Come onnn this question doesn't exactly belong here. But usually it's just the special ops soldiers that carry a side arm and that will be located on a leg strap. As far as assault rifles go, they just hang on the side. Also I'm going to refer to a movie here but in "Behind Enemy Lines" the Serbian sniper had it strapped on and walked around with it on his back
2010-07-20 20:15:23 UTC
No this isn't call of duty. Most of them do not have sidearms, almost all use assault rifles, lmg's will be held the same way, sniper rifles I have no idea. What the hell is the point of this question?
Mark G
2010-07-20 20:16:16 UTC
Do you play many video games??

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