I'm with Tyler on this one, sorry. If you're only interested in the Coolness Factor, and want to combine it with the I'm Too Lazy To Do Much Training Factor, then I don't want to serve with you. Fortunately I'm going Army so I won't have to.
FYI, I happen to think ALL jobs are cool. For instance, I'm going in as a Public Affairs Specialist (basically a journalist), and happen to be wetting myself with happiness that I was able to nail down what I consider to be the coolest job in the military. My husband, on the other hand, was Infantry, and thinks THAT'S the coolest job. Even the less-glamorous jobs are "cool" because they're all necessary. If it wasn't for the men and women in the chow hall or the laundry room, you'd be eating MREs and washing your own underwear.
Oh, and you're never going to be a pilot, because that requires a college degree, which I'm sure you're too lazy to get, and you won't be Special Ops because that requires hard work and dedication along with extensive training, something else you don't think is very "cool."
My suggestion would be to go get your worn-out video of Top Gun, watch it 80,000 more times to get your "cool Air Force" fix, and then go see if McDonald's is hiring.
Good luck to you!