Why is there war in Lebanon?
2006-07-29 02:11:09 UTC
Please tell me all the details. Who's fighting who. Why. When. How. THanks guys. be as comprehensive as possible.
Ten answers:
Richard R
2006-07-29 02:43:50 UTC
Why is there war in Lebanon?

Please tell me all the details. Who's fighting who: (Isreal and Hezbollah are fighting each other, unfortunatly Lebanon is the unwilling battlefield and the majority of casualities are civilians with lebabnesse getting the worst end of the deal +600 and counting) Why: If this question had an agreeable answer then that would solve alot of the worlds problems; my personal answer is that it is a deep rooted problem, Isreal had forcilbly taken over land 70 +\- years ago from the Palestineins and since then the Palestineins have been fighting a mostly one sided war (the Isrealis have far better technology and training, and of course our (American)support, so they never lose) in 1967 all the surrounding arab nations fought with against Isreal and lost and now the Egyptians and Jordanians have signed peace treaties with Isreal. Hezbollah was formed when the Isrealis occupied a "buffer zone" in southern Isreal from 1982-2000 as a para military liberation force, to free themselves from what they rightly saw as an unjust occupation of their land, and there are still many bitternesses between Hezbollah and Isreal, such as the fact that Isreal holds close to 500 lebanesse citizens without charges, which according to international law is illegal, so Hezbollah got the bright idea that if they would capture two Isreali soldiers then they could possibly have an exchange of prisoners. Which has brougth the situation to what it is now. There is no real right or wrong in this situation, but more like opinion over who is more wrong in the situation. The wrong notches for Isreal are the fact that they have killed 600+ innocent people in their effort to stamp out Hezbollah, they have taken out most of the infrastructure in Lebanon, infrastructure that the Lebanesse have worked hard to build up after a 18 year civil war. And of course the irony of the whole thing, it is two prisoners the hezbollah have and they have five hundred lebanesse umm... need I say more. Hezbollah on the other hand is a mostly fanatical group of islamist who if they had any sense wouldnt have brought this on their fellow country men, that is if they cared about them. They didnt need to capture two soldiers, and provoke Isreal to retaliate in this way, now all Lebanesse are suffering in some way or another because of this. WHEN: Well this has been happening over the last four weeks. HOW: Isreali planes, are bombing all of lebannon, Isreali artillery is shelling southern Lebanon, and Isreali infantry is killing any Lebanesse that is remotely suspected of being Hezbollah, even if they are only five year old girls, (I guess they figure they could grow up to possibly breed more hezbollah so hell lets take the out now i.e. lets commit genocide on the hezbollah, that is of course if you think of hezbollah as a race of people). Hezbollah is firing crude rockets into Northern Isreal and trying to make up for their lack of quality with quantitiy, having launched 1500+ into Isreal, but the effects are rather lame with very few Isrealis actually getting hit. THanks guys: Your welcome be as comprehensive as possible. I tried
Roy W
2006-07-29 02:22:33 UTC
Wow I could write a 1000 page book on this if I was to be comprehensive, so I will be brief. Isreal is fighting a religious sect of muslims who live (among other places) in Lebanon. The Lebonese government can not fight this group (Hezbolah) because some of their own army has the same beliefs and the could cause their military to be fighting itself (civil war). Why? This Hezbolah group doesn't like Isreal because of its beliefs and has been launching missles into isreali cities and going across the border into isreal and attacking people. What was the straw that broke the camels back this time? The Hezbolah group went across the isreali border, killed 8 isreali soldiers and captured two. Basically the Isreali's are showing that they are capable of doing tremendous damage, so stop attacking them. By the way they have not even begun to turn loose on lebenon, its more of a show of force to leave a memory in these people to leave them alone.
2006-07-29 02:17:12 UTC
Hezbola, which is based mainly in lebanon kidnapped to Israeli soilders, so isreal would realease some prisioners of war. Israel doesn't take well to threats, and decided to start bombing the parts of lebanon where they knew, or at least thought hezbola was hiding.

This is also the reason they are fighting with palestine, well that and they both want control over gaza, and other places in between the two.
Kevin A
2006-07-29 02:32:37 UTC
because lebanon let hezbollah take over the southern portion of their country - as well as create strongholds in major cities like beirut.

when hezbollah crossed the border into Israel and kidnapped the soldiers - that is an act of war on a sovereign state - and Israel has responded. lebanon is responsible for the groups and terrorists it allows to not only live in but rule their country.

Read the newspaper if you want it all.

Look it up for detailed stories in
2006-07-29 02:42:09 UTC
Israelis are fighting Hezbollah. This in not the first time they are fighting. It appears to me these fights are going on since eternity right from the days of Ishmael and Issac. The reason for fight is who wants to each how much cake? Cake is limited by size shape and value. The cake here is land and authority to rule. Lebanon is a small country north of Israel. Hezbollah are group of militant Shiite Muslims who are declared as a terrorist organization world over. They are covertly assisted by Iran and Syria. They get their Katyusha missiles from Iran and monetary and moral help from Syria. Israel wants protect and secure its northern borders. Presently Hezbollah is firing rockets which have destroyed life and property in Israel. Hezbollah was not involved in the battle until they captured and took as prisoners Israeli soldiers. Probably they came in to the battle to relieve pressure on Hamas who were already fighting a bitter battle with Israel. The battle is still raging . Israel wants to liquidate the arsenals of rockets explosives and other weapons held by Hezbollah. What Israel does not realize is that these will again be replenished by Iran. The only gain Israel it appears will have from the present battle is to shift Hezbollah further north out of the range of their rockets and establishment of international peace keeping force to restore normalcy.
2016-08-28 20:06:02 UTC
Israel received one heck of a surprise final June... In the beyond they've had all of it their possess manner however final yr a host of amateurs gave them anything to suppose approximately ! Sure there may be plenty of discussion in Israel on the second approximately what they will have to have performed however a few matters to remember ..... a million. The Israeli public have received their eyes at the govt on the second in view of the latest file on their debacle ! two. The United Nations presently have a giant drive in Lebanon ...that during itself is a deterrant to any sort of aggression ... No must panic however the faster the interior govt bickering amongst Lebanese Politicians stops & they get right down to checking out this energy battle the bigger it'll be for every body ...
2006-07-29 02:21:49 UTC
As far as I know, they tried to push Isreal around... and you just don't do that. They told Isreal they'd kill a couple of Isreali soldiers if they didn't release they're own prisoners. So isreal responded with a bombing run. There's a reason that such a small country has never been taken over. BOO-YAH!
2006-07-29 02:21:15 UTC
ur asking about war in lebanon k hezbollah kidnaped 2 israeli sodiers in exchange for 10,000 lebanese prisoners in israeli jails but israel refused truce so they started bombarding lebanon so this war is between hezbollah nd israel but israel is destroying lebanon not hezbollah so i think it was a chance for israel to bomb and destroy lebanon for once and for all so israel is bombing leanon and hezbollah is bombing israel
2006-07-29 02:18:03 UTC
Too many possible countries trying to fit into not enough space.
2006-07-29 02:15:20 UTC
it started with Hezzbola kidnapping israeli troops and killing them. im not sure of the rest sorry.

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