someone asked for me to give examples of the lies & deceit of the war in iraq? here they are.?
2007-08-09 07:58:30 UTC
1) we went into iraq because of the claim of weapons of mass destruction. here we are 4 years later & we havent found a thing.

2) this was about taking over their oil.

3) iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 despite that liar george bush's claims.

4) this was also about cheany giving his friends power in iraq.

5) despite bush's claims the war has been won more troops are dying now than when the actual war happened.

6) another bush lie is that there is no civil war. who is he kidding?

7) bush hasnt done anything to those soldiers who have raped children & killing entire families. im supposed to support soldiers who have done such crimes?

face it america. bush misled the people into this war of lies & as usual you all sit there with your thumbs up your behinds instead of doing something about it. what happened to the brave americans from the 60's who fought injustices? i guess that went away & are now replaced with gutless americans who accepts everything done to them.
21 answers:
2007-08-09 08:04:58 UTC
Thanks for sharing... I agree completely and still think a lot of some issues Michael Moore pointed in his 9/11 film. People discarded all of his claims because he was quite sarcastic, but I still think of those things and cannot trully dismiss all he said.
2007-08-09 15:09:20 UTC
1 False, we have found weapons of mass destruction (chemical) and others

2. We have done nothing with there oil.

3. W Never said that they did have anything to do with 9/11 that was the media hype.

4. Cheey has no power to give.

5. This may be true but the casultys are less than any other war in history.

6. I dont recal him ever saying that there was no civil war. Besides what does it matter anyway.

7. You read too much liberal press. That has been going on for every war that we have ever fought in. You just now get to hear about it. The stronger side will always have the few that take advantage of the situation. Only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.

Any more rediculus rumors you want to discuss.
2007-08-17 06:14:59 UTC


1. Your right we have not found any WMD, but for all we know they may be buried somewhere in the dessert.

2. What oil are we getting out of this.......oh yeah you're right that's why I'm paying $3.00+ for a gallon of gas.

3. You're right partly on this one Iraq didn't have anything to do with 9/11

4. What friends are you referring to? I've been to Iraq and I don't know of any of Cheney's friends being in power.

5. Well technically the war was won---we did beat the Iraqi Army and defeat Saddam. We are now fighting extremists.

6. This one I can agree on with you in some sense. Although it is not a full blown civil war right now it may get to that point.

7. Ok your an idiot for this statement!!!!! As a former soldier I really don't want your support---you could probably join Bin Ladens crew if you like.

Soldiers are being punished for their crimes over there, and rightly so they should face punishment for crimes. In saying that though some soldiers on the ground are being punished for actions that are necessary. In a war like Iraq you don't have any idea who the enemy is, and sometimes you have to make life and death decisions that may save your life or the soldiers with you in a split second.

Nice try on your points I think you should do some research before putting stupid crap up like this.
John S
2007-08-09 15:16:01 UTC
This is the best you can come up with?

1) EVERYONE believed Saddam had WMDs, he had multiple sanctions from the UN against continuing to build them, he had tested chem and bio weapons on his own people, and he refused to let the UN inspectors check to see that he wasn't building them, we had to be stupid not to believe he was hideing WMDs.

2) We have not taken over their oil, we never intended to take the oil, we have much much more oil here in the states than is in all the middle east, their are other countries with much more oil than Iraq if we wanted to take oil ex. Venesuela and Saudia Arabia

3) NO ONE SAID WE WENT TO IRAQ BECAUSE OF 9/11 we went to out Saddam, we are still there because of the terrorists who commited 9/11 are trying to take over the country.

4) Sence when did Cheany have friends in Iraq?

5) We did accomplish what we went their to do, we removed Saddam and his regiem, that is over and won, we are now fighting terrorists from taking over the country.

6) I saw no evidence of civil war while I was there, they don't always agree on how to form thier gov but so did we when this country was founded and that was not a civil war.

7) I have heard of very few instances of this and believe me they are not gitting away with anything, they will be punished to the full extent of the law, not even the troops would stand by and let things like that happen to those people.

anything else?
2007-08-16 11:08:37 UTC
Cammy Da Commie.....Al Jazeera is not a real TV station and neither are your views.

1) I suppose the trailers they found buried in the sand were portable lemon ade stands . They weren't mobile GAS plants? HHHMMM.....

2) Northeast of Tikrit by the Iranian border.......Those training

bases they found MUST have been for the Camp Fire Girls.

Al Quida used it as a vacation spot when it wasn't in use?

3) The Brave(so called) radicals of the 60s are brain dead from all the drugs. I.E. Hillary & Beleeza Bubba Clinton.

4) Are you from France? Because is smell coward in yahoo answers.

5)Why don't you stick to something you actually might know like.........if you don't wear your Burka ....will your hubby hit you with that ugly stick,,,,AGAIN!!
2007-08-09 17:44:13 UTC
Let me start point by point with your fallicious, spurious attempt at reasoning.

1) Iraq did have WMD and have used them in the past. Google genocide and Iraq. Saddam used toxic gas on his own people killing several thousand.

2) We get less than 10 percent of our oil from the middle east. Most comes from South America. We have not recieved one drop more oil from Iraq since the war began. Besides distribution is decided by OPEC. Its not like we are over there with trucks just pumping oil and bringing it back to the US. Please.

3) Many terrorist training camps and funding were located in or traveled through Iraq with Saddams express permission. Many Al-Queda member have been trained and took santuary in Iraq.

4) I wont take the time and effort to dispel this myth.

5 and 6)Most of the terrorist in Iraq are actually transplants from other countries who are either paid, forced, or volunteer to go to Iraq and fight Americans. Most are from Iran and Saudi. There is sectarian violence in Iraq, yes. But this is not what Americans are facing.

7)Military members have faced severe penalties for indescretions in Iraq. For example in the news recently a soldier just recieved 110 years for being a lookout for a rape. A lookout, not even the one who commited the rape. On the civilan side he probably would have got a couple of years believe me.

I find it sad that such ignorance is out there. My guess is that this person calling Americans gutless does not serve in a branch of the military. They sit in the comfort of their living room and pontificate the implications of a war that hardley even affects them. Look around our country. You can hardley even tell we are at war. It does not affect the daily living of 99 percent of our country. Opinions are like ******* everybody has one. Usually they are uneducated and spurious such as this one. I think that one uneducated trogledyte with an opnion is more dangerous than a terrorist. I suggest you pick up a rifle and ship out or just thank an us soldier for his service. Otherwise quit complaining about something that you only see from you living room.
2007-08-09 15:09:28 UTC
more lies and deceit:

The New Republic, was thrilled to tell the

story of one brave soldier who would speak out

and finally tell the truth of how our soldiers

are the true terrorist of this war.

i guess this was to demonstrate that the

truly support our troops.

when other started pointing out some obvious

errors in this soldier's story, they were

quick to defend and attacked the motives,

complaining that some conservatives make

"a living denying any bad news that emanates

from Iraq."

the soldier was Pvt. Scott Thomas Beauchamp, prompted

the military opened an investigation into his allegations.

There was no corroboration for his stories, and Beauchamp

then signed an affidavit admitting that every single

thing he wrote in The New Republic was a lie but rather than

issue a retracion, The New Republic went into full Dan Rather mode.

, for the thumbs down ppl i quote:

"They must find it hard, those that take authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."
2007-08-09 16:52:45 UTC
I agree. I also think it is our own fault if we don't start questioning what is happening in this country because we are headed for major slam. The CFR, the Federal Reserve bankers (international private bankers) and behind the scenes warmongers are trying to stabilize Iraq to get a stronghold in the Middle East. This benefits the federal reserve and bankers and the Military industrial complex. Which will lead to more wars. I read all the candidates stances on the war, the only candidates that are truly willing and honest about bringing the troops home is Ron Paul and Mike Gravel. I am working on the Paul campaign, and I pray to God people open their eyes to what the CFR is, why they are pushing for amnesty and nation building.

Youtube CFR and presidential candidates.
2007-08-09 15:08:47 UTC
1) Everyone thought saddam had WMDs, EVERYONE!! Alot of people thinks he still did, he had months to prepare for the invasion. And finding WMDs in a country is like finding a needle in a haystack. Im not surprised we didnt find the weapons. But just the fact saddam wouldnt let UN inspectors in to see was reason enough in my opinion.

2) Are you kidding me? you know how much oil it takes to go to war and invade a country? If bush was concerned about oil supply, he'd be better off not going to war.

3) This is a war on terror. Al-queda (sp?) was responsible for 9/11. Iraq is one of the largest strongholds for the Al-queda terrorist group. Thats why we're in afghanistan too.

5) He never said the war was over. He said it was the end of major combat operations, and it was. Now they are just fighting the insurgeants (sp?) and trying to keep order in iraq.

6) there was a civil war before we invaded iraq IMO. The war just brings more attention to it.

7) Those solders are fighting for YOUR freedom, they are giving their lives so you can live your life with the freedoms you take forgranted. Soldiers who commit crimes will be punished. But dont stereotype based on a few bad apples. Thats like me hating an entire country of people just because they have a few seriel killers or something, dont lump them all together.
2007-08-15 02:55:57 UTC
Anyone that thinks there were no WMD's in iraq is a fool and does not know history. Think sadam didnt have WMD's go ask a Kurd about what sadam did to them he gassed his own people.

Ever think its a bit suspiciouse that he banned inspectors from so many sites so often? Get real.
2007-08-09 15:13:50 UTC
#1 We did find some WMDs and captured one of Saddams generals who told us he shipped most of his WMDs to Syria and if you don't believe me read for yourself the links which some are even your own favorite liberal media.

#2 All oil from Iraq has to go through OPEC which is in Saudi Arabia so that blows your second lie.

#3 Bush never said anything about Iraq being part of 9-11. He did say that Al Qeada had trained in Iraq and we found their training camp in northern Iraq. That's three of three.

#4 Where's the lie in that one especially when Cheney had nothing to do with it. They were the lowest bidder.

#5 Saddam is dead, in case you didn't hear, he fell and broke his neck so it was won. We are now trying to protect the innocent Iraqis from insurgents and train the Iraqi military to take over when we leave. Damn, you're not very good at lying are you?

$6 Oh my God you are really out of the loop. The insurgents (which are from other countries like Iran) are fighting trying to take over Iraq and take eveything they have. Six for six.

#7 You are just going to have to prove that huge lie. If you had the guts to join the military you might know better than to lie about everything. You haven't gotten a single truth out so you are a 100% liar. Deal with it.
2007-08-09 15:06:51 UTC
Stick to what you know and not what you hear/read in media. I was an Intelligence Officer in the Military from 1978 to are wrong on so many levels and it's sad you try to sound like you know what you are talking about. Your biggest problem is you just hate Bush and you can't get past that.

As far as the troops go, don't support them...then when you need them, they won't be there...are you understanding your stupidity yet?
2007-08-09 15:06:22 UTC
there are many of us here who do agree with you. But some people's voices are louder than others'.

I've yet to watch Fahrenheit 9/11... but I've never believed in us going to Iraq, and I never voted for George W Bush.
2007-08-09 17:22:52 UTC
this really shows that you have no idea what your talking about, i have friends in the army and my husband is in the Air Force they are always saying they hate that the news never shows the good things that are going on over there, your just one of those people who believes everything you hear and thats good enough for you, its a shame
Izzy N
2007-08-09 15:02:49 UTC
Let's not forget 9/11, which jump started America's hatred toward the Arabic world, which gave backing for the initial invasion of Iraq:
2007-08-09 17:01:21 UTC
The only one here with something up their behind is you. It's not your thumb, it's your head. Enjoy the cool-aid.
2007-08-09 15:31:08 UTC
Your so called FACTS are nothing more that LIBERAL BS. Get a life. Oh and a brain.

USMC 66-69
curious connie
2007-08-17 05:36:08 UTC
So, what's your question? Get off your soapbox!
2007-08-09 15:02:42 UTC
"They must find it hard, those that take authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."
2007-08-09 15:02:23 UTC
not a question.
2007-08-09 15:02:28 UTC
dry up...and blow away

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.