Why is there war in Lebanon?
Please tell me all the details. Who's fighting who: (Isreal and Hezbollah are fighting each other, unfortunatly Lebanon is the unwilling battlefield and the majority of casualities are civilians with lebabnesse getting the worst end of the deal +600 and counting) Why: If this question had an agreeable answer then that would solve alot of the worlds problems; my personal answer is that it is a deep rooted problem, Isreal had forcilbly taken over land 70 +\- years ago from the Palestineins and since then the Palestineins have been fighting a mostly one sided war (the Isrealis have far better technology and training, and of course our (American)support, so they never lose) in 1967 all the surrounding arab nations fought with against Isreal and lost and now the Egyptians and Jordanians have signed peace treaties with Isreal. Hezbollah was formed when the Isrealis occupied a "buffer zone" in southern Isreal from 1982-2000 as a para military liberation force, to free themselves from what they rightly saw as an unjust occupation of their land, and there are still many bitternesses between Hezbollah and Isreal, such as the fact that Isreal holds close to 500 lebanesse citizens without charges, which according to international law is illegal, so Hezbollah got the bright idea that if they would capture two Isreali soldiers then they could possibly have an exchange of prisoners. Which has brougth the situation to what it is now. There is no real right or wrong in this situation, but more like opinion over who is more wrong in the situation. The wrong notches for Isreal are the fact that they have killed 600+ innocent people in their effort to stamp out Hezbollah, they have taken out most of the infrastructure in Lebanon, infrastructure that the Lebanesse have worked hard to build up after a 18 year civil war. And of course the irony of the whole thing, it is two prisoners the hezbollah have and they have five hundred lebanesse umm... need I say more. Hezbollah on the other hand is a mostly fanatical group of islamist who if they had any sense wouldnt have brought this on their fellow country men, that is if they cared about them. They didnt need to capture two soldiers, and provoke Isreal to retaliate in this way, now all Lebanesse are suffering in some way or another because of this. WHEN: Well this has been happening over the last four weeks. HOW: Isreali planes, are bombing all of lebannon, Isreali artillery is shelling southern Lebanon, and Isreali infantry is killing any Lebanesse that is remotely suspected of being Hezbollah, even if they are only five year old girls, (I guess they figure they could grow up to possibly breed more hezbollah so hell lets take the out now i.e. lets commit genocide on the hezbollah, that is of course if you think of hezbollah as a race of people). Hezbollah is firing crude rockets into Northern Isreal and trying to make up for their lack of quality with quantitiy, having launched 1500+ into Isreal, but the effects are rather lame with very few Isrealis actually getting hit. THanks guys: Your welcome be as comprehensive as possible. I tried