Why do so many Americans idolise their military when many of its personnel are merely tools for the activities of vile and sinister elites?
2018-10-10 11:34:50 UTC
Another important issue to raise...

Why would anyone knowingly militarily serve a nation (that is, even when the conflicts are just, which they almost never are) inherently opposed to the following?

1) Maximum protection against internal threats (lack of political or cultural safeguards against subversive elements, lack of proper and rigid national (including racial, which has massive tactical value) definition, etc)
2) Maximum protection against external threats (Islam and Islamification with all of their destructive and deadly effects (like the September 11th attacks), extensive belligerent African and Hispanic activity (a large amount of criminal gangs, some of which exhibit extreme violence, like MS-13), hostile espionage, alien tribal subversion (Hello, 2009 Fort Hood Shooting, grievance-mongering, etc). These aspects are all enabled by uninhibited racial heterogeneity and continue to be so.
3) Measures against cultural degradation (degradation includes promotion and embracement of tattoos, piercings, loutish behaviour, great focus on trivial aspects, indecent dressing, etc, with no relevant regulatory bodies to monitor the situation).
4) Maximum general physical attractiveness (instead of just starting and stopping with British and Scandinavian composition to secure high general beauty, it was decided that other racial types should be added, with the result being a severe reduction of proportion of good-looking people in society). The proportion
Sixteen answers:
2018-10-15 18:47:21 UTC
Why is THIS IN HERE??? It has NOTHING TO DO WITH HORSES or their care.
2018-10-13 18:35:53 UTC
You have clearly never been in the military, as your question belies someone who doesn't know the first thing about what it means to be a soldier, or the oath we swear upon enlistment. The military are not tools for elites. That they are sometimes sent into war for the wrong reasons is an unfortunate truth, but you ask any soldier -- ANY soldier -- what they fight for, and the answer will always be the same: the constitution and the safety of the American people. Because a crooked politician might send them off on a dishonorable quest is not their fault; it's the fault of the people who voted that dishonest politician into office in the first place.

Incidentally, I'll tell you what my drill sergeant told me and my platoon one night during mail call: It's a soldier's duty to follow orders, unless they feel that order will bring dishonor to themselves. Soldiers are not puppets, despite and regardless of what you may think. We fight to ensure your rights and freedoms -- and yes, that includes your freedom to write the garbage you wrote here.

You're welcome.
2018-10-11 15:40:17 UTC
Uh-huh. Sure.
2018-10-10 16:59:49 UTC

"Ninefinger's Beastial Halloween": A Poem

Ninefinger asks

What's better than a bat?

The large male balls

On a big black cat!
2018-10-10 13:45:12 UTC
Lol as soon as you get called out on your arrogance you stop replying.
2018-10-10 13:07:11 UTC
Negative effects of uninhibited racial heterogeneity in the United States, including but not limited to:

- Highly strained race relations.

- Outrageously highly disproportionate minority rates of crime relating to violence and aggression (particularly from African and Hispanic demographics). This has caused untold numbers of assaults, rapes, murders, armed robberies and other offences

- "White flight" occurrence

- Ghettoisation

- Threatening of continuity of high-level general physical attractiveness (through endangerment of people exclusively of Northern / Northwestern European extraction)

(Defensive properties of this attribute presented here)

- Spread of racial culture that glorifies degeneracy, violence and civil disorder (e.g ghetto)

- Islamic terrorism (potentially deadlier in the United States thanks to the prevalence and accessibility of firearms)

(The September 11th attacks would never have happened had the nation made sufficient efforts to remain homogeneous. Lessons should have been learned from that monstrously horrific attack).

(Islam, with all of its extremely vile societal effects, thrives in multiracial Western societies)

- Relentless Islamic terrorist attack attempts (caused by belligerent foreign ideology)

- Widespread Islamic fundamentalism confirmed through extensive opinion polling

- Vulnerability to foreign espionage

(Russian spies had the perfect conditions to operate in the United States during the Cold War. Their roles are even easier to perform today. Every nation on the planet can now easily execute spying activities in that country. How unfortunate)

(The United States is already experiencing serious problems with the Chinese stealing American military secrets)

- Vulnerability to ethnic subversion of state sectors (police, military, intelligence, etc)

(For example, the 2009 Fort Hood shooting. Also, if the United States went to war with a foreign country, could you really trust the American soldiers of that country's ethnicity not to betray you?)

(The United States is already experiencing Chinese subversion in its higher education institutions)

(Continued in comments)
2018-10-10 11:42:20 UTC
Awww snowflake didn't get answers he liked from asking this yesterday
2018-10-10 11:41:07 UTC
Brits R Among the Ugliest people on earth!

1/2 the GDP would go toward dental care.
2018-10-10 11:39:17 UTC
Because you're over estimating their character and under estimating their know how.
David S
2018-10-10 11:37:05 UTC
If you were a comedian instead of an anarchist, someone would pull you off the stage with one of those giant hooks and eject you from the theatre.
2018-10-12 08:47:04 UTC
What country doesn't?
2018-10-11 05:03:24 UTC
The US has very foolishly allowed non white people to take over the Untied States ,and in the process make white people second class citizens. I feel sorry for the people in the military who actually believe the propaganda that is put out by the democratic and republican establishment. Many Americans are foolish enough to think that by treating minorities with special treatment that they are going to somehow like white people better. White Americans have been greatly discriminated against for the past sixty years in the United States ,and now we have people who we can't trust. I refused to serve in the US military when I got out of high school ,because I have been discriminated against my entire life for being a white male. I don't buy into the false sense of patriotism when white people are being discriminated against ,and being treated like second class citizens. White people need to stand up in America ,and stop this madness before we are voted out of our country.
2018-10-10 17:02:34 UTC
Because we can.
Jimmy C
2018-10-10 15:52:37 UTC
American are encouraged to idolise the military through government propaganda to ensure support for US military ventures. When Bush invaded Iraq for instance, he spread the message that 'we are fighting for our freedom' which was totally untrue but it sounded great and americans believed him.
2018-10-10 12:31:15 UTC
You can leave any time, we aren't going anywhere.
2018-10-10 12:03:01 UTC
Grow up

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.