No shields, No smartphones. Not necessary, just be yourself, UK=OK.
The USA French 1773 rebellion is going down. India=UK=OK=RUSSIA=China=OZ
ALL USN CIA ships to be handed over by noon GMT to HM Royal Navy Boarding Parties.
You had better give our Royal Marines a Great British American Party! NO Guns.
NO Sex! NO Abu Sayyaf. NO Al Qaeda. NO Rebels. NO French Pirates. NOUSA!
The Royal Navy defeated the CIA USA rebels at the battle of Aleppo 2013. NOUSA.
I am not ranting, I am questioning the USA trolls.
They are going down. Just like Napoleon in 1815.
USA evil trolling is a criminal offense, making harassments insulting my mental health.
Please refer "USA" to Police for prosecution for insulting
Her Majesty the Queen which is a criminal offence in the UK=OK.
Thank you very much and God bless you.
HM Royal Navy STOP RISK RMT Fleet Admiral James Bond 007.
France Really Goes Down as in NO Napoleon 1815 Portsmouth is Portsmouth.