No problem Sir!
Rummy... that's Mr Rumsfeld to you civilians...says their missiles aren't really a threat and won't work because...well they're made in Korea... And anyway we could drop-kick those retard commie bastards all the way back to Hades in a New York minute with our reserves if we wanted to. And to stay well within budget we'll just use the excess ordinance that we pick up from those other retard bastards, the dead-enders, over there in the Sunni triangle. Hot damn! These are the good times boys!!! Let's be thankfull that there are still a few fools like old Kim Jung, who want to challenge our "teeth-kickin', death-dealin' rap-rhymin' gang-bangin' heavy metal MILITARY MACHINE"! Otherwise we might get soft and lazy and start playing soccer and eating baggets like the French, bunch of *******!
Although it makes me wonder...why some of these piss poor little countries still haven't figured out that they'll be better off when they realize that in the end they all want to be capitalists just like us. Like "mini-me" (go ask China, and Vietnam, and Ukraine, an...) Untill then they're gonna get stomped if they... you know... "mess with Texas" -so to speak.
(that one's for you Mr Prez) Okay,
Yeee Haaa!!! "Let's Roll !!!!!!!!"
Uh, oh yeah. About lowering the fighting age to 14. Let's be hush hush about that one and let it die on the vine, otherwise the pedifiles and all the other pervert dems like Ted Kennedy will think it'll also lower the legal age of consent, and that situation could get uglier than a vaginal blood fart at a bull-dyke carpet munching contest!
- Know what I mean, Vern.
-of course you don't have the cajones to admit it, but everyone else knows this is the best answer!!!
- so go ahead ya needle-dick, ask another one, Succa!!!