The US and Royal Navy, two great navies, two very different futures!?
2009-06-13 14:23:19 UTC
The US and (British) Royal navy are two great navies, but their futures are quite different.
The US:
As the US enters the 21st century, it enjoys naval supremacy that is greater than any other navy of any other civilisation in history. It's fleets sail the globe with full dominance in every ocean, and more than capable of providing a 24hr, 365 day a year deterrence of every class of ship. It’s navy is larger than the next 13 navies combined, and 7 of those navies are allies of the United States, a further two are likely to side with the US in a fight. This is unrivalled naval supremacy. Every ship in this navy is fully up to date with the latest system, unlike other navies where only some ships are modern, referencing to the Russians. Plus, some ships are more powerful than others, there exist only 11 super carries in the world, all of them owned by the United States, each one processing over 90 of the most advanced and powerful fighter jets, this is more than most modern air forces. The question for the US navy is how to maintain and expand this capability, it has answered this in a series of ways, such as heavy investment in research and development, strategic think tanks and organisations which should ensure the United States fights it’s future wars with the right equipment. One example, being the increased focus on brown water navy ships as opposed to blue water navy ships in an increasingly littoral enemy environment.

The UK: As the Royal navy enters the 21st century, it finds itself in its weakest state in its history. The Royal navy has been in gradual decline since the WW2, and the future offers no hope as to a change. The biggest challenge for it’s admirals, is that of survival! In the face of a dwindling defence budget, crumbling resources, which politicians seem in denial about the rot, and posses no desire to rescue the whole British military from its plight. It’s current state is terrible, but there is no money going into research and development, thus it’s future navy is inadequately being prepared. It’s leading to a situation where, even if it was decided to throw money into the research of a certain area, the cost that will be required and the poor capabilities of that system, when compared with foreign systems, that have had years of backed research and development, and are much more capable and cheaper as a result, means future British independence on military hardware is bleak. 20-30 years from now, the Royal navy will still exist, but in what shape and form? A world-class navy capable of fighting all over the world, or small costal force which is in the second tier of powers?

What do you think?
22 answers:
2009-06-13 14:32:54 UTC
Yes well the British Navy has quite got used to being the second greatest Navy in the world, we've been following the general trend of letting the Americans get on with war and **** following WWII.

Britain no longer really requires a massive Navy. It did when planes weren't invented, and all other European nations were looking to invade by sea every couple of years. Plus they were quite useful for conquering and all that. Nowadays nuclear weapons and missiles are much more of a threat. Maintaining a massive navy would be a waste of money.

Besides even now we have the second largest navy in the world. I mean it's smaller than it was to be sure, but it's still fairly impressive. And it suits it's purposes. And the US navy, as huge as it is, is still a mainly peacekeeping force; defending the US is not it's main priority. And it is roughly 1/5th of the British Navy at it's prime. The Navy as an institution is declining in importance world wide.

Besides we don't need a massive NATO for attacking foreign countries if it is required; we're part of NATO. We get the American, French, German, Canadian etc ships all in one big unit.

Besides if needs be, we have the factories and resources to rearm a massive navy. But the fact is with the likelihood of a global or even a European war ever being faught again, we don't really need a Navy other than to defend oversea territories.

EDIT: Sorry I didn't mean to say second largest, I mean second best, and with all the technology we have, this at least is true.
2009-06-13 14:50:41 UTC
That's bull about the British one, they are currently building 3 new battle cruisers that will make American ships look weak. We also have the new T45 destroyers, far above American technology.

What a load of crap your description of the Royal Navy is!

New T45:

New cruisers:

Now you tell me the UK Navy are declining... Whoever filled you with that is seriously an idiot.

2009-06-13 15:02:08 UTC
I can certify that the new British T-45s are the most technologically advanced warships known to man... So, that is probably the worst description of the Royal Navy's future I've ever heard.
2009-06-13 15:20:06 UTC
The difference is the Royal Navy is connected at the hip with the EU which is a socialist structure. Britain is NO LONGER a SOVEREIGN nation. The British people no longer have a say in their government or any facet of their lives. Parliament is a puppet to Brussels.

God bless, save and protect the wonderful British people.
2009-06-14 01:54:14 UTC
As the UK and US have been allies since the American War of Independence, and as the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the world make conventional weapons almost an irrelevance in the event of a "world wide" conflict, surely it is more sensible to use dwindling national resources to improve health and alleviate poverty and hunger.

If the resources of the super powers were used to help the third world, the need for military intervention and the risk of internecine conflict would be reduced, freeing up the military for it's real job of home defence and international policing.

Although Britain can never hope to equal the US fighting machine in terms of scale or equipment it is a a highly trained, well disciplined force with very specialised knowledge and skills. The US and Britain together form a well integrated and unbeatable partnership.
2009-06-13 16:06:08 UTC
Whatever cuts government has to contemplate in time of recession, it MUST keep the Royal Navy's shipbuilding programme intact, including the two new aircraft cariers, as this guarantees the future of what little shipbuilding capacity we have left in Britain.

The stupid decision of a previous Labour gov't to cancel new carriers in the 1960's meant that there ws a long period in the 1970's where Britain had no aircraft carriers at all, and had only just got the first of a new generation into service in 1982. Without them, we would not have kicked the Argies off the Falklands.

And Britain has slumped to fifth largest Navy in the world, I'm afraid.

the Russians exceed us, of course (only to be expected). After that, gut instinct and British pride says we should be third-largest.

But we're not. Shamefully, we have a smaller navy than our old WW2 enemy, Japan. (How did we let this happen!)

And recently, the French, of all nations, exceeded us in naval strength. This sort of sticks in the throat and is quite worrying, given which European country we've spent longest at war with and whom we find, with good reason, hard to trust.

By the way, the Common Market is SOCIALIST??? ... you learn soemthing new every day. I thought it was just a cunning way for the French to rip everybody else off by, among other things, insisting we conform to idiotic rules which they themselves have no intention of obeying
2016-12-27 16:29:32 UTC
Um...yeah the Royal Navy is royally fucked. It might as well be a skeleton fleet. The British can sing "Rule Britannia" till kingdom come but it doesn t change the fact that in a full-scale naval conflict, the Russian Navy will sweep them from the seas.

As for the US Navy, its future is very promising as long as it can rid itself of a defense industry that builds weapons just to burn money. Their "new" (the design was hatched back in the 1970 s for **** s sake) $6 billion destroyer recently broke down and the Russians, back in 2014 with the USS Donald Cook incident, have already demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that they can absolutely and very inexpensively BLIND and PARALYZE any US Navy warship.
2009-06-13 23:23:29 UTC
Don't under estimate the Royal Navy - it is still the second largest warship fleet after the USN and is constantly modernising. New carriers are being built right now and will come into service soon.

You can find out what the RN is doing by visiting the links at this search list below. . . .

HMS VICTORY - Royal Dockyards Portsmouth, England - the world's largest military industrial base.
2009-06-13 14:36:37 UTC
When I met some Royal Marines back in '03 while in America they were surprised about how well our citizens treated them. They didn't want to wear their uniforms off base in fear of getting jumped by the locals, as they said happens all to often over in England, but to their surprise they were actually praised for their decision to join the military.

How can you expect a military to thrive and flourish when the very citizens, the same who are needed to put on the uniform to continue the military tradition, hate the military in every way?
2017-03-05 05:15:49 UTC
2014-10-27 14:41:17 UTC
Well if we look at it from a historical perspective, the UK has had a Navy many times greater than the US Navy, with ships like HMS Warrior, it alone could've sunk a large proportion of the US navy because of the great pioneers and engineers. in fact in the early 20th century, a requirement passed by the Ministry of Defence, required the UK to have a navy greater than the 2 runner-ups combined, and to be fair the UK has had a greater Navy for longer than America has and will for another 200 years.
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Steve P
2009-06-15 05:48:07 UTC
The Royal Navy has declined from 3 carriers, 67 major surface ships (cruisers, destroyers, frigates) and 30 submarines in 1980 to todays force of 2 operational carriers, 27 (soon to be 24) surface warships and just 8 combat submarines, along with the 4 nuclear missile subs.

However, it is still the second largest navy in NATO and one of the most advanced in the world, so don't write it off just yet.

Britain is still a sovereign nation and well able to defend itself, in spite of the Euro-skeptic views expressed above.
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2009-06-14 01:44:50 UTC
In addition to Beatnick...Maybe it's true but at least the UK is honest and say they stick to a budget that is, in usual circumstances, reasonably sound, whereas the US are the 22nd most indebted country in the World based on GDP levels, they owe China 24% of all securities or $639 Billion, (which is fractionally less than the total UK debt of $829.7 billion ) and in total owe $3072 Billion to foreign governments, not to mention US investors and businesses. So Whether they have the best Navy is irrespective if they can't pay for it themselves. And all the ships in the World are useless in Afghanistan and other future battles are going be be fought...on land. Yes air support etc I admit but a few subs will cause havoc, and it only takes one missile to sink a super-carrier.
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2009-06-13 14:37:50 UTC
Perhaps the best way to view this is to look at the history of the Royal Navy.

Its' main reason for existence was to defend our merchant fleet and thus to maintain Britain's dominance as a trading nation.

The type of threats presented of old are all gone. Also we are no longer a dominant trading nation, or indeed dominant anything else....

The threats to our country these days are drug smuggling, massive immigration (invasion) legal and illegal, European takeover and Islam.

Ask yourself this:

Can the Royal navy defend us against any of these threats?

I don't think it can. Or it would be politically unwise to do so. eg go and sink a ship bringing in drugs or illegal immigrants.

In view of all this I am led to the conclusion that the Royal navy has simply had It's day and we just don't need it any more.
2009-06-14 08:06:42 UTC
We still have HMS Victory Our most effective battleship The rest are just expensive big boys toys

We can`t even give our admirals a ship each to play with
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2009-06-13 20:11:52 UTC
As long as the british stays allies with the US, there is no need to waste british tax dollars on super carriers. Let us Americans do it, and let our tax dollars pay. U.S. and U.K. ANd other NATO Navies are jointed all over the world,
2017-02-13 19:56:47 UTC
Britannia has ruled the waves since it defeated the Spanish Armada in the 16th century. After WW2 with the ascension of the US and Russian navies and the decline of the British Empire, the Royal Navy has a different role in world events now. Although smaller in size, the Royal Navy has maintained through it's alliance in NATO (and especially the US) a technological edge. While much of the former Soviet Union's fleet is now rusting in port, the Russian Navy under Vladimir Putin is starting to modernize. China is also increasing and modernizing its navy as well.
2009-06-13 14:29:33 UTC
I agree with the U.S. part, but not so much with the British part

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.