2007-08-09 07:58:30 UTC
2) this was about taking over their oil.
3) iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 despite that liar george bush's claims.
4) this was also about cheany giving his friends power in iraq.
5) despite bush's claims the war has been won more troops are dying now than when the actual war happened.
6) another bush lie is that there is no civil war. who is he kidding?
7) bush hasnt done anything to those soldiers who have raped children & killing entire families. im supposed to support soldiers who have done such crimes?
face it america. bush misled the people into this war of lies & as usual you all sit there with your thumbs up your behinds instead of doing something about it. what happened to the brave americans from the 60's who fought injustices? i guess that went away & are now replaced with gutless americans who accepts everything done to them.